what are friends for?!

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Harry was running to Ron as he gotten both letters from their pals. It has actually been fun and it was getting closer to the days in which they would meet their letter buddies.

Ron's pov

Lately I've been being a super jerk. I should have been better at my decision making. I pissed off my friends and even ruined my potential friendship with Blaise. I guess that I should have listened to the warning Hermione gave me. And the worse part about this is that I messed up with Blaise. I realized that everything I did was completely foolish and stupid. If I were him I wouldn't even want to look at me. But I have to find a way to make up with him. After all he is important to me.

As I sit down Harry runs up to me with the letters. He was excited about finding out who was gonna be his new friend. And to be honest I was too. If they are anything like Zabini then maybe my initial thoughts on all Slytherin might change. So Harry practically throws my letter to me and runs off. I smile and then read the letter that was for me.

Sup pup,
I'm here to say only a few more weeks until I see you. But I'm actually in a really tough situation. I hope you don't turn out like the person I got myself in a pickle with. I mean don't get me wrong he's amazing and all but I feel like he's gonna ruin not only my mental state but my emotional state too. Sorry to be putting my concerns on you until we meet.
Slytherin of nature

I am shocked. Who would ever be that reckless and hurtful to were my letter buddy has become so overwhelmed. I sigh. Now to talk to Blaise and clear this up.

No one's pov

Ron rushed out of the common room and decided to write his buddy later. He started looking around for Zabini our perfect coco skin Slytherin. He finds him talking with Luna in front of the library. In Ron's heart it was a lot heavier. After Luna decided to leave Ron pulled Zabini to the side. "Hey Zabini can we talk" Ron asked with slight difficulty. Blaise looked confused and upset but nodded anyway. They hid behind some statues. "So what do you want with me" Blaise asked like he was physically tired. Ron grabbed his arm and looked down. "I wanted to apologize to you, I was taking my frustrations out on you" Ron said. "It wasn't the way to do anything and I understand if you don't forgive me and don't want to be friends" Ron said almost in defeat. Zabini was shocked still. Almost like a deer in headlights to be more exact. Zabini took his arm free and turned around. Ron looked up at him on the verge of tears. "Don't worry about it I've already forgotten about it Ron" said Zabini with all the composure he had left. Then he walked away. Ron was happy that they could continue being friends.

Zabini when he made it around the corner ran to his common room. Draco saw his friend and grabbed Pansy. They followed suit to the coco skin boys room. When they made it Zabini looked scary. "Blaise what happened" asked both Draco and Pansy at the same time. Well let me explain it started with........

Meanwhile a little bit later

Hermione and Pansy have been getting along well. They had even decided to go on a date. Pansy dressed beautifully in a light purple dress. When she met Hermione in the astronomy tower she was wearing a white dress. It was almost perfect. Almost. Except for when Lavender came. She was still mad about Ron. She is getting over him but she needed closure, proper closure. She looked at the two girls and nearly laughed. "So where is Ronald I want to talk to him" said Lavender. Pansy gave her a stinky eye and grin. Lavender shook a bit at that. However when Hermione answered she got mad. "Ronald is nowhere you should be looking, you need to work on yourself before talking with him "said Hermione in a nice voice.

Lavender wasn't happy with that and yelled at Hermione. Pansy wasn't in the mood. She was about to push her out when Hermione grabbed Lavender instead. Then they both left. About 20 minutes pass when Parkinson receives an owl from Granger.
Let's finish our date next time when we have no distractions. See ya later Parkinson. Catch me if you can😉
When Pansy read this she was a blushing mess. She got up and cleaned the mess and went back to her common room to talk again with her broken brother's from different families.

Ron talks with Harry by the black lake. "It's time to go inside" said Harry. Ron nods and they walk. "Am I really doing the right thing Ron" asked Harry. "I'm not sure just listen to your heart and brain and maybe you will figure something's out Harry" said Ron as he smiled at his friend. "Thanks Harry the wise wizard" Ron said as he laughed. "This conversation was much needed for us both" Ron said. Harry laughed too. "Well what are friends for" Said Harry.

A/n: sorry it's short but it won't be next time.

[Updated edit]

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