don't know what it's like (pt2)

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Blaise looks at her then pouts. "Well that's not fair I wanna know please " blaise begins to beg. Luna smiles and shakes her head." Not yet" she says.
Meanwhile with someone else named Pansy Parkinson she was sitting on Draco's bed. Just waiting for something to happen. And before she knew it her crush Hermione Granger sent her an owl. Pansy was hesitant at first but then she opened it up. And boy was she glad to have read the letter. Because Hermonie wanted to go on another date with her. So with blushing cheeks she got up and went to Goyle. Yes him that's how things just happened she picks the outfit and he picks her shoes and helps with her hair. He was willing to help because he absolutely loved Pansy giving him extra free dessert for his services.
(So this is what I personally imagine Pansy wearing it's a causal date and she is girly so)

Anyways Parkinson got dressed for her date with Granger and did her hair in a braid with strands out

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Anyways Parkinson got dressed for her date with Granger and did her hair in a braid with strands out. She thanked her friend and went to the location that was set. Hermione on the other hand was setting up the food she managed to snag and smoothed out her outfit. She was more than ready because lately they couldn't hangout much. All due to drama but she was really head over heels for Pansy.
(This is Hermione outfit I think it would be cute yet simple. It's absolutely something my friend would wear plus it has red. Gryffindor pride for her.)

As she got finished she smiled

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As she got finished she smiled. Maybe this will be the date in which they get a first kiss. Hermione turns around and then is shocked at how beautiful Pansy looks in her causal date outfit. She slowly walked over to her. Then she softly grabs her arm leading her to the table with the food. "Wow Hermione you are just super awesome " Pansy praises. Hermione blushes as she pulls the chair out for Pansy. "I wanted nothing but the best for our date Pansy " Hermione said with care in her voice. Then she sat down at her spot.
"So how are you doing " Pansy asks Hermione. She smiles and puts her hand on top of Pansy's. "Much better now" Hermione says. It was Pansy turn to blush now. "So let's eat shall we" Pansy says with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. Hermione smirks and grabs some food on her plate. "We shall" Hermione says.

Blaise,Luna and Ron were now in the great hall getting into more serious conversations. Luna suddenly remembers that she needed to be in her ravenclaw dorm for a meeting. So she handed him a paper note and hugged him. "I've gotta leave for the ravenclaw meeting " said Luna. Then she ran to her common room. Blaise looked very confused and conflicted but then he brushed it off. So they continued to walk around. Blaise started to get uncomfortable when he heard the large group of bullies from the party. That's when the rounded the corner and the leader Michael smirk turns into a big grin. "So look what the rat pulled in" says Michael in a malicious voice. All of his friends started laughing and it was really pissing Ron off. "So Ronald what are you doing with that slytherin trash did you just come from holding hands and making kissing faces" Michael said trying to make it seem like the worst thing ever. But before Ron could answer that is when Blaise spoke up. " no we were too busy giving your sister a special reward " blaise said in a provoking manner. That's when Michael's eyes went extremely red and he tried leaping over at Zabini. That comment obviously hit a nerve or two heck maybe all of them. And while Michael's friends helped hold him back they couldn't help hold back the outbursts. "Oh yeah well I bet lover boy probably didn't tell you then" Michael said with a I know everything tone. Blaise looked at him amused and determined. "Yeah he didn't tell me your sister was such a sweet girl " blaise said pushing him even more over the edge. "Yup it pretty much makes sense now" Michael said after claiming down. That was when Zabini started to think it was something that he was missing. The girl beside Michael named Meghan started to explain. "He didn't tell you that he stayed at the party with the others" she said. Blaise was kinda shocked. It almost slipped until he remembered who he was with. " Well that's his choice, plus you don't know what we are doing right now at this moment " blaise said with indifference in his voice. That clearly pissed of Michael but the girl Meghan started looking uncomfortable. "Well we should be leaving so good to meet you i-i mean it's not, never mind " she said as she dragged her friends to leave.
And as they left blaise turned to Ron. Ronald was hoping that he could sink into the ground and out of existence. So that must have been what Luna wanted to say he thought. Then he turned to Zabini with a frighten face. "Look I can explain " Ron said. But blaise was already starting to walk away. So Ronald had to speed up to catch up.
"What is it Ronald " blaise almost yells as he abruptly stops. "I didn't stay because I hate you or the slytherins I had another reason " Ron says. Zabini rolls his eyes. "Maybe you should just be honest for once with me, am I your little joke " blaise said. Ron's jaw dropped. "No I promise, it was just something he said and my pride was in the way" ron explains. Blaise looks at him. "Do you even know anything about me about slytherins " blaise ask in a practically begging tone. Ron stood there. He wasn't actually sure he heard stuff from his family and society and he even got some up close interaction. After a few seconds blaise starts walking away. "Wait" Ron says. "Slytherins well I might not know loads about them but I want to" Ron says." I don't really fully know you ethier but I believe that I can get to know you" Ron says. Blaise looks at him. "I'm a mess were a mess wesley, slytherins are different from the others for lots of reasons " blaise starts. "We aren't all happy people but we can be good, we don't usually have parents or role models that love us" blaise explains. "That's the biggest thing that separates the them and us, slytherins from the other houses" blaise says softly. Ron nods and then walks closer to Zabini. "Look we maybe different but I really like you and I want whatever we have to work" Ron says with full sincerity. "So everything happened but let's focus on now and the future, be mad at me for not leaving because it was pretty stupid of me but " Ron spoke. "Give me a chance and I'll give you a chance, so what do you say " Ronald asked.

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