what's a bookmark in feelings

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No regrets but a guilty conscience will soon be left with our young red head.

Ronald was finally at Lavender Browns part of the table and sat down. She looked up and smiled. Then she sorta screamed a happy scream. Ron put his hand over her mouth to shut her screaming up. Then he started to talk. "Um Lavender I noticed that you are in my classes and I had to say you always look nice" said Ron. He mentally punched himself for that stupid comment like could he not flirt any better than this. Lavender though doesn't even notice but is very flattered. She blushes and moves her silky brown hair out of her face. Ron continue to talk. "Well anyway I was wondering if you wanted to watch a Gryffindor game and if I win will you possibly date me" asked Ron. She smiled at him. She looked into his eyes and was genuinely happy. She agreed to what he said. She stood up and kissed his forehead and left the library feeling blissful. Ron on the other hand had a big lump in his throat. He was doing a good thing right? I mean now he can get to know the Lavender girl and everything. Ron soon got up and left the library.

Luna was following the plan that Blaise helped her with. So she confidently walked to Neville and smiled. He smiled back with a faint smile. She sat down and asked him if he was doing okay or if he wanted to talk. She made sure to grab his hand and pat the top 3 times before he answered. "I am feeling a bit tired because I am not good at potions and I'm not sure I'm a good enough Gryffindor" said Neville. Luna grabbed his face softly and caressed his hand. "Neville you are more than good enough to be a gryffindor and I promise you will turn out to be a great Gryffindor, not that you aren't already" said Luna. She looked him deep into his eyes. "

Neville you may be struggling for now but don't forget that all the struggles make you a better person" said Luna. After saying that she stood up and waved before leaving to her common room. She left Neville with new confidence in himself and he was even more in love with her. He knew she was reliable and truthful. Neville realizes that he turned pink and went to leave to clear his head.

Blaise Zabini was finally better after a good night of sleeping and having good memories. He felt that relationships were just temporary and that love was not real. Because after all if love was real then why was Draco's dad horrible and awful to his son and why was his wife and Draco's mom never defending her son from the hurt. Or Pansy's father never being accepting of her even though she goes above and beyond for him. How about his own mother who doesn't talk much when she is there but is always with her boy toys.

If love was real then why was he falling for an impossible thing. I mean don't get him wrong it's just he knew that his feelings for the red head was getting intense. He needed to reassure himself that love wasn't real and that he only wanted friendship. And after walking he bumped into Ronald. He smirked and kept his composure. "Hello Wesley what brings you to me today" asked Blaise. Ron laughed his weird but cute laugh and looked at Zabini. "Oh I was just here and there but I could have sworn that you were looking for me not the other way around" Ron said in a slight flirting tone. Blaise snickered." So Wesley are we gonna keep hanging out because once was great but 5 times can't be called a technicality now can it" asked Blaise in a joking voice.

Ron started thinking. "Sure Zabini we did already hangout a few times, your not that bad just no more singing though my ears are still ringing "laughed Ron. "So when are you free or do you want to hang out now" said Blaise. Ron smirked and pulled Blaise along.

To say hanging out with Zabini was awesome until the end was an understatement. They did impersonations and pranks even went for another dip in the black lake. But that is when things skyrocketed to bad. They were walking still soaking wet and joking around. Things looked great that was until Ron slipped on a rock and Blaise tried to catch him. Well actually he did catch him but they ended up kissing. Ron shot up and ran away from Blaise without a word. Zabini felt his heart crumble and left to his common room. "Was it that bad" Blaise said in frustration. Damn one accidental kiss and now he hates me thought blaise. Apart of him wanted to chase him but the other just wanted him to be happy. So what was Zabini to do when he realized he was falling in deep with Ronald freaking Wesley the Gryffindor boy, best friends with "the boy who just won't die" and the fact that he is a straight guy.

Blaise decided that if he couldn't date him at least he tried to be his friend instead. And if push came to shove he would never speak to him if it came to it. But why was he so angry about it?

Draco had been avoiding Potter and has done a pretty good job at it. Then he sees his friend Blaise Zabini sulking on the common room couch. He walks over to him. "Zabini I caught you now spill" Draco said. Blaise looked at him laughed a bit and laid his head on Malfoy lap. Draco stroked his hair ready to listen sense it was only them to in the common room. "Well feelings are complicated and I want to get rid of them" said Blaise. Draco nodded then said "unfortunately we can't but you know feeling this let's us know that we are alive and human". Zabini agreed and then continued." I feel as though I made a mistake and now I'm too far gone, to deep to stop now" said Blaise.

Draco looks at his friend deeply and understands. "How about we both do this, we bookmark our feelings" said Malfoy. Zabini looked most confused as he asked "what do you mean Draco"? So he explained. "We put a pause on anything feelings related and focuse on our studies and friends" explained Draco. Blaise thought about it carefully for a while. Okay so my answer on that is.....

[Updated edit]

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