2 more days

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It was exactly 2 days before they meet with their letter buddies. And things just seemed weird and on the iffy side. Just thinking about what was gonna happen next put Zabini on edge.

Blaise pov

I was walking to the arranged meeting spot that Ron said to meet him at. It was outside by the black lake. And today was extra chilly out. I decided to bring a jacket. I dust myself off and sit on the ground. I lay back on a tree that was near me. I looked at the students that were heading back inside. It was starting to get colder as I sat waiting for  Ronald Wesley. And seconds passed to minutes while minutes passed into hours. I cast a spell to see what time it was. I have been waiting outside for about 4 hours now. I get up and walk back inside. I try my best to avoid Draco and Pansy. And as I successfully do I run into my room locking the door. See we and technically share the room but we casted a spell that gives off the illusion that it's two rooms. Anyway I close my curtain and put on a silence charm. I screamed with all my might and then began to cry. Why was he continuing to hurt me and why am I letting him I ask myself. I ended up crying myself to sleep thinking how painful and pathetic I am.

Ron's pov

I was on my way to head out to see blaise. When suddenly Hermione grabbed my arm pleading. "Ron you need to stop Dean and Harry they are physically fighting "she said. I look at her confused. "Why are they fighting" I asked. Hermione was just as lost as I was about it. Though something felt off I continued to walk with her. We slowly walked into the common room. I think it was to be more on the safe side but it still felt off. As we say the password I began to step into the common room. My stomach was signaling me to leave like now, but it was for my friends so I had to help. I pushed forward only to see no one else in the common room. I turn around. "Did they resolve it already and leave" I ask her. She doesn't respond to me. Instead she just smiles really creepy like and I start panicking. "You're not Hermonie are you" I question. That's when they laugh. I freeze up with my sweating palms. I only have 2 options ethier run for it or to fight.

It only takes a split second before spells are being thrown back and forth. I eventually see an opening and run for it. And when I reach the great hall I'm hit with something in the back of my head. I fall down almost in slow motion. My head throbbing and my eyesight fading. Suddenly I'm in a closet tied up. I look around and struggle to get free. When the door opens. "Lavender help me out of these will ya and be careful someone dangerous is out there" I say. She laughed and closed the door. "All I want is the answers to my questions" she said. I stare dumbfounded by what she said to me.

What questions did she want and ask I think. Obviously she read my face because she answered me. "Did you really like me and if you didn't then why did you date me" she asked. I don't think she is understanding any words I said to her. "Lavender I did like you but I also don't like you anymore" I said. "Let me explain I wanted to see if we could work out but the thing is... well we just don't and I told you I'm sorry because I made you feel bad" I told her. "Maybe date someone who has your best interest at heart" I tell her. "Then why did you need to see if we would work out, did you like someone else who you shouldn't " Lavender ask with full emotions leaking out. I stare at her then the floor just as fast. " I'm not gonna lie to you the answer is gonna be something you don't like " I said. She freezes in her spot. "I was trying to figure out something but also I was running from myself. I did and still do like the person, I used dating you as an excuse to deny my feelings for who I liked. Mostly because it would change many things and might end badly. Though I did like you a bit it wasn't enough to keep us together" I said in shame.

She starts to cry and then unties me. "Okay thank you I believe I finally understand what you said" she told me. Then she started to say she is sorry over and over again. We agreed to let bygones be bygones and to be good aquatence. I start walking to the door when I'm hit with a spell. Then suddenly the world goes blurry then dark.

No one's pov

Lavender hit him with a spell for him to forget that day. She knew it was risky but she didn't want him to hate her for what she did. Deep down she was still incredibly insecure and felt he would still harbor bad feelings for her. So she levitates him into his room and then goes to study with Cho Chang her best friend. Hermione was in the transfiguration room trying to get help with her work. While Harry was " observing " Malfoy. Draco on the other hand was hanging with Pansy, Crable and Goyle. They were planning a drinking game for later that week. And lastly Luna and Neville were somewhere becoming official boyfriend and girlfriend. Yet they are waiting for the perfect moment to tell the group of friends that they have.

It seems as though our red head boy is in for a whirlwind of troubles that goes way over his head. How will he be able to redeem himself if trouble is knocking right into him.

A/n: future or past for Blaise and Ron
Same question for Lavender and Cho but you can pick only one for each.

[Updated edit]

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