future 4

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The students are all in the Hogwarts school just talking with each other in the library. It's the kids 3rd year into school. And things were going good until Lila their new friend heard the story of how Albus and Scorpius traveled back in time and almost changed the future. And that really didn't help as Lila got an idea that she ended up dragging the friends into. And you can say they were more than unwilling to be apart of it.

"Um I'm most positive that we shouldn't do that" Albus says. "After all Al's big brother James will kill us if it happens again and we could permanently change something and not exist anymore" said Scorpius. But Lila wasn't as worried nor convinced. "Please guys I'm not gonna let that happen I don't even think time travel is even that hard" she states. Rose looks a little bit unsure but still a bit curious about it. "You guys my mother told me that if your gonna regret decisions that are life changing then don't do it unless you have too" said Lunar. And the group then goes silent. Everyone seemed to be against it for the most part. But then Lila tried once more. "Okay I might not be as cautious as others but don't you want a chance to see the people who made things the way they are now" Lila says. "I mean it's also good for personal research, like see what our parents were really like back then " Lila said as she got up. "But if you don't want to then it's okay but just remember I'm gonna do it" she says with pure mischief in her eyes. She then walks away. Rose and the rest of the friends had looks of worry. "I'm not one to be rash but can we stop her I have such a bad feeling about what she just told us " said Rose. Lunar nods and rubbed her arms as she got goosebumps.

"I'm actually worried for her she's too invested and determined to do personal research on the past" Lunar says. Scorpius and Albus agreed with them. "Hm okay well maybe she just wants to know what her dad was like Pre Hogwarts days" Albus says. Rose gives him a 'yeah right because that makes sense' look. "Well regardless we now know and we only have three choices for what to do" Scorpius says. They all look towards him. "Well we can tell an adult that is most rational or we could join her hoping nothing bad happens or lastly we can let her do whatever she wants and wait for whatever happens " Scorpius says.
"This has been too hard we are her friends but what should we do?" asked Albus.

A few months later

"Hey Rose what you doing" asked Lila. Rose smiles as she looks up at her friend. They are both Ravenclaw students and it's actually a blessing that they both challenge each other on an intellectual level. "Oh I'm doing some research on this potion about.." Rose stops as she notices a necklace that Lila has. "Cool necklace were did you get it" Rose asks. Lila sits down beside her and looks nervous. "Well it's pretty weird I was with Lunar in the halls after hours and this room was glowing " Lila starts. Rose had already had a bad feeling as she heard glowing and after hours. "And well we walked into the room and I went to grab the light but Lunar dragged me out" lila says. "What does that have to do with anything "Rose says. "Well that's the thing I went back and it was in a glass that said don't touch but I might have took this necklace " Lila said. Rose was upset about this. "Lila why would you do that I'm disappointed that you would do that " Rose whisper yells. Lila stands up upset and leaves.

Rose gets up and signals her friends (and technically her cousin) to follow her. And once they did she told them what happened. Lunar was upset yet not surprised in the slightest. "How could she just do that "asked Scorpius. Albus looks at his friends. "I'm not sure but it would mostly be something that we would do right Scorp "said Albus. Lunar laughs while Rose tells them it's not funny even though we know it is. "Hey what did the necklace look like" asked Scorpius. Rose looks over at him trying to remember. "Okay so it was gold kinda plain but had an hourglass, it was kinda retro cute" said Rose. "Although I think I heard my mom talking about something similar to that necklace " Rose said. And that's when Lunar got what Rose was hinting at. "We could stay and talk but I'm pretty sure we should be panicking because if what Rose is saying is true than she has a time turner" Lunar states. "But she can't have one it's impossible didn't Rose's mom take the one we had and that was one of the last one" Scorpius says. Lunar starts to think and so does Rose.

"That should be the answer but when you guys went back in time you must have changed or altered something wrong because there shouldn't be anymore time turners" said Rose. " Or maybe everyonethoughtit was the last one but it wasn't" whispered Albus. "Well let's think about it she has one but doesn't know she does and doesn't know how to use it" Albus and Scorpius say. "Oh I get what you mean "Lunar says. Rose still has doubts about this. "If it's true that means we need to get it away from her because she will find out eventually she is a Ravenclaw after all " Rose states. "That is true, oh why don't you two Slytherins try to be cunning and get her to give you the necklace " Lunar says.

Scorpius smiles at her because he is amused. But Albus isn't in the slightest. "Oh that's not fair you know plus she likes you better Lunar she says your Gryffindor spirit makes her remember a tale her father use to tell her " Albus says. "Okay enough we are gonna let her be until we make a good plan then give it to Rose's mom okay "Scorpius says. "Agreed " they all say in unison.

~Meanwhile with Lila ~

I can't believe she said that to me I wanted to tell Rose why I grabbed this but I just couldn't. I mean yeah it's wrong to take things that don't belong to you but I couldn't help it. The necklace wasn't calling for me but something or someone was. Telling me to take it and wear it. It sounded like a old man and young female. I am not sure how they knew me but they did.
Now I know my father told be about people who didn't like him and stuff but it's just weird and complicated. He is the nicest man I've ever met and that's saying alot because I met Harry Potter, Albus dad. I'm not sure when I staterd walking around but I just was.

Lila was thinking as she was walking around the school and ended up in her common room. And when she went into her shared room she saw her light copper owl sitting down on her bed post with a letter. She was thinking because it's her owl from home her dad must have sent her a letter. And he did but she didn't read it, not yet at least. She was remembering that night she took the necklace.

^Flashback to that night^

"Lunar it's getting late let's get you to your common room "said Lila. "Let's walk around together first and then let's go back "Lunar says. "Cause the gryffindor common room is so far" Lunar states. Both girls laugh as they start walking out and about. Lila was smiling and she grabbed her friends hand as she started speed walking. "Slow down Lila your going to fast" Lunar says. And as they continued to walk around they were about to be seen by a head boy. Lila pushed them into a room and quietly closed the door. "Let's hide until we don't hear anything and go to our common rooms " Lila say in a whisper. "Yeah and we can hangout later tomorrow " Lunar states. And after waiting for about 5 minutes they leave until Lila hears something. Lunar didn't know what Lila heard but they both saw the light emitting from a burned down room.( it's the Room of requirements.) So they both checked it out but then Lila heard the voices much louder than before. "Let's go this room is giving me major creepy vibes" Lunar says. But Lila wasn't hearing her as she tried to grab the glass that said 'Don't Open Don't Touch'. "Okay so I know people say Gryffindors are impulsive but I'm not that Gryffindor and we need to leave right now" said Lunar as she drags out Lila. "Fine okay but I just want to know why it's calling to me" said Lila. Lunar looks sympathetic.

"Probably dangerous don't go to things that call out for you" Lunar states. And so once they are at the Gryffindor portrait Lunar warns her and heads inside. That leaves Lila to go back and being impulsive she makes her own fate. Well her own predetermined fate anyways.

^End of flashback ^

Lila was debating on whether to put the necklace back but wasn't convinced she should. Sitting on her bed she lays down. Grabbing the letter from the owl she reads what her father has written her.

Dear bunny,
Something is not right and I want you to stay safe. I have an awful feeling that something is gonna change soon and so does my best friends. I hope you enjoy your day but be careful because once in time Hogwarts wasn't really the safest as it is now. Write to me later today.
Love papa.

Lila was starting to feel like maybe she shouldn't be doing this. But the voice came back. Whispering around her."The only way to move forward is to look backwards into the past". Lila was scared but way more interested in the voice.

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