dangerous territory

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"Hey Blaise where are you? Zabini? " Goyle yells. Blaise looks slightly frighten and tells Ron that he'll see him later. After leaving Ron, blaise goes to Goyle. "You need me for something " Blaise asked with a curious voice. Goyle then sighs. "I have something I need to tell you that needs to be a secret " Goyle says in a serious tone. Blaise looks at his friend with worry. "Who died or got hurt" Blaise says with genuine concern. Goyle waves his hands around frantically. "No one it's just...." Goyle says. Blaise looks at him confused as he waits for the news. "I'm leaving Hogwarts temporarily and I need u to help keep it a secret " Goyle says. It's a moment of silence before Blaise speaks. "Why are you leaving, is something the matter at home" Blaise asked. Goyle smiles. "I'm not sure but thanks for caring and even considering keeping my secret " Goyle says in a honoured tone. Blaise smiles back while he wraps his arm around his friends shoulder. "The pleasure is all mine, plus what are friends for " Blaise says reassuringly.

At the slytherin table things are pretty awful and awkward. It was so much so that it left the other slytherin students on edge and the rest of the house's keeping an eye out for an explosion. Blaise and Goyle were sitting in the middle of the slytherin table eating and talking. Nothing weird about that if not for the fact that the others were not sitting with them. Pansy was sitting with Crable on the far right side of the table away from them. And Draco well he was chatting with Astoria on the far left side. This was the most unusual and uncommon thing to happen because they are sorta the inseparable dream team. So it felt sorta off for people who would actually enjoy listening to them be happy and gossip.

Eventually Pansy was in the common room with both Draco and Blaise. It was as clear as day she was still mad at Draco and just annoyed at Blaise for not being able to figure out what was going on. And to be honest she really missed her 2 bestfriends and was happy she still had her other 2 friends but wanted her besties back. She wanted so badly to tell them that her and Hermonie finally called each other girlfriend's. But she decided that she shouldn't tell them. Especially not when they are in their moods. So she held her head up and walked right pass them. She went into their room and took one of Draco and Blaise top and bottom pajamas and then walked over to her room. She really loves her friends and misses sleeping with them already. It's kinda a tradition to sleep in the same room with them. But traditional things were just meant to be broken. Right?

Blaise, Draco and Pansy were in class. Potions to be specific. They finally got to be in a group together but the timing was butt awful. And fighting with words were at a bear minimum. That was until Blaise and Pansy got mad at Draco because of what was said. "How can you say such a thing" Pansy says with hurt. "And how could you have not said anything to me about it dummy " Pansy says with shock and disappointment. "I said what I had to but I did admit it was really harsh and I did attempt to apologize "Draco said louder than her. Blaise rolled his eyes. "Your a rotten ass Malfoy and you know it, clearly you said it because you meant it " Blaise yelled. That caused a big crowd of classmates watching them. "Don't say that about him Zabini because you come from the same "rotten" apple" Pansy says hurt. Blaise flicked her off. "Oh shut it Parkinson I'm bloody convinced your still in love with him and after all he said to you too" Blaise said back. "Shut up you both are just mad that I figured out what I really needed to do all along" Draco said. "Plus at least she has someone she is in a mutual relationship with but not you Zabini you are in a never gonna happen relationship " Draco said taunting him.

That's when the 3 of them started to physically fight. Snape stopped them before it got too out of hand. Then the rest of the class was over. It seemed like they would never recover from this. It stepped into something they never would have ever liked or imagined. No this was beyond them. A new level of hurt and humiliation. A new bond that will make or break them. They have finally crossed over and stepped into the dangerous territory.

A/n: short chapter but we are getting closer towards the end. Rest in pieces my story. Rest. In. Pieces.

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