what do i tell my friends pt2

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Zabini pov~

I got up to get me a charms book after Draco kept going on about his letter buddy being the most perfect person. Like when did he ever like gryffindorks so much anyway?

I guess it's almost like how I started to like Griffindorks I guess. I just never seen a side of people who actually aren't bashing Slytherin because we are known for 'evil' but not all of us are. It's just a skewed version of a tell that has many sides. Anyway when I got up to the book from the shelf I grabbed another book on charms when someone fell into me. I quickly realized that and grab them from falling onto the floor. When I see that the person is indeed Ronald weasley I'm a bit shocked. He is an average person in the wizarding world yet he intrigues me.

We stare into each others eyes for what seemed like forever before we pulled apart and walk away. I walk over to Draco who is staring at Harry again. Like will he ever get over that boy or not? Anyway we get to studying the charms book for our upcoming test.

Hermonie pov

I noticed that when Ron gets the letters he feels much more happy. It's great to see he can make new friends I just hope he doesn't feel bad when he realizes that it is Blaise. I realized it about a few weeks ago when I seen Blaise send his owl off and it went to the gryffindor common room. Plus with a little extra investigating I figured out that only Malfoy and Zabini from slytherin are sending letters that are males. So when we got into the library I made Ron get another book. I watched Ronald get up to grab a book when he bumped into him. It caused Ron to almost fall over until Zabini caught him.

It was some type of spark that went off but I'm pretty sure a crush is forming between them. It's kinda cute. Almost as cute as puppies or Draco and Harry's overwhelming sexual tension fest. And with my mind all stuffed up with many things I still can't get my relationship off the ground. Well if I can even call it that. See I can't decide between who I like. Between Luna, Pansy or Victor? It's gonna be one heck of a Hogwarts year.

[Updated edit]

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