'A' gone into madness

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It had been a very long while since this couple decided to take a walk around Hogwarts. It was in the mist of thier relationship growing into something much more beautiful. They had just gotten down eating strawberry shortcake and had been snogging. That's when Michael and Meghan were walking when Alice Tolipan passed them smiling with a sinister look plastered on her face. Michael stood still looking at her with questioning eyes. "What's the problem honey" asked Meghan who stopped to see what he was looking at. She crossed her arms and started walking away when he grabbed her arm gently. "It's not what you think sweetness it's just she looks a lot like my aunt " Michael said shivering. She turned around and gave him a sympathetic look before sighing. "Crazy Aunt Alice Brown who your parents told you is missing? That same one" Meghan ask with worry. And he was unable to say no as he shook his head. Looking behind him her heard arguing. And so did Meghan as they both walk closer to hear and see who was arguing.

Harry and Hermione eventually went walking through the great hall talking with each other. It felt  like they barely had time too but Harry knew he would have to tell his friends about the dark magic he has been reading. He just didn't want to tell them at that exact moment. Plus Ron wasn't telling them about his and Zabini's relationship so a secret for a secret. As for Hermione she was living her best life with a amazing jealous girlfriend who loved her. It was cool that she could understand her better but she was disappointed she spoiled  her own suprise. But at least her and Harry were having a lovely conversation. She just wished Ronald was here with them kinda like old times.

But then things were going great too great which seemed weird. Hermione felt it and Harry knew it. Walking they seen both Michael and Meghan talking with each other. It seemed like after they started dating they stopped with the house bullying. And a large group of his Posse did too. But then they started to hear arguing. The voices sounded familiar too. Then Ginny came along and the group followed the voices. They all didn't mind each other as the soon investigated the voices. Soon enough everyone was startled for a minute as Blaise was yelling profanity's and swears at Ron. And Ron throw insults back yet also trying to explain. The group both followed the boys to see what the heck was going on. They made it all the way by the astronomy tower when Astoria came running down. Tears pooled her face and she seemed scared.

"I told you to get back here" said Alice in a extremely aggressive voice. Everyone hushed instantly wands at the ready. "Oh well if it isn't the trouble makers "Alice said with venom. A wide and evil smirk on her face. "What in the world is going on here " Meghan ask. Alice looks at her and rolled her eyes. Everyone was in a panic. "Well if you add a few more people from other houses we can all be Gryffinwhores, Hufflecunts, Ravensluts and Slytherbitches" said Alice as she laughs in a more manipulative manic way. It almost sounded like Beatrice Lestrange. Hermione, Harry, Blaise and Ron were confused even Meghan was. "Why don't you just ask my nephew then" Alice says laughing.

Michael gagged and turned to face Hermione. "Who is she talking about " Hermione asked with genuine concern and interest. Raising his hand Michael speaks. "Me it's hard to know that I didn't realize it sooner. Everyone has a crazy and mentally ill family member, well she is mine" Michael says. Alice stops laughing and is extremely angry. "Little angel you would have been perfect if your mother didn't corrupt you. But now you disrespect me "she said with rage in her eyes. Before he could speak he was on the ground in extremely excruciating pain. She had just used an unforgettable curse on him. Astoria started to throw hexs as her classmates. But they all but miss her. "You all have some nerve especially you too" she says pointing to Blaise and Ron.

They both looked extremely confused. "Your the reason I'm doing all this. If it weren't for you both I would be my age not stuck as a kid until 18 years then back again" she says fuming. " I spent far too long in azkaban as a child because you both cursed me with extreme power magic " she says eyes growing big. Astoria gasped in realization. "You used me for your sick revenge then were is the real Alice Tolipan" Astoria asked with panic. That's when everyone started to panic. "Well because you were loyal I'll tell you she is alive and asleep in one of these empty hallways rooms good luck"  finding her she waves as Meghan and Astoria set off to find her.

"Now as far as I'm concerned we changed the future so I might as well kill you all. So you'll never have children" Alice laughs. But Hermione and Blaise start shooting curses at her. She starts running and ducking. Ron was still confused about how they ruined her life when they never even met her. So he decided to ask questions as he hid behind a thick pillar.

"How did Zabini and I ruin your life when we don't even know you" asked Ronald. In a rage she tried to locate him. "You idiots it was in dungeon alley. When I was escaping Azkaban your broken wand and his wand cast a curse on me, causing my age to stop at 18 and start over again from 14" said Alice Brown.

Ronald and Blaise were confused not remembering anything like that happening.   "That's not true we never did anything like that" explained Blaise in a panic. Alice though wasn't having any of that. " Don't act like you forgot I remember because for an hour everyone using magic experienced a boost of power. I was hit with two different spells at once " explained Alice. "One was definitely by the red head with a broken wand and a slytherin boy with two fat boys beside him" said Alice enraged.

Hermione went to speak when suddenly she remembered that day.

Harry and Ron start thinking over what she had been saying. It was the perfect team work plan time as Harry shouted out to Ron. "You and Blaise need to trap her in an unbreakable magical bubble " Harry said with a complete happy expression. Ron ran and hugged Harry as he then carefully ran to Blaise. 'Magical bubble' he said next to Blaise getting him ready as they shoot the curse at Alice. Michael had gotten the temporary headmaster and Mcgonagall. But before Alice could leave they both cursed her and broken her wand after.

Before losing her Consciousness Alice speaks with a hazy mind. "Goodness I didn't get my revenge and I did everything to scare them and kill them. I wish I could have changed the future and erase them all" Alice said before passing out.

Things were back on track with how it was supposed to be. But they had yet to find the real Alice yet. And the past well it's just not for sure if it was back to normal cause the battles were still happening. Soon other death eaters heard of the bold Alice Brown and a few wanted to be her copy cat while most of the death eaters didn't care to claim her. After a week they finally found the real Alice who was in a dazed and she wassent to saint muggle to be evaluated.

Future 6

Rose was sitting in the library she was worried. Her friend had not been to class and only a few people said they knew who she was. It was a very wrong feeling that crept up on her. Soon Scorpius and Albus came into the library. They saw Rose and sat next to her. "Hey cousin" Albus says with a smile. Rose scrunched her nose from thinking too hard. Scorpius looked at her concerned. "Hey what's the matter " he asked. She stood up and grabbed both boys with her to Ravenclaw common room.

This is short but the last chapter will be here soon. I promise 😊✌🥂🥳

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