Little Will & Nico: Information

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Prompt: Could you maybe do one where Will tells Nico that he's a Little?

Requested by @leJ-Nope  

"Are you okay?" Nico asked Will when Will made him sit on his own bed. His boyfriend sat across from him, clearly nervous.

"Yeah," Will nodded. But his voice cracked near the beginner.

"Okay pointing out that you're acting is really bad," Nico said before taking his hand. "And two, who do I gotta beat up?"

"No one, and my actings not that bad-"

"Bullshit," Nico coughed before leaning back and laying on his bed.

"-Shut up, dick ass. But no- Jeez your not making this easy," Will stutered. Nico proped himself up with his elbows and frowned.

"You're not ended this right? Ending us? Leo made me catch up on those cheesy 2000s romantic movies and this was how they all went," Nico said, worryness written all over his face.

"Gods Nico never!" Will exclaimed. "It's just, I wanna tell you something but I'm scared. Nervous, I guess you can say? Kinda also afraid you'll leave me for it."

"Hades Will, I told you to call me if you needed to hide a body!" Nico sighed before pulling up his phone. "I got a great dumping sight I wanted to use for Percy but I can make an exepction-"

"Your the worst!" Will shoved his leg, making both boys laugh. "I am trying to be serious right now!"

"Yeah but you don't look pretty with tears almost in your eyes," Nico joked. His eyes widened when he rethought his statement. "I mean, you're always pretty! Like all the time! There's not a time your not pretty and-"

"Stop being gay for a second and listen to me!" Will exclaimed, kicking Nico's leg that was still on the bed.

This was getting no where.

Will sighed and grabbed his phone. He texted what he was going to say to him. Nico noticed and read his new notification.

". . . The fuck is a little?"

Will frowned and gave him a link to the google definition. Nico took a few minutes to read it before clicking on something. He read something for around 13 minutes before looking back at Will with a smile.

"M'Kay," he nodded. "You wanna go get some ice cream?"

"What?" Will asked. Should Nico be disgusted? Asking questions at least?

"I said, you wanna go get ice cream?" Nico repeated himself.

"No questions? No weird looks?" Will asked him. Nico smirked and sat up, patting his shoulder.

"Later, ice cream comes first," he said before sliding off his bed. "Come on, hurry up!"


"Heyyyyyyy!" Nico knocked on Will's door. "Open up!"

Currently, Will was watching a cartoon on his laptop. He was wearing a shirt that had a superhero symbol on it with and some shorts. He had a sippy cup in his hands that had a mickey mouse design on it. He paused his show and hopped off his bed. Skipping over and opening the door. It's been two weeks since he's told Nico about his secret. Nico wasn't too pushy on it. Doing his own research and all. Although he did ask about boundaries. It made Will feel comfortable around him.

"Look what I found! Don't tell Piper," he said, letting himself in and locking the door behind him. He's here, might as well stay. He handed Will a ducky stuffie as he examined his outfit. He then looked up at his eyes and his smile grew a little. "Age?"

"Uh, six!" Will exclaimed as he held up six fingers. "And thank youuu!!"

Nico nodded and grabbed Will's hand. He lead him over to his bed and sat him down. He sat behind him and wrapped his arms around him. He looked at his laptop screen and smirked, "Awe Doc'Mf Stuffins? How cute."

"No tease," Will huffed. Nico smiled and lightly tickled his sides. Will covered his mouth as he let out a tiny squeal. Nico gasped and began to full on tickle him. "No! Neeks stop!"

Nico did stop when Will started kicking. He didn't want him to kick his laptop or sippy by accident. He wrapped his arms around him and held him close.

"You wanna unpause your show?"

"You watch with me?" Will asked. Nico nodded and Will gasped before smiling brightly. "Yay yay!"

This wasn't such a bad secret, Nico thought as he petted Will's hair.

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