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Let's just say that they spent the night talking and ranting but mostly enjoying each others company. Because life after the next day was sure to hit different.

A/n: just a warning this is gonna be extra short but still enjoy it if you can.

The next day was different for everyone. The tables seemed more divided except for the Slytherin table. Everyone seems to have this fight going on about who is in the wrong and in the right. It was even to the point were teachers started to notice it too. But Dumbledore just seemed to be amused and slightly intrigued. Things were however progressing nonetheless. Draco and Blaise gotten closer if that's even possible and Pansy was getting ever more comfortable with a bushy beauty Hermione Granger. Things seemed to progress right?

All of a sudden Cho Chang walks over to Zabini and pulls him aside "We need to talk if that's okay with you" she asks. He nods and walks out into the great hall with her. Pansy and Draco are confused as the living daylights. Just what could that possibly be about?

                  *3 hours later *

"So Draco what actually happened between you and Potter" asked Parkinson. "I know we talked about other stuff last night but can you tell me" she asks with care. He smiles at her slightly then takes her into his room that is shared with Zabini. 'Well it all started like this......'


"Ron why weren't you in the common room when the others left" asked Hermione upset. Ron rubbed his eyes and looks away. "I'm not proud of my response so can I not" he says. Hermione starts getting pissed as she says "No now start singing like a star and tell me why" she says. Ron looks confused and then laughs. "I thought it was sing like that one bird "he answers her. Hermione turns red not only from embarrassment but anger."I know it's canary I just thought you would understand that better" she says. "Plus people don't usually know that saying " Hermione says. "I actually do thanks" Ron says. "Sure now tell me Ronald Wesley or I'll make you do extra work more than necessary "says Hermione in a threating way.  'Okay so the reason why I wasn't here was......'


Neville and Luna are going on a date. It's the perfect weather and everything.  But the plan was interrupted by Lavender Brown. Now know that she didn't mean to she was just in need of help. She not only wanted her bestfriend back but she was confused. "Um hey Luna can I ask you something "she starts. Neville turns around and looks at Luna with a face that reads go ahead. So Luna answered with a polite yes. Lavender sat beside her while Neville was by Luna's other side. "I need help getting Cho Chang to be friends with me again" said Lavender sad. Neville realizes that they are indeed bestfriends. "Well tell me a summary of what happened" said Luna. Lavender nods mentally preparing herself to tell Luna and somewhat Neville. 'Well basically this happened.......'

      *In the head master office*

Dumbledore was talking with Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Snape about the problem about the visions. It started as a civil conversation that turned into a panicked one. "But think Dumbledore if one of them is trying to change something it could ruin the future of everything" said Mcgonagall. Snape agrees but also says "what if it's not the students that is messing with the future" he says serious. "Then that means someone intended to mess with our future by messing with our past" said Dumbledore. Snape rolls his eyes. Mcgonagall tries to think of some people who would do that. "It's alright all we have to do is watch out for certain signs or signals" said Dumbledore. Snape agrees and stands up. "As long as Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter and Mr. Zabini are taken care of then it's fine, I'll look after them and even Ms. Lovegood" said Snape. Mcgonagall then states that she would like to look after Granger, Wesley, Parkinson and Chang. Which leaves the rest to Dumbledore. That is Lavender, Crable and Goyle and Neville. "Then it's settled we will make sure that no one messes with the future and especially with their future's "said Dumbledore. Then Mcgonagall and Snape leave his office.

A/n: sorry if it's not good I've got writers block

[Updated edit]

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