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"Hey Blaise and Pansy how's it going lately " Draco asked his bestfriends out of nowhere. Pansy gasps at him. While Blaise gives him a questioning look. "Where have you been we were looking for you "Pansy says. Draco looks away before answering. "I was busy doing important things" Draco said. Blaise was upset that his bestfriend wasn't telling them the whole truth. "Really and what kind of things were you doing " Blaise asked in a scary serious voice. Draco huffed and then smirked at his bestfriend. "Well it's just personal stuff nothing you'd ever want to know " Draco said taunting his bestfriend. Blaise rolled his eyes as he stood up and walked out of there room. Pansy pouts at her friends.

"You big idiot's need to make up if you're fighting "Pansy says snarky like. Draco turns pink in the face as he yells at Pansy. "Maybe it's all of you guys fault that I'm unhappy. Maybe you should stop stalking me " Draco yells in a serious voice. That shocked Pansy as she sat there. Then she started to tear up. "We're all friends but I guess you don't actually care right now so I'll give you space " Pansy says. But Draco just kept pushing. "No how about you stop being my friend because news flash I was never your friend anyways " Draco yelled. Pansy was now in tears crying. She knew something was not right but her emotions finally spilled over. "Fuck you" she yelled before leaving the room. And Draco waited a few minutes before sliding down the floor. He was crying because he didn't want his friends involved with the dark lord and because he knew that once they realized what was happening they would try anything to save him though it's already too late. The only thing he could do now was push his friends away.

*Meanwhile With*

It has been a few days since that day and nothing has changed much. Goyle was sitting and thinking about why Blaise didn't do anything once he heard what the letter said. Because it was strange and it was the exact same name that he picked if he had a girl one day. But he decided to think about something else. But then when he was going to the owl room to ask about where it came from he got a letter from my parents. He opened it up hesitant to see what was written inside. And he was relieved to see what it said but also pretty scared.

After what feels like hours of crying Draco went into the restroom. He gently washed his face. Once he was done he left and sat outside the room door. That's when he saw Blaise putting something in his bag. It was red which was weird because he didn't own red things. So he would have him explain that later. But he was getting very emotional on the inside because he loved his friends and he wanted to be around them. It's just he didn't want them to be forced to get the dark mark just like he did. And the method he is using to push the people closest to him away seems to be working.

As if being pulled out of his thoughts Blaise starts talking to him. "Are you okay Draco because I can't seem to see what is wrong " Blaise says in worry. Draco feels bad but rolls his eyes. "Zabini I'm perfectly fine just leave me alone" Draco says in pretend irritation. Blaise just stares at him before raising his voice. "Gosh damn it Malfoy just tell me what's wrong "Blaise says through cracked voice. Draco turns the other way. He couldn't look at Blaise. "I'm fine really I just realized that I'm too good to be friends with the likes of you guys" Draco says. Blaise was boiling as he turned Draco around to face him.

"You don't mean it, you don't mean that" Blaise yelled. And Draco stood up and pushed him. "Yes I do I can have better friends but instead I'm stuck with you guys because of the incident " Draco yells back. Then he covers his mouth and backs up. Blaise stares at Draco hurt and turns around to leave. "Wait Blaise I'm so sorry I said that" Draco tried to say. But Blaise just walked away.

Hours after that Blaise meets up with Pansy. They haven't been hanging out because he was with ethier Ron or Draco. "Hey Blaise " Pansy says still upset. "Hey Pans it's okay " Blaise says trying to comfort her. Pansy looks at him with love and friendship but then it turns confused. "Blaise where have you been lately it's like I never really see you. Plus you seem conflicted but happy" she says. Blaise sighed. Then he ruffled her hair. "It's just some things I need to deal with on my own" Blaise says softly. Pansy nods then relaxes on his shoulder. Pansy laughs and Blaise smiles. "What if we actually had feelings for each other. That's funny because we would be so freaking awesome together " Pansy says hugging into his side. Blaise pretend gags and starts laughing. "We would be brother and sister before we actually became a relationship " Blaise says. Pansy laughs in agreement. Then Blaise head started to hurt. He grabbed onto the chair alerting Pansy. She tries helping but he eventually passes out.

In the hospital wing Blaise opens his eyes. Things looked so much different since he had last been in here. He slowly stood up and looked around. It was oddly silent. So he got up and left to find someone or something. Heck anything to make sure he wasn't alone. But once he stepped out the hospital wing he was shocked and confused. This isn't Hogwarts or at least the Hogwarts he knew. The halls all the way to the floor looked different. I mean yeah it was the same on certain things but it almost looked rebuilt. New and improved.
But pushing that down he continued to walk. Once he turned two corners he heard arguing. "We told you not to do it why did you do it " a young males voice slightly yelled. "I'm sorry I really didn't mean too I'm not sure what even happened to be honest " a young girl voice said with sadness. Blaise thought that she sounds a bit like him. Then he began to shake as he heard the next bit.

" We told you messing with the past effects the future and is dangerous and now we're disappearing slowly but surely " another young males voice said. He sounded like Draco and it was getting creepy. So Blaise tried to walk away but he couldn't move. He looked down and he was disappearing.

Blaise eventually bolted up. His breathing was heavy and he was sweating badly. His body felt heavy too. He looked around the room. He noticed all his friends were there and a few other people as well. People he didn't even know with looks of worry on their faces. " How long have I been out?" Blaise ask in freight.

" How long have I been out?" Blaise ask in freight. " You only been out for a few days" Dumbledore says softly. Blaise looked very relieved and then he tensed up. "They.....We..... are gonna disappear " Blaise says. Everyone looks worried and confused. They were very taken aback from the fact that he said that. "Who and why" Pansy says. Blaise looks up in realized why the voices sounded so similar.

Blaise got up in a rush trying to leave but to no secuess. " I'm having a lucid vision of some sorts. All I know is something is wrong with our present and I'm terrified " explained Blaise. Dumbledore sighs and puts reassurance into Blaise that everything will be okay. "Things will happen as they are supposed to happen for better or for worse " said Dumbledore before leaving. "Pansy I want to go somewhere to see what's destined to happen " Blaise says once it's just the two of them. Pansy nods. " I know a guy" Pansy says mischievously.

A/n: welcome back to me I hope you like it and enjoy

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