The dark side of waking up

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Draco, Pansy and Blaise were in detention for causing a ruckus and endangering their fellow classmates. "Listen I didn't want to have to punish you this much but you will not make a mockery of me " Snape said in pure aggravation at his slytherins. "So first you will clean my classroom then help Flinch with whatever he sees fit then you get a special last punishment " Snape smirks with hidden intensity. All three of them shivered as they went straight to work. Sending hate filled glares at each other they eventually got the work of cleaning the potions class done. Then they silently went to Flinch who made them do the most horrible unnecessary things. Such as clean floors with toothbrushes and plotting flowers outside in the cold weather. Not to mention that they had no wands to help them.

After a few long hours they were sweating in the potions classroom. Snape smirked upon seeing them exhausted. But not because he liked the thrill of making students and kids regret making decisions that are bad. No he liked that they were not gonna expect what he had next for them. "Okay so the last thing you have to do is wear this" Snape said. He pulled out a very big shirt that was both long and wide. Blaise looked at Snape with questionable eyes while Pansy grunts. Draco skeptically looked at the shirt then at his god father. "What are we doing with that hideous thing" Draco asked. Blaise rolls his eye and Pansy crosses her arms. "Isn't it obvious " Pansy said snarky to Draco. Blaise looked towards her and glares at her. "Well actually it's not but wouldn't you like to be a b....."Draco was saying before getting cut off by Snape. "Language, now this is the make up shirt you all wear it and you can leave when you make up" Snape says.

Blaise burst out laughing and Pansy snorts. Draco even gives in a few chuckles himself. Snape however doesn't appreciate it and quicker than light they are bonded together. Snape puts on the shirt for them then leaves. They all suddenly stop laughing. "Let's just get out " Blaise says. Then Draco rolls his eyes. "What Malfoy " Pansy says with irritation. Draco looks at both of them. His gaze softens for a moment until it hardens again. "It's just the last time I checked Blaise was my sidekick not the other way around " Draco said taunting knowing it makes Blaise mad.

"Fuck off Draco why are you being such a prick" Blaise says. Draco turns his head around in the other direction. Pansy sees his reaction and begins to question Draco.

Hermione was sitting outside playing cobblestone with another student in Hufflepuff. She was worried for both of her friends. Mostly Harry because he was being the most concerning. Ron was something completely different to think about. And pretty soon it would be time to go back to the common rooms. She sighed and looked as she just barely won the game because she was distracted. "Nice playing with you Granger" said the Hufflepuff boy as he left. Ginny soon walked over to Hermonie and sat beside her. Dusting off her skirt she looked at the smart pretty witch. "Mione are you okay or are you overthinking again" Ginny says in a friendly manner. Hermione looks up and smiles big and brightly. "Let's walk and talk it's getting cold and dark " Hermione says. Ginny nods and slightly jumps up reaching her hand out to Hermione. Looking at her friend with a thankful smile she accepted her hand. "So what's wrong monie" Ginny says.

Hermione sighs as she walks forward. "Well it's just Harry and Ron are being bloody secretive and are not completely here. It's awful because they won't even tell me what is going on " Hermione says saddened. Ginny looks at her friends face then sighs. "If it's too personal to talk about then they won't talk about it. But when they do just keep an open mind okay" said Ginny. Hermione smiles at her and pats her back. "Thanks Ginny let's get going " Hermione says.

Soon after walking for 3 minutes they hear a conversation that sounds suspicious and they stop to listen. "Listen it's not fair to them. Let's just stop because it's getting more dangerous than we hoped for " said the voice of a frightened girl. The other voice was also a girl too. But she seemed more determined to continue whatever was supposedly a bad idea. "Look I didn't care then and I don't care now! Plus wasn't it your plan are you trying to go back on it now? Are you trying to deceive me? This better not be a time heals all thing" the angry girl whisper shouts. Ginny shakes at how aggressive the girl sounds to the nicer girl.

Hermione pushes Ginny back from being seen and holds her hand in comfort. "No no that's not it, it's just haven't we done enough to them already? Why do we need to destroy thier future's as well " asked the soft spoken first girl. Suddenly a loud slap could be heard. Hermione was speechless and kinda scared for the soft spoken girl. Ginny wanted so badly to help was being held back by Hermione. "How dare you! You know exactly why now do you want to go soft on me or finish what we started " the angry girl said. After a few seconds the soft spoken girl spoke to answer yes. Suddenly they walked away.

After hearing them leave Ginny and Hermione gave each other the look and left to the common room to get to the bottom of this. Because something was already happening and it wasn't gonna be or end pretty.

Happy 2021🥳

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