I always knew you were selfish

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Ron was just about to lay down. He felt like he wasn't being himself in these most recent days. He wanted to be sure that if he kept talking to the Slytherin pal he wouldn't lose his Gryffindor masculinity. That he wouldn't fall weak to a trick. But how can you be sure if you only write letters to each other without even knowing who they are?
He felt like he was going to need to put his pride aside. Try to befriend the boy behind the letters not the persona that was displayed on the outside. He was confused if what they had was just regular friendship or growing into more but that was another problem in itself. With that in mind Ronald went to sleep with a less heavy mind.

~¤ with Harry ¤~
Harry and Hermonie were walking down the great hall to the library. Harry had recently been moved by how Malfoy was being nicer and without him knowing sometimes he would even smile. It was quite beautiful even more than any female he had seen. But Harry wouldn't ever be brave enough to say it to the boy. Despite being in the house of the brave. It had been a few days of calm before the storm. And Harry knew this, well more like could predict it. So when Harry and Hermonie bumped into Malfoy, Zabini and Parkinson he almost died of shock as his heart started to beat when he looked at Malfoy.

Hermonie quickly apologized and tried to get Harry so that they could get the books she acquired but he insisted on staying in his spot. Malfoy looked a bit mad, pissed even but stayed none the less. Parkinson grabbed Hermonie and went on to the library Zabini confused followed the 2 females.

Harry and Draco glared at each other until Harry stepped forward. Malfoy stepped back 2 steps. It continues like this until his back is to the nearest wall and Harry is blocking his way. "What do you want Potter" Malfoy said with malice and slightly frighten voice. Harry being impulsive leaned forward and kissed Malfoy. Then he back up and said " I think I like you". Malfoy was shocked and surprised and angry. He was overwhelmed and over thinking. Draco looked deep in Harry's eyes and into his soul and said " How can you do something like this Potter, be so selfish and unaware and inconsiderate"?!

Harry wasn't expecting him to say all that , to yell and hex him maybe but nothing like this. He was shook and shocked by his response. Malfoy pushed past Harry but not without a last response." I hope I never seen you again scar face unless it's with an apology and an apple". Then he ran away but it looked very much professional. The feelings even though his face didn't express anything his eyes had said it all. And what they said was enough for Harry to understand.

Malfoy was running with no end to a place he knew that the others wouldn't find him. A place where he could be free to think and ponder what he was letting himself feel. Yet Harry stood there in his spot thinking just what have I done?

A/N:😭 so sorry for not updating this in a while. No excuses but being a senior in high school is time consuming so I'll post when I can. 🌈🤗 so I hope you like it. Also sorry it's short but I got inspired by my girls song .

[Updated edit]

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