Hard for you to see

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Hermione smiled while Ginny laughed. "Okay lover boys we have something important to talk about " Ginny says. And that's when Hermione was silent. Almost as if she was back in shock mode. But then looked at her friends. Ginny spoke first. "Guys we have some news that might be of great importance to us. And about the safety of a classmate " Ginny says. Harry and Ron both look at each other with a slight confused and scared face. Breathing in slowly Hermione starts to go into details about what they heard in that hall. Harry and Ron listen really intently and somehow with ease understand the situation completely. "Do you have any idea of who the girls where" Ron asked. Hermione and Ginny nod yes.

It's seems to have sounded like Astoria and her I guess friend but we aren't to sure who "Ginny answers. "But what ever happens you need to know about it and keep it in mind " Hermione says. Everyone agrees and takes their leave. Ron to do so unfinished business before they leave in 2 days. Harry who is getting into more troublesome things. And Hermione who is ready to say a goodbye to her girlfriend Pansy. Lastly Ginny who is staying behind but is gonna hang out with her friends until further notice.

Running into the halls from the Gryffindor common room Ron looks for a place to think. "Maybe I should talk with Blaise" Ron thinks out loud. So he turns to go into the library to write to him before going and sending him a letter. Within 20 minutes he gets a response back. The letter said to meet him in the empty Transfiguration classroom.

After sitting patiently in the classroom Ron sees Blaise. They smile at each other and sat close to one another. Ron looked at Blaise with a look that Blaise couldn't read nor decipher. "So how's things with your friends " Ron asks breaking the silence. Blaise rubs the back of his neck. "Well we just made up not long ago actually " Blaise says with a happy tone. Ron smiles at his answer happy to know that Blaise had his friends back. "Um I don't want to be the awkward one but can I ask a serious question?" Blaise says. Ron lifts his eyebrows but agrees to let him ask. Blaise looks away avoiding eye contact. "Well we have done lots of hanging out and kissing. We even did some other stuff. But that's besides the point "Blaise says. "I just want to know if we are on the same page as one another? So what are we exactly? "Blaise asks Ron. "We are something special " Ronald said looking at Blaise with a smile. Blaise smiles back and shakes his head slightly. "That's a cute response but not quite what I meant " Blaise says.  Ron looks into Zabini face and then has a knowing face of understanding.

"Oh you mean what kind of relationship are we" Ron says.
Blaise smiles because Ron was very smart and it usually didn't take him long to get to the point. But there are times in which he would just sit aside and pretend that he hadn't already figured out what was happening. "So what's your answer?" Blaise asks with a  curious face.

Hermione was walking with a determine look on her face. She was walking to meet up with her lovely girlfriend. She eventually stopped when she seen Pansy sitting in front of a portrait and talking casually. Hermione smiled at her talking to a portrait then seen that Pansy held a book. Hermione curiosity got the better of her because she had never seen that book. So she walked over towards her to get a better look. "So you and Hermione are a couple then how come she's in that picture with that Victor guy" the portrait asked. Hermione and Pansy stiffened. Even though both the portrait and Pansy couldn't tell Hermione was there it was still awkward. Even for Hermione who was standing now behind a curve corner of a wall.

"Well " Pansy begins. "It was about the time of the yull ball when this was taken. See Victor had asked Hermione to go with him and some people overheard before she told me" Pansy says looking up at the portrait. "So I had some time to think about things. And then later Hermione told me so I wanted her to be able to enjoy herself with a potential friend" Pansy says. Then she takes a long breath. "So when she asked I told her that Blaise was gonna go with me because he didn't have a date so she could go with him. Which wasn't a lie completely but she went " Pansy states. The portrait nods her head in understanding.

"But we had a bit of a fight when I found out that she had a little bit of feelings for him" Pansy says with a jealous look on her face. Hermione laughs quietly to herself. "But they did go together and she had fun for a little while but it just wasn't as fun without me" Pansy says with a knowing smirk on her face. "And that's all I needed in order for me to put this picture in our relationship scrapbook I made for us" Pansy says laughing lightly. The portrait smiles and they continue looking through the scrapbook. Hermione though leaves to her common room feeling much happier and lighter.

2 more chapters than it's over. Make sure to check out my other harry potter fanfiction books like The Parkinson curse. Also to learning to live with Malfoy. But only if I actually decide to post them.

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