Till it happens to you

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Previously on How did we get here?

Ron~After all he hasn't lied to me or done anything malicious to or towards me. But then again rumors are usually true right?

Blaise was sitting with his bestfriends and they were eating but the whole atmosphere was different. Draco noticed that Blaise was moody and he decided to be friendly and sit closer to comfort him. He grabbed Blaise hand under the table for reassurance that things would indeed change. Blaise smiled at him. Then Pansy grabbed his arm and linked it with hers as she laid her head on his shoulder. His smile got bigger and it made him more happy when Crable and Goyle shared some of their favorite food with him.

Blaise pov

Goyle was talking about how he wanted to climb a mountain with his aunt. But how his father was not very happy about the idea so much so that he won't let him see his aunt until she stops such "unnecessary idiotoic things". I feel bad for him because his aunt really cares for him like more than us his bestfriends. I try to comfort him in the best way I can, by giving him a pat on the shoulder and some of my dessert. Then that became the open discussion for a rant conversation.

Next was Crable who was talking about how his mother basically sold items of his because obviously his grades weren't what she wanted them to be. But that was still harsh after all he's not gonna be the top of our class.
Then it was Pansy who talked about how her father basically ignores her whenever she goes home. He even blatantly shoves her when he walks pass her. I remember when she told me I was gonna punch her father but she didn't want me to. So I didn't but if he continues I'll hurt him something bad.
So I decided to talk about my mother and when she leaves. Everytime I came home for the past 3 years. It's like she doesn't even have a heart anymore let alone for me. My eyes starts to water but I quickly wipe them off. No use crying for someone who doesn't love me anymore. Draco rubs my back to comfort me from what he knows I'm thinking. It's beautiful to have such a support system like this I thought.

Lastly Draco talks about his father. Ha where do we even begin. His father is a emotional manipulator who emotionally abuses him. Makes him feel like he's never good enough and tries to buy his love with expensive things. Like most of our parents but he also forces him to do things even if his morals aren't for it. There has been the occasional bruising on him too. I want to protect him but even I can't do everything no matter how much I really want to. I eventually look him in the eyes. "You know I've been reading this book" I whisper. "It's about these misfits who are kinda like us" I said. Everyone nods and continues to listen. "And because no one is gonna understand us let's become the real misfits, after all everyone already expects us to be evil right" I finish. Pansy thinks about it while Crable and Goyle somewhat agree.

Draco though response was different. "That's stupid really sure we are misfits but why do we have to be what everyone thinks" he whisper yells. "I hate living in a world controlled by the masses where they say what I'm gonna be and who I am" says Draco. I rub my head. "I can agree with that let's change our destiny and be who we want to be, or let ourselves just be where we are" I respond back.
A/n:( Steven universe reference lol)

No one's pov

Blaise and his friends could be seen talking and enjoying lunch. Or to the others as conspiring in evil Slytherin plans. But they were not, it just seems like Slytherin are bad people but sometimes we fight fire with fire. After all the best believed rumors are the ones whispered in your ears. But anyway that is when Draco stands up putting his hand out catching attention of the other houses. Then Crable stands with his hand toward the middle. Next Pansy stands then Goyle putting their hands on top. Lastly a smirking Blaise Zabini to top it off. Then they start laughing and sit back down saying to the future.

Everyone was confused but still went about there days. Except for the scheming group from before. They were watching closely and waiting for a perfect moment. The moment to get everyone on board with hating Slytherins.

Eventually lunch ends and Ron and Blaise are meeting again but this time in the library. In the far back where Draco was with Harry when Draco kissed Harry's cheek. But do we need a flashback? Lol maybe next time.

In the library

Ronald and Blaise were walking close to each other. But as soon as someone came into view Ron sorta moved a little distance, which didn't go unnoticed by our coco skin Zabini. Blaise decided that he needed to clear this sexually conflicting issue with the red head boy. So he walked to the bookshelf and grabbed the book on swordsmenship. Then sat far from the other eyes in the library. Ron slightly confused took any random book and followed him to where he was sitting. To say the least the air between them was full of thick tension. So thick that you could barely cut through it.

Blaise pov

I sat and opened up the book that I got. Then I looked at Ronald Wesley. He was a pretty idiot. But even though he was attempting he was obviously hiding his intentions. And what has me even more confused is the fact that we kissed. It's not something that people like us would usually do right I think? "So Ronald let's talk" I say dead serious. He looks in my direction and gulps. "Okay so what about" he says. I think for a few seconds. "You hate Slytherins right" I ask him. His head moves up toward me really fast. "I well I don't love Slytherin but I also don't hate them" he answered. I think I can believe his answer. Then I continued to ask questions. "Why did you kiss me earlier" I ask Ronald. He turns his face away which is now red. "I don't really know but it just felt like the right thing to do" he responded. "Then are you gay/bi or just confused" I ask kinda harsh. Ron looks at me with a confused face. "I don't think that I'm gay, after all I dated a girl and had crushes on girls" he answered. I shake my head to let him know I was listening. "And I'm pretty sure I don't have those types of feelings for guys either" he responds. My eyes narrow on him with suspicion.

"Then why did you kiss me I'm a guy not a girl" I respond with a hint of irritation. He tries to dodge the question by asking me something else. "Are you sure you should be asking me these questions or am I getting in the way of your love life with Malfoy" he says. But then he almost immediately regrets that he said it because his face showed it. I was pissed at him because I even told him I didn't have that type of relationship with Draco. But it shows what type of person he intends to be. I quickly get up and speed walk out the library. I really hate this. The fact that I like him or the fact that rumors like me dating my bestfriend are even in real life due to Slytherin bullying. I rush into the bathroom that has Moaning Myrtle inside.

Draco is always telling me about how she is there for him almost as much as our friends are. So I run into the stall that he told me about.
"Hello is that you drakie" asked Myrtle. I sigh. "No it's his bestfriend Blaise Zabini" I said. She then peaks her head into the stall door and greets me. "Well it's nice to finally meet you he talks about you all the time, what was it again his brother like figure" she said. I smile at the thought of him telling her that. "Well sure I am we are gonna be together longer than any of the others because we have a brother like bond" I say with happiness. She smiles and asks me what is wrong.

So I spill like a broken glass cup telling her just everything. It feels nice to get this off my chest. "Oh it seems really bad for you but it could be worse" she said to me. "How much worse could it be" I ask her. "You could be like me lonely with only a few friends and stuck in a bathroom. Or you could be like that nice Draco Malfoy and have a abusive family life" she says to me. I sit and think about what she says to me. Then she hears something and leaves.

No one's pov

Suddenly a light flashes in the bathroom and Blaise is given something he probably never wanted to to see. He grabs at the wall for support from the light he is seeing. Then he suddenly falls until.......

A/n: *laughs evil like * what is it that he sees? 🤣😈 you'll have to wait to find out ha ha Ha HA HA * coughs * sorry later

[Updated edit ]

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