what do I tell my friends

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Ron was sitting and daydreaming about who his letter buddy could be. I mean Ron never liked talking to anyone as much as him. And it was a nice feeling that not even The Harry Freaking Potter could give him. Hermonie walked up to Ron in his day dreaming state and tried to get his attention. Yet Ron was as responsive as a rock. So she hit his arm with a transfiguration book.

That finally got a reaction out of him. Ron yelped in suprise while rubbing his arm. He looked up to see Hermonie and no Harry. You wonder how she even had time to socialize with all the studying she does. But with that he asks "What's the problem"?
"Ron we need to go studie in the library for out charms test and I know for a fact you didn't study yet "said Hermonie. Ron just whined about hating to study when a owl flew in. He practically jumped but seen that it was for Dean and sat down." Ron you know if there is something you want to let me know just say it" said Hermonie a bit more reassuring.  Ron just shook his head and went with her to the library to study. Harry was sitting already in the chair closer to the back of the library.

He then heard Zabini talking to Malfoy about why he should stop obsessing over his letter buddy. At that Ron almost froze he didn't want Malfoy as his buddy. But in the back of his mind he didn't seem to mind if Zabini was. After all he was only the most attractive guy he has ever seen. But Ron couldn't let anyone know not even his friends because he was strictly straight, right?

Walking forward Zabini got up to get another book from the same isle as Ron . When Ron fell into his arms. Zabini caught him before he fell backwards onto the floor.

Zabini pov~

I got up to get me another charms book after Draco kept going on about his letter buddy being the most perfect person he has talked with. Like when did he ever like gryffindorks that much anyway?

[Updated edit]

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