Give it a break

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After that unmistakable moment that did indeed happen Blaise and Ron decided to go to professor Dumbledore and ask him questions about the strange happenings of visions.

The boys started towards Professor Dumbledore's office. And after a long slow walk they say the password which was gumdrop. Then they proceed to enter the headmaster's office. "Hello Mr. Zabini and Mr. Wesley what may I do for you" asked Dumbledore. Blaise walked in first and sat down. While Ronald sat beside him and spoke. "Well it's kinda a long story but we can explain" Ronald said.

°A few minutes of explaining later°

"Aww I see I'll have to keep close tabs on this" said Dumbledore. "But for now it seems like only your friends and you guys are affected which might mean that your future is changing" said Dumbledore cautiously. "What do you mean headmaster" said Blaise. And just before he could get some in depth answers Professor McGonagall ( sorry not 100% sure how to spell her name) comes in and takes him to somewhere important.

So Ronald and Blaise gets up and starts to leave. "Um Zabini what did you see in your vision" asked Ron. "Well I saw kids and they were all talking when I saw them" said Zabini. Ronald nods and then speaks. "I also saw kids but it was weird because the kids were the only people i saw not even me" Ron says. Zabini turns around to think for a short moment. "That is quite weird" said Blaise. "But what do you think about what Dumbledore said to us" said Blaise. "It's kinda crazy but also concerning" says Ron. "Okay let's go tell our friends about this" said Blaise. "Yeah sure" said Ronald.
"So can we meet up sometime" asked Zabini which surprised Ronald. "Oh um yeah I would like that very much "said Ron. And after that they left to go tell their friends the news.

* In the Gryffindor common room *

Hermione was talking to Harry about what the visions could be and mean when finally Ronald came back. "So what did he tell you Ron don't leave out any details "said Harry. So that's exactly what he did. He started by telling them the conversation he had with Zabini and then how they both went into the office with Dumbledore. Then how he vaguely said it might be their future's changing. But Ron felt it was best to leave out the part about Zabini asking to meet with him.

So Hermione starts making her brilliant suggestions and such on what might be changing and how it's affecting them. But in the back of Ron's mind was thoughts of Zabini. 'I really like him so I need to show him that I'm not playing games' thought Ron. Harry and Hermione were talking about that for about a couple of minutes while Ronald was otherwise preoccupied by his crush on the slytherin guy in which his daydreams getting ever more heated. Suddenly Harry said something and it caught Ron's attention.

Harry in a whispered voice said "Malfoy agreed to meet me because he has something to say to me". Ron moved closer towards him. Hermione speaks. "What how did this come up" she asked. Well it kinda started like this said Harry.

* flashback to earlier *

Harry pov

I walk up the stairs to the Astronomy tower. I'm kinda worried that who ever it is might only like me because I'm famous Harry Potter. But when I finally reach the top I saw the beautiful tornado Draco Malfoy. I must have been blessed by the heavens. I slowly walked towards him. The light was perfect on his figure. I tap his shoulder. I'm trying not to kiss him and devour him and make him belong to me. I smile at him and he blushes." Well it's you Potter" he says. I grab his hand. "And it's you Malfoy" I said back.

"What an actual coincidence that you are the person I was writing with" I said. "It actually is isn't it" he said slightly nervous."I mean us two we are not quite enemies but not quite friends ethier "Draco said. "So now that we know are you okay with it being me" asked Draco. "Yeah if anything I'm actually relieved" Harry said. Draco looked up at him with contentment. "It's just there is nowhere were anyone but you could understand me and still say how you feel" said Harry. Draco suddenly turns around and walks over to the upper wall. Then he carefully sits on the ledge. "You know" said Draco "that we might have this thing going on between us but we can't ever act on it". Draco pointed at them and then looked around at the sky before giving a sigh. "But if you decide that you want to talk about things let's meet in a secret room near the Slytherin common room" Draco said. Then he jumped down carefully on the ground and walked away saying later Potter.

