The uninvited guest

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Pansy extremely mad to be interrupted. That is until her anger turned into concern. "What are you up to " asked Pansy. Draco looks towards the person. And his face turns into straight disappointment. "Why hello......"
"Why hello Draco and Parkinson" said the voice. Pansy huffed in pure delight at the visitors clam yet oddly cheerful voice. "You sure got some nerve" Pansy says as she softly moves Draco's head to get up. "Please be civil for once in your life Parkinson and be nice to little old me" said the voice of the visitor. Draco looked at her with a slight glare before putting on his Malfoy mask over his emotions. "Well well well I've been expecting you but later today" Draco snarled at the guest. The visitor smiles and looks directly at him. "Okay let's get down to business " the visitor says. Then she walks over to the door were she flips her hair and starts walking off. "Remind me again why I can't hex her" Pansy says. Draco laughs and then Pat's her head. Sometimes Draco could see how annoying she was but other times he quite liked her twisted attitude. "Because she is that candidate" Draco sighed in bored contentment.

Pansy looks slightly  indifferent before turning shocked. "That damn girl beat out me and 3 others" Pansy says with more concern than malice. Draco rolled on his stomach and took Pansy's hand then kissed it. "Unfortunately for me she has" Draco says with indifference. Then he proceeded to get up and leave the room. "Catch you on the flipside Parkinson my dearest" Draco jokes. The thing was Draco and his friends all kinda had arranged marriages like other purebloods. But they were hoping that if they could get paired with each other then they could have their own secret lives. Which would have worked if not for the parents constantly changing in status.

Draco looked around the slytherin common room and found the note he was looking for. "Meet me in the abandoned classroom for our little chat" said the note from the visitor. Draco sighed as he fixed his hair with his hands. Well it's no time to overthink now Draco thought. And he walked out of the common room to the meeting location. He slowly walked to that classroom. He walked by students pushing and laughing and having fun. He was jealous of them to be quite frank. He wanted his old parents back and a nice peaceful life but he wasn't fortunate enough for that. He always did as he was told but never got the happy ending he deserved. It was shitty, even his bestfriend was getting somewhere with that crappy Wesley boy Ronald. But thinking on it was he really getting somewhere? As his thoughts start wondering he was already there. He breathed in and opened the door. 'Well here goes nothing I guess' Draco says to himself in thought.

"Don't you remember when I told you that I liked you" the guest said. Draco kept his indifference mask on and nodded. "And I'll be seeing alot more of you so please let's get to know each other" said the voice with hope. "Yeah sure it's not like we can marry without knowing each other " Draco says slightly sarcastic. She rolls her eyes as she smirks at him. "Don't do that Malfoy I'm a sweetheart, plus I'll even keep your dirty little secret " the female said looking at her nails. Draco tensed up slightly to where no one could notice. "Of course you would" he said with slight anger. "No need to blackmail a blackmailer " Draco smirks widely. The female suddenly looks frightened. It's common knowledge that slytherins will do anything for what they believe in. Even blackmail others and spread things around. But only the best of the best can survive. People who are smart thinkers and real go getters who do anything for the bigger picture. The female started shaking and looked down. "Of course I would never" says trying to sound nonchalant. "But let's meet again later Malfoy "she said with passion and affection. Draco wasn't quite sure what he thought about her half the times. They were both very different but that was a good thing.

Things that made the former friends great. But what also drew them apart. After all she did always like him and he maybe had even liked her at one point in time. But that was before he realized his feelings for Potter were the most strongest they ever been. So he looked up at her and gave her a signature grin of his. "Oh yes let's meet again Astoria Greengrass, let us do" Draco said with an underling tone.

[Updated edit]

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