Little Annabeth & Percy: Cookies

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Prompt: Can I please get little annabeth slipping in front of Percy?

Requested by TwoPlayerGame1

"You alright Wise Girl?" Percy asked as Annabeth got egg on the counter again. Annabeth wasn't the best cook, but she could at least break an egg without getting it on the counter. Especially since this was her 7th one. Annabeth glared at him but didn't say anything. "Hey I'm serious. Are you alright? Do you want to sit down?"

"Fine," Annabeth said, throwing the egg away. Her steps were a big wobbly, Percy took notice.

Was she sick or something? He walked over and wrapped his arm around her waist. He checked her forehead with his other hand. She didn't have a fever.

"Are you for sure for sure?" he asked, bringing her hand up and kissing her ring. Annabeth's lips had a small smile as she layed her head on his shoulder. Percy wrapped both of his arms around her and kissed her head. "I can finish the cookies by myself if you want. I won't mind."

"Noooo," Annabeth pouted. She wanted to help with cookies! She just felt herself slipping. And she knew that little her wasn't aloud near the oven. So she was doing the only thing she could think of. Trying to hold it back and stay big. "Wanna help."

"Are you sure-"

"Percyyyyyy!" Annabeth whined.

Percy paused for a second and though about it. She wasn't sick, than goodness. But her walking was wobbly and she was whining. There was a chance of her trying not to slip. But did he want to take the risk of asking her? He did like living a lot.

"Something wrong, Munchkin?" Percy asked in a much lighter tone than before. Annabeth noticed the nickname and frowned again. She didn't know if she wanted him to figure out yet or not.

"Hmp," Annabeth huffed, feeling smaller by the second. By now, Percy fully knew.

He gave a fake, but excited, gasp as he pulled away from the hug, "I didn't know that I was going to have a small baby today! Especially a cute one! You're so adorable, you know that right? So small, so cute, so adorable."

Percy continued to gush over Annabeth. Making her giggle and blush. He patted her head when he stopped talking. By now the cookies were forgotten. Percy then gasped. Sort of remembering that they were in the kitchen.

"Alright Sweetheart, do you think you can go and play in the living room while I continue making food? I can put on some TV if you want," Percy smiled, earning a pout from Annabeth.

"Nuh-uh! Wanna help!" Annabeth protested.

"But you're too little to be helping out with big kid stuff! Let Daddy do it. He'll bring you some when they're ready-"

"Nuuuuuuu! Help Daddy! Wanna bake cookies," Annabeth said again, this time crossing her arms.

Percy bite his lip at her protesting. What if she ate the raw cookie dough? What if she got burned? What if she tried eating a cookie right after it came out of the oven? Honestly, Percy didn't want to let her help. He was worried for her safety. But it seemed like she really wanted to help . . .

"Alright, but I'm putting and taking the cookies out of the oven. And we need to wait a minute before we can have them," Percy said, making Annabeth nod and squeeze him. "I love you too Hun. Now let's get baking!"

Annabeth let go of him and hopped over to the dough they were still making. She cracked another egg as Percy threw the recipe away. He knew it by heart by baking with his mother when he was young. He looked back at Annabeth, who finally got an egg into the bowl. Luckily she didn't get the shell in. Percy walked over and put the blue food dye it, beginning to mix all the ingredients together. Annabeth looked at him sadly, wanting to do it herself. Percy noticed and let her. She smiled and began to mix the ingredients fast.

"Try not to spill," Percy warned her, setting a timer for ten minutes. Annabeth nodded and handed the bowl back when it seemed done. "Well done, Sweetie," Percy praised, kissing her cheek.

"Did well?"

"You did amazing. But now I have to put the dough on the sheets. How about you go into the living room and watch some TV as I put the cookies into the oven?" Percy asked. Annabeth hesitated but ran into the living room.

Percy stirred the dough just to make sure everything was together. He then put the dough on the sheets and put it in the oven. He started the timer and walked into the living room. Annabeth was switching through the channels. Nothing really interesting was on. So when Percy entered the room, Annabeth made grabby hands towards him. Percy picked her up and sat on the couch, taking a bret out of his pocket.

"High ponytail?" he asked.

"Ponytail!" Annabeth repeated, nodding. Percy nodded back and began to play with Annabeth's hair.

He first made a braid before a low, then high ponytail. He was trying to take his time so that the ten minutes would pass by faster. Annabeth hummed while this was going on. Not really a certain song just whatever came to mind. Percy luckily got the high ponytail done in time as the timer went off in the kitchen. Before he could grab her hand, Annabeth sprung to her feet and ran into the kitchen. Percy rushed in after her to find her crouched in front of the oven, making no move to open it. Well at least she wasn't breaking the rules.

"Scooch over, Annie. I gotta open the oven," Percy explained as he got some kitchen mits on. Annabeth nodded and moved to the side. She must of turned the timer off when she ran in because it was no longer going on.

Percy took the cookies out and placed them on the stove, turning the oven off. Annabeth stood up and tried to take one, making Percy grab her wrist. She pouted and tried again. Making him grab her other wrist.

"Ah, we need to wait a minute," Percy said, earning a huff from his baby. He kissed her forehead and smiled at her. "I love you too."

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