*End of flashback *

"It kinda started like this we were talking about how it was such a relief that we were each others letter buddy. Then we just got into the details of that" Harry said trying to blatantly skip important information. But Hermione was not having that and decided that they all go to the spot they usually go to, to talk in private. That place just happened to be in the restroom with Myrtle. "So tell us the whole truth" she said with a friendly smile. "Okay so he said this thing we had going on we can't act on it" Harry said slightly frustrated. Hermione eyes went really wide. She knew that they were in love with each other but for both Draco and Harry to admit it was like a bizarre dream. Ron was speechless but also relieved because it was indeed confirmed that they were not dating. Blaise and Draco of course. But he needed to have this clearly stated so that he didn't have a reason to be jealous and feel like he's stealing someone's lover.

Hermione looked over at Ron slightly smiling at his thoughts. "Okay Harry that means he wants to talk out your complicated relationship" said Ron encouragingly. Harry lights up "maybe that's the reason, maybe he wants to date but he'll tell me why he feels like we can't" Harry says. Hermione for once has to agree that it might be why he's called for them to meet again.


Draco was fixing his hair. He stopped using so many products and hair gal. He smiled into the mirror at the finished results. "Blaise come here" Draco yells. Not only does Blaise show up but so does the rest of the friends. "How do I look" Draco asked. "Like a full meal "Blaise says as he laughs. Draco pouts and Pansy joins in. "No more like a full snack" she jokes to Blaise. And they burst out laughing. Goyle starts laughing too leaving Draco fake pouting and laughing slightly. Crable went over to Draco."How about we unbutton the first 3 so potter can get a real treat from his prince "Crable laughs. The room goes silent. Then Draco and his friends end up having a great big laughing fit of their lives on the floor. Some crying from how funny it is others snorted.

"Okay ,okay let me talk to Blaise now" Draco says laughing. And then everyone but Draco and Blaise leave the room. "So what is it Draco" asked Blaise. "I'm so unsure but I feel like if I tell him, that things will drastically change" Draco explains."I mean former enemies turned lovers just think of the head lines plus my father "Draco mock laughs. Blaise looks highly upset and hugs Draco. "It's not always gonna be a great life, we make choices that change everything but never feel regret towards them okay" said Blaise. Draco nods into his chest then softly cries. "And the worse part is that my father might make me get the dark mark or worse because of the arrange marriage's" Draco says. Blaise stays silent. He gently runs his hand down Draco's back and sighed." If it's really meant to be then he will get extremely mad but hear you out and forgive you" Blaise explains.

"But if he doesn't then you'll always have me your trusted bestfriend "Blaise says with the purest emotion he could give. Draco smiles and wipes his tears. "Same here Zabini same here "Draco says before going into the bathroom. "Sometimes I wish we could just give love a break and live beyond our hurt and into our better days" Blaise says.

+With Cho Chang+

'It's felt like a year of horrible boredom without Lavender but I will live. After all I'm still in the midst of thinking. Do I give her another chance. I mean yeah we went through alot and she is one of my best friends but I'll be fine'. Cho goes to a table in the library and pulls out a book on the zodiac signs. She starts reading it when Luna sat by her. "Hey Luna how's it going with Neville" Cho asked. Luna smiles and moves her hair behind her ear. "He's really sweet and he is such a helpful guy" she coos at the thought of him. Cho smiles and grabs her hand. "That's amazing I'm so happy for you" Cho says. "Thanks so what's your favorite zodiac sign" Luna ask her. "Well I like them all but I'm curious about Taurus and Sagittarius they both make me feel like I want to study them more" Cho answers. "That's great we can study together because I want to study Leo's and Gemini" Luna says.

Suddenly Neville walks over. "Hey Cho how's things been" he asks. "It's good but it could always be better" said Cho with a shrug. "You know something has been bugging me" Cho said. "What is it" Luna and Neville say in unison. Well it's just......

A/n: double up date yah!!!

A/n: hope you enjoy because this story might be going on hiatus. It really all depends on my graduation date.

[Updated edit]

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