saddest part

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[ In honor of a good man]

The night sky was dark. And not the usual dark but a much more grim dark. The kind that told stories of how bad things were going to happen. It was a day in the kids 7th year. It made things cold and creepy and horrid. The kind that spoke volumes and made the air stiff and the night more terrifying than it usually was. So for our Headmaster Dumbledore who was in the Astronomy tower never thought that something like this would happen so soon at his primal age but knew it would happen eventually. Dumbledore fell off the tower to his breath taking death.

~Earlier in the day~

Dumbledore with Harry in his office they were talking about something important. "Now young Harry I know things have been hard and you and your friends have been in constant danger "Dumbledore says. "But it's important that you don't forget the most important things like forgiveness and love and compassion " Dumbledore says. "Yes I understand that I won't forget it but what does that have to do with defeating Voldemort "Harry asked. Dumbledore did his special face that screamed oh boy are you ready for this one. "That has just about everything to do with it my dear boy" Dumbledore says in a claim voice. And Harry was still the most confused person in the room when it came to talking with Dumbledore. It was like he was always speaking in riddles or so straight forward that it went over people's head. 

"Come meet me tonight my boy and we can talk some more" Dumbledore says to Harry. Then Harry stands up and waves before leaving the office.
Dumbledore sighed as he had gotten up. He was feeling sick like he was dying which he was because his magic was getting weaker. He walked out into a classroom which had Mcgonagall and Snape. They were going to talk about the students and then finally get the solution to the problem at hand. So he walked into the classroom and they talked. "So let's get started" Dumbledore says with a twinkle of mischief and something unreadable in his eyes.

*Time skips brought to you by Lila Zabini *

Dumbledore pov

It was the conversation that we all dreaded and we finally came to common ground on an answer. Then we all stood up. "I'm not usually the one who says this but I'm glad we came to a understanding " Snape says monotone. "Yes I agree with that now let's get about our days shall we" Mcgonagall says. I smile and cross my fingers together. "Yes it's settled we shall and let's get prepared for the war because we all know it's coming " I said with slight pain. "Yeah let's" Snape said. But I could tell he was also worried too about the outcomes but you can only plan ahead so much. And then we leave the classroom.

It was a pretty tiring day for me getting ready for something to happen because I knew it would. And then time came when I had to meet with Harry. I know it seems like I was stringing him along to the side but I try to prevent him from being in too much danger. I care about him and all my students and staff. So I write a note. One that basically tells whoever reads this that I want Mcgonagall to be headmaster if I'm gone and stuff for Harry to read. I was finally ready to leave and see Harry and talk.

we end up at the astronomy tower and we are talking. But something feels dark about this night. And then I start to hear sounds. In my quick movement I mute Harry then bind him and lastly make him almost invisible but he's just see through. Then I turn around. "Oh Draco my boy how are you" I ask him. He then looks at me. He's panicked and looks very stress. "What do you think I am" he asked me with a strained voice. I feel so bad for him because I know that he didn't pick the side of the war he was on. And he is carrying a burden that no child should carry especially alone. "I know your not okay and nothing I say can change that but I want you to know I'm here for you" I say to him very sympathetic. He looks away then points his wand at me. "Thats right you don't understand. Look at this horrible  situation I'm in" Draco says to me.

I see him pulling down his sleeve showing me the dark mark. And very soon he starts crying. I'm feeling much worse because I know now he really feels complicated things all at once. "Look it's okay I can't take it away but I can help bring you somewhere safe my child" I say to him trying to get him to listen to my logic and reasoning.  His hands start to shake as he starts to lower his hand down. He seems to be thinking until he snaps back into the moment. "Y-you can't help me no one can " he says in a sad panicked way. "I understand your scared but I can. And I understand that you're worried but" I say until I'm interrupted. Then he lifts his wand back up.

Others from the opposite side of the war are here. So this was the moment of truths. I knew my time was coming. So I very quickly smile at Harry then I give Snape a look that he understands from our previous conversations. Then Snape points his wand and I'm sent flying over the side of the tower. " I'm sorry" Snape whispered quietly as the death eaters cheer.

You know the thing about falling. Well it's an art because yeah everyone can do it but only certain people can fall with grace. And did you know that when you fall from a high point the more you feel like your flying.
Well it felt like a panicked but claim falling feeling. What I was thinking when I fell off the tower was how I left the world just a bit more sooner than I would have liked. But that I helped people along the way. I stare at the sky one last time before I disappeared. But to others I landed on the ground not moving. Then it instantly started to rain.

Was this the end for me? Was this all I could do with the last of my life? Well I did plenty. I helped many people and I cared for everyone. I sometimes wished that I could have saved Tom Riddles soul but even I know that it's impossible. And as my voice starts to fade I say" goodbye everyone I believe that things will be better than how it used to be".

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