party like it's our memories

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Sometimes I wish we could just give love a break and live beyond our hurt and into our better days Blaise says.

After spilling the beans about how their future's might change it did trigger some major thoughts but all in all they were still clueless. Meaning yeah they knew but how could they stop the change of something that they don't know yet? But at that moment it wasn't the least of there problems. No the drama and issues were.

Soon after Harry left to meet Draco a party in the Hufflepuff common room was called and any house was allowed to come join. So naturally Ron pestered Hermonie into coming with him and then his fellow Gryffindors decided to leave too. The types to never miss a party. So when they showed up it was quite packed. So Hermione and a few Ravenclaw girls decided to expand the rooms size. Which worked wonders because only the inside of the room got more spacious. And the party only continued to grow. Everyone was dancing and having fun. All houses were as one. Well that was how it was going but then the trouble makers came.

They were enjoying the party until they noticed that Slytherins were actually getting along with other houses. It was no fighting and no arguments. So it was only fair that they mess it all up. So they went behind their first victim who was a Slytherin 2nd year girl drinking pop talking with a Hufflepuff guy. So they bumped into her making her spill the drink on him. Then the next victim was a Slytherin 5th year guy who was reading something to a Ravenclaw guy. So they decided to use a spell to make it look like he was throwing the book at him only missing by a little bit. And they kept going until none other then Blaise Zabini said something.

While the others were on the verge of fighting the innocent Slytherins they stopped as they heard Zabini.
"Now what do you think you're doing" he says quite loudly. Most people stop to see what was happening. "It doesn't matter you Slytherin I'm just walking around" said the leader who was a Gryffindor 6th year. "Now that's not what I saw happening" said Blaise. "And what did you see" Michael said to Zabini. "I seen you trying to start problems for the other Slytherin students at the party which was peaceful" Blaise said with empowerment. The gryffindor and his gang stare at Zabini. "Well is there any proof" he says with a smirk. Then proceeds to talk on. "If anyone needs to be saying something it is everyone else because Slytherins are evil and only here causing trouble" he said. "Plus when have you guys ever been nice to anyone but yourselves, your nothing more than a hate group walking around" he says very loud. Zabini looks shocked and upset about hearing that. And before he could speak he could very clearly hear other students agree with them. So Zabini stands up straight and looks towards the whole crowd. "Well if that's really how you all feel I won't say anything but this, that giving hate only brings more hate" Blaise starts. "And if you really descrimant like that how does it make you any better than what you think of us, after all it's not about your family it's about how you individually decide to go about things" Blaise says strong and powerful. Then he called for the other Slytherin students to leave the party. And as they began to leave most continue on while the others had heard what he said and let it stay lingering in their minds.

Hermione loving the fact that he spoke up grabs her small trusted friend group who she was talking with and that totally agreed with him and they leave the party. Even some of the people who actually talked with the Slytherins and got along with them left. When Ron tries to leave he is stopped by the group. "Come on Ronald you of all people can't possibly support those horrible evil Slytherins" said the leader. Ron cringed at the use of his full name. Ron still had a part of him that wanted to stay but half of him wanted to leave and see Blaise. Ron turned towards the leader. "Well he did have some good points" Ron said. The leaders smile turned into a frown and he actually looked pretty intimidating. Then he smirked. "Or maybe you like the Slytherin co-leader in charge" he taunts at Ron loudly. With everyone staring at him he wasn't ready yet to go full into it. So he screamed deep down inside because the decision he makes right now will definitely affect his relationship with Zabini. But the overwhelming fear of being an outcast and a hypocrite crept up in his mind.

"Well actually I don't like them but I don't hate them" said Ron in response."Plus even though some Slytherins are not great people dosen't it count to I don't know at least try and see their goodness" Ron said outloud. Everyone was silent. Then the leader started to talk. "Well if that's the case then you can ethier be one of them or one of us but choose carefully Ronald". Then the leader of the group Michael continues with saying "Or if your really mutual then stay you don't need to follow your friend Hermonie out because she did it first with her other friends" he smiled a fake smile. Ron could very obviously smell and see just how awful this guy was. But then again two could play that game leaving only one to win or enviably lose. And well Ron he never thought he'd see a Gryffindor being an asshole but here he was witnessing it. His views on everything about the house's and students started changing. But Ron not being one to back down bumps into him extra harsh as he goes and dances with a few of his remaining friends.

Then the party is back to how it was. But just a lot more empty and kinda full of tension. Then a song played that cut the tension in half. It was a song that could easily make troubles slip away for a moment especially with the catchy beat and lyrics.


All the Slytherins went into their common room. They all were extremely happy that someone stood up and said something. Because even though they can have mean tendency sometimes who doesn't. That's apart of being a human alive and breathing. "Um Zabini you are the absolute hero the way you stood up to those jerks" 3 first years said and everyone agreed. "It's nothing it's just I hate those pricks that make us feel isolated and put us in the death eater group" Blaise says. "Plus most of us won't even become one and most of us are not evil" Blaise speaks. Pansy nods and adds on to him. "Plus if they all hate us then they are the real villains and they are missing out on some awesome people" she shouts. And that gets the whole Slytherin common room a since of new found pride in themselves. Then the most shocking thing happens. Crable and Goyle speak up. "We are Slytherin known for being cunning and ambitious" said Crable. "And never once did it say we were cunning, ambitious and evil "Goyle yells. The whole common room lights up chanting Slytherin. And only the highest place in heaven knows that they might just be alright.

As the night goes on the Slytherins make there own little party and have fun before going to their rooms. But before that Pansy gets an owl. "Okay Slytherins I got gossip" she states. "It says that almost half of the party left in support for us" she beams. The Slytherins give one last enthusiastic chant of Slytherin before leaving to sleep.
And when they have left Draco comes in with slight tear stained checks. Then he smiles. So Blaise Zabini being the bestfriend grabs him towards their room. Pansy getting the other 2 friends follow suit.

Let's just say that they spent the night talking and ranting but mostly enjoying each others company. Because life after the next day was sure to hit different.

A/n: I wanted to post this because it means alot to me and I really hope you get the messages that are implied in the chapter. Enjoy 😘✌

[Updated edit]

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