don't know what its like (pt1)

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" I-I'm pretty sure that I like you Blaise Zabini " said Ron. To say I was in shock would be correct and why the heck am I studdering I think. And as I go to respond all I can say is "w-what, why........."

Blaise pov

Inside my mind I was thinking this is dangerous to me. Just how awful a dream this would be if he said 'I'm just kidding'. But I decided that it wasn't a lie after looking into his eyes. "W-what, why would you wow" I said in complete shock. Looking at Ronald rub his red hair back in a slow but swift movement was very attractive. "Are you sure, not that I'm complaining or anything I'm just curious" I said to Ron. He bites his lip and smiled at me. His face getting redder and his freckles more noticeable. "Dude I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it" Ron said in a light mocking tone. I eyed him and then rolled my eyes. "Well this odd to be interesting" I said in a entertained voice.

No one's pov

Harry was walking into the common room. He looked like a complete mess, well more than usual. He had puffy eyes and baggy under eyes from not sleeping good. He rubbed his starling green eyes and was met by Hermione walking towards him. She looked nice as preusual with messy curly hair and pretty smile, light blush and hazel eyes. "Harry are you okay you look pretty tired" said Hermione. Harry sighed and looked her in the eyes. He shook his head no then pointed to the common rooms long couch. She gave him a weak supportive smile before walking with him. Others in the common room were all busy doing what they usually do and making dares. And so they both sat close by each other on the red color couch.

"So Harry what's the matter " asked Hermione with slight concerns. Harry took a few deep breaths and moved his hands in his lap. "Well Malfoy basically told me he liked me but he's getting the dark mark " Harry said with hate on the verge of tears. Hermione looks completely shocked and listens more intently. "He doesn't even want to get another opinion , so that also means he really doesn't want to date me ethier " Harry says with sorrow. "Told me that I should bloody date Ginny and never talk to him again" Harry says. Then he starts to tear up. Wiping his eyes furiously he looks down. "That's completely horrid " Hermione replied. "Did he give you a reason why he decided to get the dark mark " she said with full concern. Harry nods his head yes. Then his starling green eyes start leaking emotions again. "Said it's because we are completely different and that he doesn't have a choice "Harry says.

"But everyone has a choice and it doesn't matter how different we are" Harry whisper yells. Hermione takes a few minutes to unveil what she has been told. Then she analyzes former ideas and reasons for why things came to this. "Okay Harry so he said your different and did he explain why" asked Hermione.
Harry thinks back to the conversation. "Yeah he said that some people are born with things others don't have, but not in those words exactly " Harry explains. "Like how purebloods don't have love from their parents or a good role model " Harry told his best friend. "Oh Harry then it's blatantly obvious why he's doing this" Hermione says. Harry gives her a side eye. "Really because it just seems like excuses to me because everyone is struggling and has something others don't have " Harry says bitterly. Hermione rolled her eyes. "He's basically saying that purebloods don't get a choice in the role model department, I mean think about it " Hermonie explains. "If all you have for a role model is someone said to be evil then you mostly turn out like that" Hermione says. "And if in their home lives they don't know what love is like then how can they give you any or know what it is like" Hermione tries explaining.

Harry thinks about it but then stops. "But he clearly said he likes me back and I know he can be a stubborn git sometimes, but he didn't have any right to try and force me to Ginny" Harry says. Then he looks at Hermione. "It feels like you're on his side on this" Harry said. Hermonie speaks up. "Yeah right but he might have thought it was the best option though just to be honest I'm not on sides" said Hermione.
"I'm clearly here to give you prospective, like yeah I can tell how he went about things might have hurt you "said Hermione. "And throwing out things you find right from decisions you make by yourself is not the best way to go about things" Hermione says with confidence. "But he also has to watch out for himself just like you have to for yourself " Hermione finishes. After she does the atmosphere changes between them as Harry starts thinking about things. It's gonna be hopeless at this point Hermione thought to herself.


"This odd to be interesting "said Blaise Zabini. Well interesting was very much expected. "So do you perhaps like me back or.." Ron said expecting an answer. Blaise decided that he wanted to tease Ron a little before he actually admitted he has a crush. He slightly licked his lips and then leaned forward. "And what if I don't" said Zabini. As he let his left hand graze Ron's cheek. Then just when Ron was going to say something he kisses him with a passionate and hungry kiss. Ron was slightly startled before kissing him back. Roughly kissing each other Ron started to move closer. Zabini caught his arms and pulled him chest to chest. And things start heating up immensely. Resulting in Ron sitting on Zabini's lap putting his legs on ethier side of him. Blaise puts his arm around Ron's waist as he begins to slide his tongue into his mouth. And a few seconds later they pull apart for air with a string of saliva. Panting for air Blaise smirks and Ron smiles. "So that means a definite yes then" ron says. Blaise laughs and shakes his head yes. Then they get up and start walking.

They were talking about things like how the house's are equally entertaining. And why each house is doomed by its self and yet completely functional. Then Luna startled Blaise when she hugged him. Laughing it off he brushes her hair with his hand making it frizzy. "Lunar you silly ravenclaw "Blaise says. While Ronald was staring at them. It's not an uncommon feeling he was getting. It's just a case of a little jealousy. ( monsta x song reference XD. ) And even though he knows that Luna is dating Neville he still couldn't shake the feeling that chemistry is between them. Like the vibes are all there and Blaise even gave her a nickname. But Ron decided to brush it off because even though Blaise is bisexual they wouldn't do anything behind Neville's back Right thought Ron in question. But as he was thinking Luna was looking at him very unhappy.

"Lunar is something wrong" Blaise asked. She immediately changes her face. She had a feeling that if she said something that things would turn sour. Mostly because she heard that Ron didn't leave the party and stayed with the hypocrites and bullies that believed slytherins are skum of the earth.
"Oh nothing so how are things with the narkles " she says. Blaise however isn't interested in a conversation change. "Spill it Luna I know something is wrong " Blaise asks her with a soft yet demanding voice. Luna sighs and looks at Ron. "It's not really my business or my place to say anything so I refuse to do so" she said with a matter of fact tone.

Blaise looks at her then pouts. "Well that's not fair I wanna know please " Blaise begins to beg. Luna smiles and shakes her head." Not yet" she says.

A/n: Yah I'm officially graduated!!!!! I'm no longer a senior in highschool now I'm gonna focus on college and jobs. 🥳🥳🎓🎓

[Updated edit]

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