gwbh(girls with broken hearts)

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Cho was looking for Lavender. She was still acting strange and possessive. And after Cedric died all she had was Lavender. The girl had befriended her when she was in her time of need. She gave her a reason to keep living on. So it really hurt when she started dating Ronald Wesley. Especially when she had to hear all about how awesome he is and how sweet a guy he is. She just wanted her to look at her with the same admiration as she has for Ron. But this was never gonna happen. She was just a girl and her bestfriend. Things like this usually never end well for ethier party involved. But still Cho would do anything for Lavender even if it meant hurting by herself because of the unrequited feelings she has.

Cho heard that Lavender was looking for Ron. As much as her heart was hurting maybe she needed to talk with him for closure? So Cho set out to find him. But instead found all 3. The golden trio. Her encounter really put things into perspective for her.

Cho's pov

I was walking around the grand lawn when I see the golden trio. I walk over to them not to start confrontation but to try to help out Lavender. So I gently tap Harry who gets his friends attention. I smile at them. They smile back. It was entirely awkward even after the incident that happened between Harry and I. "So I came over here to talk to Ron about Lavender" I said. Hermonie looked annoyed and like she was thinking about something. Harry on the other hand looked relaxed and slightly confused. Ron looked me in the eyes. "Um Cho I already talked with Lavender already" he said slightly nervous.

I move my hair out of my face. "Yeah I know it's just she is sorry, she really likes you and gotten very carried away" I explain to him. Ron nods. "I just hope that in the future you can truly forgive her, after all she's really not that bad" I said. Hermione looked at me. She had an unreadable expression. Harry spoke. "I think we already knew that it's just they didn't quite fit together he" said honestly. I looked quite offended. They were dating for more than two weeks I'm sure if they didn't fit that they would have broken up I think. As if reading my mind Hermione speaks.

"I think you got it all wrong, Ron did something selfish and she had to be left to pick up the pieces" she said kindly. Ron looked away in shame. I was starting to get mad. And as I was gonna speak Hermione interrupted me. "I think you should talk to her about how you feel because what happened with her and Ron is a history learning moment" she says with some concern. I just nod and walk away. It would be no use I already know how she will react.

°flashback °

"Hey Cho guess what" said Lavender. I looked at her in a pretending suprise way. "I don't know just tell me" I said to her. "Well I know that I like Ron Wesley" she said with confidence and dreamy eyes. My heart felt like a sharp pain was inside of it. Kinda like stepping on glass. I fake smile. "That's great news Lavs" I said. She smiles and hugs me. I had a question and wanted to see what she would say back as an answer. "So Lavs what if a girl like has romantic feelings for another girl what do you think about it" I ask her serious.

Lavender stops in her tracks. She makes a disgusted face and says "it's not what we were made to feel. It's weird and almost as bad as casting an unforgivable spell" she says. I almost burst out crying but I hold back the tears. "But why do you ask" she says. I shake my head and say "it's just a question". A few minutes later I get up. "I have to go but I'll see you later Lavs". She grabs my arm and hugs me. "Bye Cho don't forget I'll help you get a new boyfriend so we can double date" she says. I rush out and go into my room crying into my pillow until I'm asleep.

No one pov

Things are starting to get tense and there is nowhere were you can't feel tension. But it is finally the day were the colors are no longer on our boys bodies. They will be able to feel in secret again. Things are getting back on track. Except for the love scores. Maybe they all should've took the love shot (sorry for exo reference couldn't help myself). But unfortunately life doesn't work like that.

Lavender is in her room sleeping. Cho is feeling depressed about this. But when did we talk and Lavender not tell me about it thought cho chang. She rubbed the back of her neck and started to lightly cry. Love was such a battle field. It was hard and Cho couldn't take it. But it's supposed to be worth it at the end, right? Things aren't supposed to be this bad. Living life destined to be in a one sided love forever right?

A/n: short chapter because I'm lazy😝 anyway enjoy

[Updated edit]

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