never enough praying

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Blaise was sneaking out again with Ron but it was becoming a better habbit that the 2 developed. Sneaking into classrooms and closets. Things seem to be great. But then why was Blaise worrying when Crable,Goyle and Pansy couldn't find Draco? Things just felt different but maybe that's a good thing.

Blaise pov

I walk out the great hall and followed Ron to our usual abandoned classroom.  And once we were inside and the door closed we just kissed. Okay we were snogging a lot. Ron was pushed up against a wall. Both of our hands were in each others hair. And it felt like good electric shocks going through us. I wanted to breath for air but at the same time I didn't. My mind was in such a claim place when we kissed. We let go for air and he was panting. And once our eyes met again we were back at it with our heated makeout. I licked his bottom lip wanting him to let me in and  he surprisingly let me. So I explore his wet hot mouth our tongues fighting for abit until I let him have dominance.

It was getting pretty steamy. Then I backed up. "Blaise I'm happy we decided to try this dating thing. So let's have another date tonight because we only had 2 of them" Ron says. I smile at him. It's true we only had 2 dates since we started dating in the beginning of 6th year and it's already been a few months. "Okay I'm for it. So what do you have planned in mind" I ask.

Meanwhile with ~
(Play the song)

Luscious was at his home talking with his wife Narcissa. And to say she was worried was the understatement. "Honey I don't want our only kid to be involved and I don't care" narcissa says to her husband. He sighs and rubbed his face. "Dose it look like I want that ethier. But it's too late because I messed up not just as a father but as a subordinate "Luscious says to his wife agitated. "Plus we both joined this not knowing what we gotten ourselves into until now. So no turning back because any and everything we do now will be our own faults " Luscious says to his wife with slight distaste in his voice. Narcissa shakes her head. "I can't put him in danger when we already act so hard on him" she says on the verge of tears. Luscious hugs his wife as he feels overwhelmed. "It was all to prepare him for the moment his life would change. In case the dark lord came back and unfolded for our son he has" Luscious says. "Then let him stay with his friends until it's over" Narcissa says crying. "Goodness he can't we have to face all of this and he'll need you more than ever. You know just as much as me he won't leave you. You spoiled him too much" Luscious says.

Narcissa wipes her tears and leaves out the room. She enters a new room and writes to Servous Snape. 'Dear friend, I want to ask for a favor because things aren't going to be okay. Please look after my darling boy, my only son ever. I know you are just the right person to do this please and thanks. Your friend Narcissa'. She signs it then sends it off. Here goes nothing but I trust him with my life so I'm happy and relieved for now Narcissa thinks to herself.

Snape gets the letter and he can tell that Narcissa is worried for her son. It's the same way around with him. He's worried about his godson getting dragged into the war and being forced onto something he will regret later. He sighs as it is now his weekly meetings with the other 2 Griffindors to check and see if the kids are still safe. And boy did he have some things that he was gonna share. But most importantly it was that letter he heard from when his slytherin students were talking. Something about Pansy and Crable maybe pranking Goyle but how it might not be a prank from them. Ethier way he was gonna investigate because the owl he seen fly towards them was not one he usually sees.

"The war between good and evil will be coming whether we want it to or not" said the ministry of magic. "But how can we make sure to keep down the most uproar that will be coming " asked a member. They all look around at each other. "Easy just deny it until we really desperately need to act and worse case we find someone to blame it on" says a higher member. They all nodded in understanding. "Good now let's get back to the now stuff" said a member.

"Hey Ron I know you don't want to tell your friends yet but maybe I could tell my friends because they would tell me " Blaise says. Ron looks nervous and he hesitates. "But like what if they still hate me or worse they hate me more because Harry's my bestfriend " Ron asks. Blaise rolled his eyes. "They gotten over that " Blaise says. Ron smirked a bit. "Just give it more time I'll be ready soon I promise " Ron states while holding his hand on his heart and the other above his head. Blaise burst out laughing as he agrees. "Sure thing captain " he laughs to Ron. "Well let's get going shall we" Ron asked. "We shall lead the way red head" Blaise jokes.

A/n: short chapters coming your way but for now I have to say I'm taking a break from wattpad so I'll update when I get back ✌bye

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