After math or after science

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Ron had to comfort his best mate Harry because one of the most important people to him had died. Ron was sad and it hurt him more to see how his bestfriend was sad too. Besides that they were gonna have to leave to destroy these horcruxes things that they found out about and Ron has yet to tell his friends about the thing with Blaise Zabini.

Fear wasn't an issue is what he kept telling his mind. But in reality it was, in fact he was so scared and ashamed. He didn't want them to think less of him or badly of him. After all he didn't really have what his other siblings had. He never felt popular and was never anyone's favorite or first pick. At least that was what he was telling himself. But one person was undeniably picking him first and he just didn't realize it. He was so use to not being someone's someone that he didn't believe it was actually happening to him.

After Harry went to sleep Ron went to meet Blaise and talk. They seem to have been sneaking off with each other a lot. Especially of the more recent days. They do lots of fun activities such as chatting and kissing. Doing homework and the occasional groping. It's like they became each other's person. When they were together they smiled more. But everytime Blaise tried to confirm a relationship Ron was scared and would avoid it. Like he already knew pretty much that they were sorta dating but he didn't want to say it out loud. Because saying it out loud meant it was actually happening.

"Hey Ron is everything okay " Blaise asked. Ron sat next to Blaise on the cold dark floor and laying his head on his chest. " Yeah I'm okay but Harry's not" Ronald said sadly. Blaise gently runs his fingers through Ron's hair. "I'm sure it will be another hard part for him but he'll get through it. Believe me he always seems too " Blaise says reassuring. Ron smiled for the first time in a while at that. "So Ronald did you get a chance to tell your friends about me" asked Blaise. He had a very hopeful look on his face. Ron not wanting to disappoint and tell Blaise that he didn't quite tell them decided to spare the truth. "Yeah I did tell them about you, they were on the fence at first but as long as we don't change anything then they are happy" Ron said. Blaise at first looked very hesitant because he doesn't really know Ron as well as he would like. But after a while his smile turned into a huge grin. "Well it's progress at least they don't hate my guts or forbid me from seeing you because of my bestfriend" Blaise says. But then his smile turns into a frown. "Well my used to be bestfriend now" Blaise says with regret and sorrow.

Harry was being a very emotional boy who lost someone very important to him. He was crying and not being Overall strong boy who lived. He was crushed by his guilty feelings towards everyone and everything. He hated how he couldn't hate Draco with all his heart and how they could never be together. Or maybe even the fact that Draco got his favorite not real parent but was still a parent killed. So he decided that he wouldn't be taken advantage of by anyone else. He never asked to be chosen for anything let along to kill a crazy prejudice wizard. But as his thoughts started coming he suddenly received a owl who dropped a book on his bed then flew away. He picked up the book and it read dark magic and something small saying with hints of light magic. He picked up the book and pulled his blankets over his head  with " luminous" and started to read it.

Pansy and Hermione were hanging out being the best and cutest couple around. They were laying on a blanket by a beautiful peach colored tree on their way from watching fairy's. Pansy was tired so they decided that a break was a genuinely great idea. With the weather just right and the trees providing the best amount of shade they were happy. Pansy was talking about how Hermione was an ideal candidate for a marriage partner. And Hermione was definitely the one that denied it. Pansy laughs and leans in and kisses Hermione on the forehead with a light and gentle touch. Hermione blushes as she tries to hide her face with her very curly hair. Pansy  softly caressed her hand and proceeded to lay her head in her girlfriend's lap. Girlfriend? Girlfriend's? The word was so foreign yet it seemed so right for the occasion.

But what if she says it and the feeling isn't mutual or it's said back out of pity? The word girlfriend is special and if used in a certain way it could be friendly or for a relationship.
"Pans are you okay " Hermione asked with a slight worried tone. Pansy nodded. "I just have things on my mind that make me quite saddened to think about " Pansy says gently. Hermione grabbed her hand and smiled. "We're going to be okay it's nothing your girlfriend can't do to help you feel better " Hermione said as she kissed her cheek. Pansy blushes a dark red and her biggest most generous and gorgeous smile appears. "Well I'm more then happy now girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend" Pansy says with excitement. Hermione laughs and cups up Pansy face. "I hope you don't mind but I love being your girlfriend and I hope we can continue to have wonderful memories and experiences together " Hermione said. Then she hugged Pansy really tight and close. Getting her hair out the way she kissed Pansy slowly. Letting the sparks and fireworks go off between them as the world seemed to stop for only them. "I really really like you Hermione Granger " Pansy says with a pink tinted face. "And I really really like you too Pansy Parkinson" Hermione says as she kisses her forehead.

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