Not a chapter but please read

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Well this is the author and I would like to say a few words about the pairings that I made in the story.

Most might not care but I just wanted to do this anyway.

Also I can do a Q&A if ya want but that's for another day.

Um well damn I mean dang I want to clearly state that if Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy were real would definitely date 100% but also I'm thinking about doing Zabini cosplay with some friends 🤔 at some point.
Let's see how that's gonna work out

~Longest introduction into something later~

So yeah if i don't make sense sue me!!

Anyways First I would like to start off by saying I do like all the original pairings that were made in the movie and the book. But I wanted to mostly say what I feel about the pairings I personally wrote about.

We have Hermonie and Pansy. Draco and Harry. Cho and Lavender. Blaise and Ronald. Luna and Neville. As the basic ships.
Then we have the other ships yet to be said or that have only had a brief mention. Hermonie with Pansy and Vector and Luna. Next we have Ginny with Luna and Harry. Then Draco with Harry and Astoria( slightly Pansy and blaise). Then we have Ron with Lavender and Blaise.
Now we have the ships with characters that I made up. With Crable and Lorna the ravenclaw. Goyle and the physical therapist I'll name him Kyle. Oh and the bully leader Michael with Meghan.

Now that, that is cleared up let me get into why I picked them.
So I do like Harry with Ginny because who doesn't love the whole let's be a wesley family member thing going on. It's just complicated to think that anyone of the characters would be fit with them based on how they are. Meaning personality wise and the roles they play. For example all the wesley  family they value family over everything. And yes Harry does value family but I don't think he would value family over everything like they do. Like to the point were they only spend money on food and give their kids hand me down. And it was hard to think about because they wouldn't even use majority of the money that they have to buy the new stuff for their kids. Like they could have gotten Ron a new wand. And yeah they aren't materialistic but they basically don't spend any money on important things. Which influences  how their children will spend money too. Everything we seen Ron with was hand me down city. Now I'm  not saying they are gonna be dirty but I am saying old habits die hard. Also Ginny would be such an overachiever it would over shadow harry. She would literally always have something better to compare if harry ever were to tell her about something from his job. Plus they seem like they would get a divorce. I say that because even if what I previously said was wrong some how she would be a suck up. Like she wouldn't say anything to make him leave putting her on hysterical eggshells. She would lose her mind trying to match a perfect person for him. I don't think Harry would fit in with that lifestyle eventhough he would be very supportive. He would eventually be unattached. They are on two different life schedules. With work and kids. And last thing she is a literal fangirl who is his friends little sister. Like if I was Ron would totally backtrack our friendship.

Next thing to say I like Ron and hermonie but I think better as friends than in a relationship. Because here's the thing Hermione in the beginning of the Harry Potter movies when she was getting chased by that troll in the bathroom the only reason she was crying was because she didn't feel she was approved in their friendship. She kinda gave me the girlier muggle-born Draco Malfoy if he was a girl in that situation. Only because I feel like crying in a mostly abandoned bathroom is over dramatic like he is. But anyway they get along great but I personally don't think I felt the chemistry between them that screamed I like you. It felt forced to me. And that's all I have to say.

Harry and Harmonie. I wanted it like really bad. I felt like they had chemistry and she actually liked him for being hisself. They both have strength and I feel like she could bring up Harry. Like in the way a good couple can. Strengths that even he can lift up her up as well with. They both have this ideal that they can help change the world. That they could actually contribute something with each other. Rather than every other female she can see right through his bullcrap. But sadly I didn't make this fanfiction about them.

So next we have Harry and Draco. Yes yes yes. Like where do I start. Enemies turned into romance Partners. Two people who know how to trigger each other, two people who are absolutely perfect for each other. One complements the other and if they were one person they would literally be perfect. Both are equally attractive to look at, both smart in their own freaking ways. Both can get kinda vicious and one is more brave one is more ambitious. Like where do I even start, and where do I end. They also would be so passionate. If harry ever made his own decisions I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be easily influenced. Especially if draco was with him. Like where do I even in this. It's like this one has to be hands down one of the best ones.

The next couple I want to talk about is Pansy and Hermione. Guess what pansy is pansexual. And hermonie is a genius. And only a genius could love a girl like her. Sorry for the song reference but it's true. Pansy and Hermione they both have this little thing going on I can feel it in the way that they look and talk to each other or about each other. I can see Pansy as someone who can bring Hermione into a new stage. A new better stage of herself in which she can be more than a genius. Also giving her new Perspective on life and people in it. And hermonie doing the same to Pansy.  They both will be a freaking power couple. Say less.

Neville and Luna. And what can I say JK Rowling already got it right. Like I can literally see Luna making Neville more than confident and loved. Neville protecting lunas honor. I can see Neville and Luna just being there for each other. They're not the power couple but they're too cute couple that everyone's jealous of when you go to the evening dinners. And just feeling like uhh I hate them are so good for each other. But also I feel like Luna won't use Neville. Luna is a angel. And Neville knows how to treat her. Neville is the hottest guy besides the malfoys and Zabini. Fist up and fight me.

Cho and Lavender. Yes I can see you guys saying this is very unlikely because it definitely is. But think about it two beautiful girls who did not get the love that they deserve. Cho chang boyfriend died and Lavender brown is dumped by a hospitalized Ronald  wesley. So this was my chance to tell the love of people who we seen get scorned by previous love encounters. Cho and lavender did not get the love that they deserve so I thought they'd be good together that they could come together and work on something because we never really get to see them. So I could interpret what I think would happen between them and make it so that they are happily in love. Say no more say no less it's just is what it is.

Ginny and Luna. Yes people are probably after my head. Sorry I really wanted Luna and Neville. And others just had questions. Well why not. They both are completely the opposite of each other. Luna is older and Ginny could get experience from her. They both were to different to work out  in my story but if they tried they could be sweethearts. They would be cringey cute with butterfly kisses and stuff like that.

Draco and Astoria. Just because of the arranged marriage. And because in the whole movie in the end kinda said that she could be better for him she could get him to learn to love again. Would be absolutely beautiful. At the same time I feel like they would be so compatible because she is more masked as she doesn't show her evilness or her badass side. Yet draco would be cool with it. They both are slytherin and would likely be the best at co-parenting .They both could be better than what their family's were. Making them couple goals.

Lastly Ronald and Blaise. What do I even say about them honestly I think that Ron is so freaking perfect. Then Zabini is the freaking angel in disguise. If they decided that they wanted to be together it would not only help with Slytherin and Gryffindor relations partly. It would help all of Hogwarts see a more open minded view. But they seem like the ones who are always pushed off as a sidekick and it's those two who are together they could make something brilliant. They could show that every voice matters. That they are more than just the "following ". That small things make big outcomes and lastly underdogs are just as great as others. (Ship wise.)

Also I'm not sure if I want to continue this story but I'll try. Idk it's just I have to reread my writing every so often and I'm like nope I hate it lol. Like i really do. But I'll try to finish this story right.

If you want another one of this comment below. And also comment so we can talk about what you think and what ships you like. ✍👇

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