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In potions Snape gives assign partners. It's Hermonie and Neville, Draco and Harry and surprisingly Ron and Blaise. They all sit with their partners and get to making de-ageing potion. It's awkward at first but it became more bearable when Blaise made a joke. That got Ron and Blaise talking and enjoying each others company. After everyone's potion is done Harry and Draco get best potion but to everyone's surprise Ron and Blaise get second best. After leaving the class they both ended up with new found respect for each other.

In common room with blaise

Blaise talks with Pansy and Draco for a long while. Until Draco decides that it's time he talks to his pal. It's funny how his pal is also in Gryffindor and is a male. So Blaise decides that maybe he should write his pal too.

Hello lion,
How's it going? I quite enjoy our insults but are we gonna keep beginning our letters with them? Not that I mind of course. I can't wait to meet you. So tell me what is your favorite food? Actually don't tell me we can save that for when we meet. Tell me about your family or parents. Until we meet then.
Best regards of sympathy your snake

Blaise sends off the letter and waits a little while before he gets one back.  They usually send about 4 to 5 a night to each other.

Hi you green grass snake,
It's good over here. I can't wait to meet too it's gonna be and I'm surprised to say this very fun. Don't worry insults are a most important part of our " relationship". I'll tell you about my family just a little later. But you have to tell me about your family too. It's great how friendly we are don't ya think. So I thought about things and there is only one person I would consider being bisexual for. Maybe I can tell you sometime.
Yours truly gryffindorkness

And that was how the relationship started to grow from simple letters. Maybe into more?

[Updated edit]

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