what happens in 6th year

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Yawning as he finally wakes up something seems to be off but Blaise just shrugs it off. He looks around and is in his bed. Snuggled into his pillow thinking about what just happened in his previous school years. Because now it's 6th year and it seems like things have progressed very smoothly towards the end.

* imagine a skipped to montage of the previous school years *

Blaise was kinda on high alert because his friends didn't know he was carrying a big secret. A secret that they probably wouldn't care to much about in the previous years, but now they wouldn't approve of.

Sighing into his pillow Blaise Zabini got up. His sweatpants on snug but his back chilly from the cold air. No matter how you imagine it Zabini was very attractive. And even his morning bed hair looked good on him. He quickly stretches and walks to the bathroom that he shares with Draco. Brushing his teeth and getting presentable he finally finishes. Blaise looked into the huge mirror remembering the events of the last few days in his 5th year.

*Flashback to important information stuff*

Ronald was confused and slightly scared. But he used a levitating spell on Zabini and brought him into the infirmary.
"Um I'm not quite sure what happened but all I know is that we were talking and he passed out" Ronald said. "Aww I see then come back in a few hours and you can check on your friend " said Madam Pompey. Ron nods and leaves while she checks up on Zabini.

Blaise pov

I woke up in what seems to be 2 hours. To see that I was in the infirmary. I look around and see it's empty. Probably only for the time being. It's probably already dinner time. I slowly get up when the doors open. It was Ronald Wesley. He speed walks towards me and I was kinda nervous. "Hey can you tell me what happened to me" I ask him. Ron smiles at me and I'm starting to feel butterflies in my stomach like every other time I'm around him. He then explains what happened to me trying to not skip any details that may be important. And I start to think.

"So basically we are starting over and now I need to find out the reason I passed out to summarize it" I said to Ron. He looks me in the eyes more playfully. " Yup that's basically all that is to know" Ron says as he nudges my shoulder with his shoulder. Blaise smirks and then runs his fingers through his hair.

"Something feels weird though" said Blaise. Ron had a questioning look on his face. " What do you mean " Ron asked Zabini. Blaise looked very disoriented. "Well it's like this I felt like I had another vision but this time it was a girl who looked like me" Blaise says. Ron nods his head as he listens. "And well she had some weird necklace that she was messing with and then instead of good life that happens she does something with these other kids and it changes everything " Blaise said sorta terrified. Ron was on the edge of the seat he was sitting on. "I'm not completely sure what that means but I know that can't be good " Ron states.

*End of flashback *

Blaise walks out the common room to his first class of the day. It was potions with professor Snape. And upon walking inside he noticed that everyone was there except for Michael. Which is weird because he never skips, and especially never missed a chance to bother other slytherins. So Zabini sits in his seat which is behind Draco and Harry. And that's how his day started boring with the occasional points from gryffindor for not using complete common sense.

^time skip to lunch bc of boring classes^

The golden trio sit down and start to talk. "Hey Hermonie, hey Ron" said Harry. Hermonie says her hello's back to everyone as she leans over to talk with Ginny about something girl related like holidays and future plans. Which leaves us with our two boys Harry and Ron. "Hey Harry are you okay " asked Ron. Harry nods "yeah I'm just getting over things" Harry said. Ron slightly laughs. "By things do you mean Malfoy " Ron asked knowingly. Harry laughs back rubbing his head. "Yeah you're right" Harry said. When all of a sudden they over hear some students talking. 'Yeah did you see Exiavor in class today' asked a gryffindor girl. Her friends all chime in no and talk about a few other students who are missing from class. Ron turns his gaze toward the slytherin table. Harry noticed it because for once Ron wasn't trying to hide it. "Ron why are you looking at the slytherin table " Harry asked.

Ron seemed very hesitant before explaining what happened with Zabini only briefly because heaven knows you don't gloat when your friend is going through it. Harry nods because it seems like they golden trio is gonna have to investigate. Ron suddenly stands up and walks out into the grand hall. After a few minutes Zabini follows which Hermonie noticed.  "Harry is it me or is our friend being more suspicious than usual " Hermonie asks.

Ron's pov

I walk out into the grand hall and wait for Blaise. It feels like I might have a plan but I want him to be apart of it. And soon I see him. I very secretly grab his arm pulling him into an empty hallway. "Hey what's the big idea Ronald " Blaise says. I just smirk at him. "Well I think I have a plan to get to the root of this problem and I need your help, this is extremely important " Ron says. Blaise looks at him to see if he is really being serious. "Dude I'm not kidding about this please you know you want to" Ron says as he grabs Blaise hands. And as Blaise was thinking Ron smiles. He is totally gonna cave Ron thought to himself. And when Blaise did eventually cave in he smiled.

Ron was so overjoyed by this that he kissed Zabini on his cheek. "You know I could definitely get used to this " Blaise said as his face redden. Ron couldn't help but feel his heart beat wildly as he stares at Zabini. Then Ron smiles. He was very attractive and so Ron leans into Zabini and they both ended up kissing. After they pulled apart Zabini starts to talk. "Okay now that I'm on board tell me what's the plan " Zabini asks.

^Meanwhile ^

Lavender was walking towards Cho Chang. She was nervous because a fight between them never lasted this long before. She was very determined to get her bestfriend back. So she grabs her arm softly. Cho turns around. "Before you run away and we fight again I want to say I'm very sorry and I should have been more supportive of you " Lavender says. Cho takes this time to study her still crushes face. She smiles then hugs Lavender. "I guess we can forgive each other but I'm not sure you'll want to keep being my friend if I do something you don't like " Cho said sadly. Lavender understanding that she is stubborn understands why it's hard for her friend. "Look I'm sorry if I'm too stubborn at times but I promise I'll try to be better than I have been " Lavender says. Cho looks into her eyes and could see the truth seeping out of her best long lasting friendship. "Okay let's be friends again "said Cho as she linked her arms with Lavender.

A/N: lol why did I just think this whole story should be about Zabini's pov only🤣
Like ya author is tripping right now lowkey.

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