the greatest divide

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Everyone is just one word away from explaining just what was happening that tied the events together.

A/n:(But as you already know what it is I won't tell you.

Just kidding I'm gonna tell ya it's important information😉.)

Blaise nods and walks out into the great hall with Luna. Pansy and Draco are confused as the living daylights. Just what could that possibly be about? Well both Blaise and Luna contributed to small talk as they both walked until they were sure they were out of wondering ears length. It seems like our Pretty smartie Lovegood was stressed.

Blaise pov

"What's the matter Lunar? Are you okay is something the matter" I asked her. She looks down and then moves her strands of hair out of her face. "Well it's just lately I've seen Cho Chang pretty upset and we hangout sometimes, yet she's never like this" said Luna. "Like what? How is she acting" asked Blaise. "Well she's moody and sad, she is also crying alot and seems to be eating less" said Luna with concern. "I just want to know what you think I should do to help her" Luna asked. Blaise softly rubs his hand on his forehead and thinks. "Well you should try and figure out what's wrong but don't directly ask be discreet and then confront her" I say to her. "Okay that seems like a really good idea thanks Blaise" said Luna as she hugs him. "We should hangout more when you have free time "she smiles at him. "Sure anytime and if you need me to stay up late I will, but don't tell anyone I said that" Blaise jokes to Luna. She smiles her pretty and slightly creepy smile at him.

The kind that she gets when she has something she knows that you don't. It's kinda like that Hermione Granger girl. I rub her head and pat her arm as we walk back into the great hall and then into our separate tables.

End of blaise pov

Blaise sits beside his friends and grabs his food to eat. "What was that about Blaise" asked Pansy as she gives him the side eye. Draco slightly pops her arm with his hand. "He is a big boy he can take care of whatever he decided to get involved with" Draco said. Pansy pouts and turns away but still respects he has privacy. Crable laughs slightly at her. And then Goyle snickered and went to talk to a fellow slytherin. Blaise smiles to himself before eating. "You guys are definitely going to be the death of my sanity "Blaise jokes. Draco laughs with a fake shock look on his face. "So what we aren't already "he smirks. Pansy turns her head slightly to him. Then she grabs his head in between her arm as she roughly but playfully rubs her fist into his hair. Blaise laughs as Draco asks him to help. But knowing Pansy if you did help you would get it too. That my friends is the true power of Pansy Parkinson. She is a stubborn, loving, idealistic and entertaining woman if you ever did get to know her.
And after the friends got done eating they had classes to attend.

               *3 hours later*

They finally got into the common room. It felt like pure relief to be outta classes even though they liked some of the classes. Pansy was laying on a beautiful couch and looked up at her friends. "Where are you going Crable" she asks. "Oh I'm gonna be meeting um my girlfriend" he says with a blush. Pansy claps her hands as he smiles at her. "Well go get her Crable, don't forget to put one on if you decide to be naughty" Pansy says. Crable blushes and rushes out the room as his friends start whooping and whistling. Then Goyle and Blaise went to the shared room of the his and Crable's shared one.(Crable and Goyle's shared room if you didn't get it.) Leaving only Pansy and Draco. "So Draco what actually happened between you and Potter" asked Parkinson. "I know we talked about other stuff last night but can you tell me" she asks with care. He smiles at her then takes her into his room that is shared with Zabini. 'Well it all started like this....'

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