one of my kind

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Blaise laughs before starting his statement that he is nobody's lackey. Ron silently agrees with his eyes and then Blaise offers something he usually never does. Ron is shocked because Zabini asked him to....

Ronald and Blaise are soaking wet and laughing." I can't believe you actually did that you wonderful git" Ron yelled. Blaise eyes held a kind of sparkle that made Ron blush just a bit. Blaise grabbed Ron hand as they ran inside the school together laughing.

It only took 1 minute and one question to lead up to this event. Ron is shocked because Zabini asked him "Do you want to idk hangout or something "asked Zabini. Ron looked at the very handsome young Slytherin in front of him and his eyes screamed yes but his mouth said no. Luckily Zabini doesn't quite take no for an answer. He looked Wesley in his eyes and reworded his question.

"Ronald Wesley I dare you to hang out with me a Slytherin, now what do you say"? Ron smirked and told Blaise to lead the way. And as the muggle people say after that was history. They walked, talked, raced and even jumped into the black lake(or great lake). They ran inside the building and they were holding hands. It seemed like they would be great friends.

But when they came back to their senses after seeing Luna they separated hands. Blaise went to turn around and leave but he felt some sorta obligation to talk to Ron. But Ron seems to have beaten him. "You know Zabini you are different than I originally thought, I guess you can be one of my kind and I'm not talking about being a Gryffindor" Ron said then he walked to Luna.

Blaise turned around and walked away. He was smiling. He wasn't usually like this but it had to be something about that Wesley boy that has gotten to him.

*meanwhile *

Hermonie was a confused mess. Was Parkinson really flirting with her? Hermonie was no fool after all she was known as the smartest witch of her time. And after Luna told Hermonie about her crush on Neville she ultimately gave that up. She realized that because Luna use to date Ginny that maybe Luna had no sexual preference and she could try. Yet she decided that she wouldn't stand in the way of Luna's happiness. But she can clearly see the signs that Pansy is flirting with her. Right? I mean Parkinson kept purposefully touching her hands and blushing like crazy. And Hermione knew she wasn't imagining this right?

Hermonie rubbed her face and went to go see Luna so they could go to the great hall together. On her way to get her she seen Ron talking to Luna about something. So she respectfully walked over to them to hear Luna say......

^ in the Slytherin hall^

Harry had been waiting for Malfoy like a hawk to it's pray. And when he seen him he all but practically screeched and that is what got Malfoy to turn around. Harry slowly walked over to the pretty, no gosh darn beautiful boy Malfoy. He blushed as he pushed a green apple into his hands and said he's sorry for being more than rash about the situation. And by that he means kissing him so spontaneously and without knowing if the other felt the same way. Then he turned and ran far away ( into the great hall). Malfoy stood there in shock he was confused and slightly happy. He put the apple to his lips and took a bite. He was really in for it now. Saint Potter messing with his heart yet again, making his heart speed up and being so dense. Draco was not the dense fool he figured out that Potter was his.......

Hey double update I have only a few more classes until I graduate class of 2020. So here's my favorite class of 2020 joke that people say.

 So here's my favorite class of 2020 joke that people say

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So anyway I hope you enjoy ill update when I can

[Updated edit]

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