Little Leo w/ CG Jason & Piper

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Requester: @mary_7805    

Leo knows he overthinks sometimes. About how his friends will leave him, how he thinks he only has one purpose in the friend group, that everyone he knows will leave him someday. He knows that would never happen. Otherwise, he wouldn't be rooming with them, otherwise, they wouldn't have asked him to room with them, otherwise, they'd come to talk to him so they can talk it out. 

But sometimes, his mind wasn't in the right place to say those true facts. Especially when he was small. He knows Piper and Jason like watching him. He always has, but the fear that maybe they didn't hurt. That they felt bored of him, or that he was pushing himself onto them. So he made a plan, he was going to be little but he wasn't going to tell them.

"Hey Leo, we're going to go on a walk. You coming?" Jason shouted from the front door.

"Nah, don't feel like it," Leo shouted back.

"You sure? You love morning walks," Piper said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Don't feel like it," Leo shrugged. Piper eyed him before sighing and walking behind him.

"Sounds like a fib but I'll buy. Whatcha making?" Piper asked.

"Eggs," Leo shrugged as he went to get milk from the fridge.

"Eggs sound delicious," Piper ruffled his hair before leaving the kitchen. "We'll be back in around an hour or so!"

Leo felt hurt that she didn't stay. He wasn't going to say anything though. No, Piper and Jason loved going on their morning walks just as much as he did! But he knew that if he went, he might bother them. He might get distracted and run off and make them upset. He didn't want to do that-

"Owie!" Leo yelled as he held his finger. He had closed the fridge on it. It hurt, like really hurt.

"What happened? What's going on?" Jason asked as he ran into the kitchen. Piper was close behind him.

With the worried look on their faces, his finger hurting, and his mindset hitting him hard, Leo did one of the only things he could: He broke into a sob.

"Nuffing! It's nuffing!" Leo waved his hand. "Just hurt my finger!"

"If it was just that then you wouldn't be crying," Piper said as she grabbed his hand. "It doesn't seem immensely damaged, just swollen. Let's go put a bandaid on it."

"But my eggs-"

"I'll finish them," Jason offered as he went to cook.

"But your walk-"

"We can do that tomorrow. You're much more important than that walk," Piper said as she dragged him to the living room. She sat him on the couch. "Don't move, I'm going to get a bandaid." Leo opened his mouth. "I don't wanna hear any protest. I'm already going."

Gods Leo hated this. Now they were taking care of him. All cause of a stupid mistake of his! How could he fix this, how could he get himself out of this? He felt so small, and while it was nice to have Piper fuss over him, it wasn't what he wanted!

"Pipes no, I'm fine-" Leo began as Piper sat back on the couch.

"No, you aren't, Leo, you got hurt. And it's pretty clear that your tiny right now too," Piper sighed as she put a band-aid on his finger. She seemed so . . . mad saying that he was small.

"I'm not small," Leo said as he crossed his arms.

"There's nothing bad with being small, baby. I just wanna know why you tried doing such a big kid thing without our help," Piper said calmly.

Piper held out her arms, offering Leo a hug. But Leo just continued to cry, "You two were busy, I didn't want to bother you like usual."

Piper didn't know how to reply to that, it was clear on her face. And it didn't help that Jason just walked into the room either. Oh gosh, now he was guilt-tripping them, wasn't he? Calling them out for nothing and making them feel bad?

"Leo, when have you ever bothered us? Especially with this?" Piper asked as she hugged Leo.

"Wh-When I ask you guys all the time. Or slip in public," Leo hiccuped.

"You've never bothered us with that," Jason sat beside him, setting the eggs on the table.

"But I ask you a lot," Leo whipped his eyes.

"But we like watching you while you're little. It's relaxing for us," Piper kissed his forehead.

"But your walk!"

"I'd much rather look after you than go on a silly walk," Jason hummed. "Now we can do something fun like watch a movie and have some hot chocolate."

"Yeah! Plus it's cold outside. And we'd rather watch our firecracker than freeze," Piper ruffled his hair. "It's relaxing- Watching you, that is. And if you don't tell us when you are small then we can't watch you!"

"And then we can't help nor feel good too," Jason commented.

"Not bothering you?" Leo double-checked.

"You never could bother us with this. Not even when we are busy. Because then it makes being busy fun! And we can turn any problem into a game. Whenever your small we'll always have a good time watching you," Jason kissed his temple. "Though you might have to sit on our laps through some boring math sometimes. Nothing can make that fun."

"Really?" Leo giggled.

"Really really," Jason grabbed Leo's fork. "Now, want some eggs?"

Leo nodded and Piper grabbed the remote.

"Do we wanna watch a Christmas movie?" Piper asked. "I vote Charlie Brown's Christmas."

"Really?" Leo gasped. He loved Charlie Brown's Christmas!

"Oh that's a great one. And I'll go make the hot chocolate," Jason got up. "You just wait here and be a baby, kay?"

"And we'll just have to cuddle while he's gone. It's so cold in here," Piper pouted as she snuggled him. Leo laughed as Piper tickled him. Maybe he wasn't wasting their time.

Hi :D

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