heartbreaks and problems

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Luna pov

I noticed the thick tension in the air for the past couple of weeks. It seems like sides are going to be picked and people are going to be hurt beyond prepare. I just hope that this isn't enough to leave everyone with a bad taste in their mouths. But anyway Neville and I are getting along better. We hang out whenever we can and we build each other up. Blaise plan worked perfectly. I wish I had the chance to thank him but I always get nervous to do so. I still can't believe there are 3 parts to his plan that I should have already known. Maybe I just needed the confidence boost. But I trust Blaise and I hope he gets his good karma instead of the bad karma he says he has. Hmm but let's think. Part 1: close but not clingy skinship. 2: be honest but careful. And lastly 3 he hasn't told me yet he just said I need to focus on 2 steps then when it's right, he'll give me the last one.

Blaise pov

As I was walking I see Luna. I actually think I took a liking to her. She let me call her lunar sometimes. I walk over to her and she smiles. If you stop to look at her she could be Draco's long lost distant sister I laugh. She looks confused and I just wave it off. We eventually go to the library. As I walk in with Luna the usual happens. People saying mean things to Luna which makes me tell them off and people looking down on me because I'm a Slytherin. But the newest thing that suprise me was that Lavender girl giving me the craziest stink eye and death glare I've seen since 2nd year. Ronald Wesley beside her acting like a husband or a boy toy. I actually thought we could have been great friends at least. Yet when I looked at his face it gave me the f*ck off vibes. As I think on it of course it makes sense. He is ashamed to be in public with me Blaise Zabini the Slytherin.

He is so two faced but why can't I stop feeling like my heart is being stomped on and punched with 20 pounds of concrete. I tried to see if it was just me, so I gave him a confused look but he turned away from me. I noticed that Luna was grabbing my arm for us to leave so I leave with her.

Luna pov

I noticed that Ron was acting nasty. And not the nasty that makes your food taste bad but he was being harsh to Blaise. I hated how his face looked and so I grabbed Blaise for us to leave. As soon as we do I knew his heart was shattered. Draco wasn't gonna be happy about this and it was most definitely gonna cause trouble. But I just don't see why Ron hangs with Lavender. Yeah she is sweet at times but she seems like a really possessive person. She even tried to stop Ron from talking with Hermonie. Guess she was jealous because they are extremely close like what muggles say "ride or die" for each other. That made a big conflict between the two though. I better see what happens and try to help Blaise because after all he's been one of the nicest people to me that aren't pretending.

° flashback °

Hermione pov

"Hey Ron ,hey Harry" I said to my friends. Harry replied back and gave me a hug. But Ron wasn't which was weird. So I decided to ask what was wrong. "Um hey Ron you okay over there" I ask with slight concern. He looked at me and was gonna replie until Lavender came out. She laid her head on his shoulder and he sorta tensed a bit. He then said "yeah I'm fine just a bit tired but what were you up too". I tell him about the homework I did in my other classes and he was genuinely happy to see me happy about it. But then Lavender got mad when Harry wanted to talk with just me and Ron. She was going on about how Ron spends more time with us than her. Which isn't true anymore because after a week ago when he won the Gryffindor game and they started dating she has been attached at his hip.

Harry was even getting mad too. So I decided to just step in. "Lavender it's just a quick conversation nothing to get your knickers in a twist for" I said. She was mad, angry even but I could see she was a great little actress. She started to cry a little which got Ron fired up. He was yelling at me. We went back in forth and Harry jumped in too. Things couldn't have been worse except I seen her smirk a bit. Like she won some sort prize. I was fuming so I was gonna leave. But when Ron told me to apologize because I quote on quote 'keep insulting his girlfriend' I was gonna punch him. Harry however stopped me and we said we wouldn't talk to him until he changed his attitude and apologized to us.

Harry pov

After that argument me and Hermione walked away. She asked me if I also noticed Ron's changes. I had to agree Ron does combust when he is over stressed. I tried to reassure her that he would be back to his normal self soon but she didn't want to hear it. I could clearly see he hurt her feelings and he also hurt my feelings. Not as bad as when he avoided me because of the tri wizard tournament. I obviously didn't put my name into anything but he was really mad anyway. So we eventually went our separate ways. I went to the library instead of my shared bedroom that Ron was also in. I needed to clear my head and think of a way to win Draco over fully. He practically admitted to having feelings for me I just want him to be sure. I had to think long and hard.

°End of flashback °

Draco pov

Blaise was talking to Luna by the common room door. He gave her a goodbye and she left to snog Neville I assumed. Then Blaise turns towards me. He tries to hide the fact that he looks crushed but can't because I'm better at that then he is by a long shot. I call him to my room and he follows. As soon as I close the door and put a silence charm on and he starts crying. I was fuming at anyone who would hurt my bestfriend more than I could ever hurt him. Like my petty insults are friendly but these tears are real and that person is gonna wish death took them sooner.

Blaise pov

I was crushed into many tiny pieces. I never wanted Draco to see this because I know how he gets. It's almost the same as how I get when he cries. Someone was gonna be injured really bad. And even though I'm hurt I as crazy as it is don't want Ron on the verge of death. Draco sitting on his bed motions me over. I sit beside him and he grabs his super secret muggle stash of candy that Pansy gave him. He gave me the sour candy which I liked. We talked about what happened. I made sure to take out Ronald and Lavenders names. Soon Pansy entered the room. Draco told her to come and she brought her secret muggle mp3 player. It's our three's secret that Pansy shows us muggle stuff and sometimes gives us muggle stuff.

Of course we hide, lie and keep these things from our parents. So Pansy insists I retell what happened. She then plays a song before coming up with a plan that I would have agreed to if it didn't involve almost murder. So we settled on a simple plan that was perfect. I just wish that I could've of been proven wrong for once in my life.

A/n: so a little thing I wanted to say or ask. What fandoms are you into? Guess it was a question lol. Anyway comment below I'm really interested.

[Updated edit]

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