Little Ellis w/ CG Sherman

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TW: Getting kicked out, not accepting regression

"This game is stupid," Sherman grumbled, placing his marker on the finish line.

"Well you won so I don't wanna see you pouting, Mister!" his mother praised.

"Whatever," Sherman scoffed, crossing his arms. Although he was prideful in winning.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Sherman ran to answer it. He technically wasn't supposed to answer it when there was a parent home. But he was a teenager! He could do what he wanted . . . If his mother allowed it.

But he wasn't expecting his half-brother, Ellis, with two bags looking like a mess in front of his doorsteps. His hair was all messy, he was looking at the ground, he almost looked like he was about to leave.

"Uuuh, whatup?" Sherman smiled, leaning against the doorframe. "Something happen?"

"I need a place to stay," Ellis mumbled, looking at the ground. His voice was shaky . . . He was shaky.

". . . For how long?" Sherman asked, looking back at his mom, who also looked concerned. Ellis was a decent friend of his. Or, a good lacky . . . Little brother, but the two words could get easily confused . .  totally.

"I don't know," Ellis admited.


"I don't know!" Ellis began to cry, staring at the ground. "I can find somewhere else, it's just-"

"No! No, I . . Come inside, man," Sherman said, gently grabbing Ellis's shoulder so he could lead him inside.

"What's Ellis doing here?" Sherman's mother asked, standing up.

"M-Ma'am, can we talk please?" Ellis requested, looking directly at her.

"Sherman, why don't you start cleaning up the game? Ellis and I need to talk," Sherman's Mom requested, motioning for Ellis to speak with her in the kitchen.

Sherman didn't like how he wasn't allowed in the conversation. He was told to wait to his room, which he did. He wanted to ask Ellis what was wrong, he wanted to comfort his half-brother. He was the cabin leader, he made the rules. But in his house, his Momma made the rules, and even he knew when to listen.

Why was he crying? Why was he at their door with two bags? They weren't planning on hanging out. Did he need somewhere to stay? Did something happen? Was he on a quest? Was it their Father?

It was close to about an hour before Ellis walked into Sherman, looking tired and tearfaced. Sherman shot up in his bed, looking at his brother concerned.

"What happened?" Sherman immediately asked.

"I'm staying for the rest of the school year, until Summer comes," Ellis explained. "Your mom said I can stay on the couch."

"Okay, why?" Sherman pressed, Ellis looked sheepish.

"Nothing bad. . . Nothing too bad happened," Ellis shrugged.

Sherman stood up, walking towards him, "Ellis, I wanna help, but you've gotta tell me what's wrong."

Ellis looked nervous, holding his shirt tightly. His eyes filled with tears again and he almost looked. . ashamed? Children of Ares were never good with emotions that didn't involve punching them away.

"It was my mom," Ellis finally admitted. "She- She . . She-" Ellis choked,  holding his mouth. "I'm not living there anymore, you know? . . . She doesn't want me there."

"What happened?" Sherman backed up slightly, sitting back on his bed, patting for Ellis to sit beside him. He did, laying his head on Sherman's shoulder.

"She found out about, uh, my regression," Ellis forced a laugh. "She- There were a lot of words said. And I dunno what to do!"

"Hey! Hey hey, brothers stick together," Sherman accidently shouted, wrapping his arm around Ellis. "I'm here for you, and so is my Mom. Calm down for me, alright?"

"But- But- This is stupid! So, so stupid!" Ellis cried, stomping his feet on the ground as his hands went to his hair. Sherman firmly grabbed him, gently forcing them to ungrasp his hair. "I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Do you have your paci?" Sherman asked. Ellis's mom didn't really go through his things, and the paci was one of the few little things he really owned. He really hoped that Ellis's mother didn't yell at him while he was regressed, that would have sucked.

"She threw it in the trash," Ellis frowned, patting his pocket. "I snatched it back, but don' wanna use it no more, Sher."

"Ooh, Connor and Travis have been teaching you some things, haven't they?" Sherman teased, making Ellis giggle. "How about we make some coco? We'll have to get you a new paci, tough guy. I don't think I have anything for you to suk or bite on."

"Wan coco, Sher," Ellis pouted, tugging on Sherman's shirt.

"Well let's go make some-"

"No! No, want cuddles too!" Ellis began to cry again. "Don' wanna get up, please?"

Ellis didn't use manners unless he really wanted something, or was being watched by someone else. Sherman didn't really force them, and if he did, Ellis usually complied. Comfort cuddles was something he really wanted right now. But nothing cured things like hot chocolate. Plus Ellis adored both comforts.

"Coco or cuddles?" Sherman asked.


"We can't get both, Eli," Sherman frown, cupping Ellis's cheeks and drying his tears away. "We can get up and make coco, or we can stay here and cuddle?"

". . . Can your Momm- No, nevermind," Ellis caught himself. He couldn't request that. "Wanna cuddle."

Luckily, Sherman wasn't the dumest, "We can ask my Mom to make us some coco while we cuddle."

"But she's already doing so much by letting me stay!" Ellis cried. "And I don't wanna-"

"No, no, stop," Sherman shushed him, scratching his brother's hair. "My mom would love to make you home hot chocolate, okay? There is no reason to panic. We have the room, and your my brother. So take your shoes off so we can cuddle, 'kay?"

Ellis didn't like this reasoning, but whined and did so anyways. Sherman quickly texted his mom, and almost tackled his brother in a tight hug. This seemed to distract Ellis just a bit, because he giggled at Sherman's, controlled, force.

Right now, cuddles. Later, figuring . . . everything out.

Oh man was the Ares cabin going to have a storm about this when Summer came along.

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