did you see that? / (future 3)

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Previously ~Suddenly a light flashes in the bathroom and Blaise is given something he probably never wanted to to see. He grabs at the wall for support from the light he is seeing. Then he suddenly falls until.......
A/n: when you see ● it's the future split pieces that are gonna be happening

Blaise pov

The light was brighter than I thought. Did I pass out or am I dreaming? The bigger question is where am I and how did I get here?

● Everyone was smiling and talking about life. Suddenly Scorpius ran over to Rose, Lunar and Albus. "Let's get going on the train" said Lunar and Albus in unison.●

What in the name is happening I think. Who are those kids and why am I seeing them? Someone had a half shaved mohawk style hair. It really looked F-ing good on them. Who is that person I really feel like I know who that is.

●"Um can I sit here with you the others are full" asked Lila. "Sure" said Rose. So she sits down. "Hey don't I know you" asked Scorpius. "I think so maybe, maybe not" responded Lila. "Oh I do your dad is doctor _____"?●

Is this a dream or maybe a memory? But I don't know who these people are and what is going on. My head starts to hurt and suddenly I feel like I'm being pulled back into the harsh lights. Suddenly I'm back in the restroom clinging onto the wall for dear life. And Myrtle is right there just as frighten as me. "Did you see that too "asked Myrtle. "Yeah unfortunately I did, do you happen to know what that was that we saw Myrtle "I ask. "No but it's strange so let's not talk about it anymore "she said then she left again. "Well I guess that's my cue to leave too" I said.

No one's pov

So with that Blaise washed his face then left the restroom. He walked into his common room forgetting the disrespect he felt from Ronald but instead his mind filled with thoughts of what he just saw. But what he didn't realize is that his friends and Ron and his friends saw similar visions of the future. Just why they saw it well don't ask me I'm just here to narrate what is happening. But if you ask me just who is trying to contact them from the future and why? I'd say stay around to find out.

But anyway Blaise rushed inside his room to think. I'm just overwhelmed and tired ill just get some sleep and wake up refreshed thought Zabini. But Draco ran smack into his bestfriend. Causing them to both fall on the ground in a really awkward position. Draco on top of Zabini head on his chest and Blaise head on the floor. Blaise groaned in pain and Draco quickly stood up. "Blaise I deeply apologize for hurting you but this is a dire situation "said Draco. Zabini caught up in pain almost started to yell at his friend. "Okay Draco what's so important that you almost gave me head trauma for "asked Blaise.

"I well, we got a vision of some sort me Pansy, Crable and Goyle" said Draco. "Did you get one too" he asked. "Yeah I believe that I did" I say in a shock manner. "But just how is this even happening and how is that possible" I question to no one in particular. "Well ask Dumbledore for us" he practically begs me. "Fine but only because you are the only person who actually likes me" I smirk. He shakes his head." Your darn right I am" he says as he laughs. I soon leave the common room and to my way of the Head Master. Nervous doesn't even compare to what I'm feeling Blaise thinks. Suddenly I'm next to Ronald Wesley. The boy who I didn't want to see but always shows up for some reason.

It's an awkward silence between them. Like the kind you get when a teacher asks for the homework you know you didn't do. Or when you had to first come out to someone and you felt super nervous that it just got awkward. So Ronald decided to try and put those questionable feelings aside and tries to talk with Blaise.

Ron's pov

"Soo..... what brings you around here Zabini" I try to make the air less tense. "Well not that it's your business but I'm gonna see Professor Dumbledore" Zabini says." Oh same I had some well my friends and I had some weird sorta vision "I say. He looks at me with shock written on his face. "Um by the way I'm really sorry about everything I've done to you" I say. "I don't really know what is wring with me but all I know is that I would hate to hurt you" I continued. Blaise looked much more relaxed and relieved but still skeptical."So do you want to go together and ask Dumbledore some questions"I ask. "Yeah, maybe we can both only get better as time goes on" says Blaise.

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