Can u read between the lines

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Unexpected characters pov time.

Crable pov

So I was sitting at the table with my good friends and we were having a great time. Like we usually do we joke around and play. But then today started to feel different. I'm not sure if it was a good different but it just felt that way. "Gosh Goyle are you gonna continue to eat the whole table" Pansy jokes. Goyle laughs and rakes his hands through his hair. "Are you gonna kiss Blaise or Draco "Goyle jokes back. Then we all start laughing. "Anyway where is Draco at" asked Blaise? Pansy laughs lightly as she looks around. Then she freezes. "Where is that love sick boy" she asks more seriously. I turn around looking also. "Maybe he doesn't want to eat today " I said. Pansy looks hesitant but agrees nonetheless. Blaise however looks worried. Then it's over because Ron was making some strange secret signals to Blaise that I started to catch up with. I'm pretty sure that they are secretly dating each other but won't say anything since Draco would supposedly be against it. But I'm 95% sure he wouldn't try to stop his bestfriend from being happy. Anyway Blaise makes up a pretty lame excuse to leave but I make sure to nudge his shoulder in a friendly way before he left.

"So you guys I have something I want to say" I tell them. Goyle and Pansy are instantly ready to listen. "Okay buddy let's hear it "Goyle says while smiling. I instantly smile back to him and then I smile at Pansy. "So you both know that I'm dating Ravenclaw girl Lorna right "I say to them. "Oh yes are we getting all the details of your sex life "Pansy says nonchalant grabbing her paper to get ready. Goyle smacks her legs. "Stop teasing the poor boy you know he wants to wait until marriage "Goyle states. Pansy yelps and half of the table looks at us. "Proceed to your own business "I say loudly. They then turn back around.
"Well wasn't that something puggy " Goyle jokes. "Not funny you tinker bell muggle fairy " Pansy says as she pouts. "Okay but really she is amazing I think I want to marry her once we're done with Hogwarts " I say in a love struck way. Pansy is now drawing unnecessary attention on us by whooping and whistling. While Goyle is pretending to gag at my in love state. "Well it's about time you noticed that" Goyle says overly loud. "It's not like you to be so in love and gush about her" Goyle says even louder. Then Pansy joins in more. "Yeah maybe you should just marry her right now" she yells. I turn a bright red as the other tables stare and Lorna turns red too. "You guys stop embarrassing me" I tell them as we laugh.

Then all of a sudden Goyle gets a letter from a owl he's never seen before. "Who is that from " I ask. "Yeah any secret lovers you have "Pansy asked. Goyle pretends gag again and opens it up. His face looked very confused. "Guys if this is a joke it's not funny "Goyle says. "What joke are you talking about " Pansy asks serious. "This letter "he says back. I then grabbed the letter and read it out loud. "Dear uncle Goyle, it's not likely that you'll get this but I made a huge mistake and I need you to warn my father and your friend Blaise Zabini. Tell him that his daughter Lila is in way over her head. He'll understand eventually. Love niece Lila" I read. In that moment we all were frozen. What in the world is happening? And why is it happening now?

Crable pov end

Meanwhile with ~

Lavender was walking and talking with her friends when a Hufflepuff told her about how Astoria was talking with Harry. But if you didn't know already Astoria and Lavender aren't friends after Astoria practically stole who Lavender likes. But not on purpose see she was just the cuter friend at the moment to a guy who was a shallow dick. So Lavender being a big Ginny and Harry fan wasn't having any of that bull. So she decided to confront her. And that is where we are now.

"Astoria you need to stay away from Potter " Lavender says. And Astoria laughs. "I'm 100% sure you don't own him so leave me alone Lavs " Astoria says. "Don't call me that only my friends call me that" Lavender says with a slight pained look. "It's not fair I was your friend too once in time" Astoria says sadly. "Yeah key word is was so just stay away from him because your already taken " Lavender states. "I can hangout with whoever I want to and that's facts" said Astoria madly. Lavender puffed out and started to roll her eyes. "I know your a cheater who likes to seduce guys but harry is not someone you can do that to" said Lavender putting venom in her voice. Astoria got upset. "What did you say" Astoria says. "You heard me the shoe fits so put it on" Lavender states. Astoria punches Lavender and it starts a fight. And Cho who was walking by had to stop them. "Get ahold of your selves for goodness sake "Cho yells.


"Hey Ginny how's things going "asked Luna. "Oh I'm fine and things feel great, is anything new for you" asked Ginny. Luna lights up. See Ginny and Luna used to date for a few months before they gotten to busy and decided to break up. But they are still friends and very good ones at that. "Well me and Neville have been going out and he's such a gentleman " Luna says. Ginny smiles but also looks a little down. "That's great I bet he's is after all he is a great person " Ginny says. And they take a few minutes to catch up with each other.
"So are you really gonna keep dating Neville "asked Ginny. Luna looked slightly annoyed. "Yes I really like him why do you keep asking me that" Luna says. Ginny looks down at the ground. "It's just I'm shocked that's all" Ginny says. "You can't believe that I'm moving on is that it" Luna says upset. Ginny shakes her head. "No it's just I'm a little jealous but don't worry about it " Ginny says looking at Luna.

Luna looks away. "It's not fair when you dated Dean for awhile I wasn't constantly asking you if your sure but" Luna say. "You make me feel like you don't want me to be happy with him" she finishes. Ginny grabs her hand. "It's not that I promise it's just I wish I had a relationship like that is all so don't worry " Ginny states. Luna smiles and hugs her.
"I understand you so let's go to the library and hangout. We can talk about things there" Luna states. And they both happily conversate about things as they go.


Michael was in the halls walking with Meghan. It was awkward for some reason. "What's the matter Michael your quite " Meghan say. Michael stares ahead silent. Meghan pinches his arm. "Ow fine I'll talk" says Michael. Meghan smiles in victory. "I just hate that you seem nice to Slytherins like they are evil and work for he who shall not be named " Michael says with a grim voice. Meghan sighs. Just great he hates that she is actually a nice person who only does it for his attention. "Look I don't hate anyone unless they did something to me but I also like being around you " Meghan says shyly looking away. Michael stops in his spot. Meghan stops to and turns around. She looks at him confused. "You hate me now don't you" Meghan ask sadly. Michael shakes his head no then walks up to her. He leans down and kisses her on the lips. It's fire meets fate and now it's a sure deal. Once they pull apart he speaks. "It's actually the opposite I love you but if you can't tell me how you feel about me doing this then I'm sorry " Michael says. "I can't change fully but I can try if only for you " Michael says with hope and love. Meghan smiles and  cries lightly as she runs and jumps on him. "It's not official but we can make a promise of that" Meghan says. "So Meghan will you go out with my a bag of damage goods" Michael asked. Meghan smiles then it turns into a smirk. "Of course you big fool but remember that I'm also damage goods " Meghan says as they walk away.

A/n: so I'm a messy drama maker for the characters Lol but enjoy

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