Little Annabeth & CG Percy

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Little: Annabeth

CG: Percy

Requester: @Vocaloidpatches    

"Annabeth no, we can't get those," Percy frowned as Annabeth pointed at a stuffie.

"But he looks lonely!" Annabeth pouted.

"I know, but we're here to buy food. Nothing else," Percy said, grabbing her hand and pulling her with him. Annabeth pouted but went along.

The two were at the store getting food for the house. Annabeth wanted to come with so Percy brought her but now he was somewhat regretting it. Big Annabeth always scolded Percy for buying her things. He loved Annabeth, and he'd love to get her anything she wanted! But whenever he did she'd complain later that she didn't need this or that. And yeah, when they were done getting everything they wanted he'd probably let her choose something. But he needed to concentrate on not breaking!

The two continued to walk around getting things off the list. Annabeth would pause here or they're asking for something. Percy had to control himself every time with a 'No' or 'Maybe when we're done'. At times he couldn't look at Annabeth since he knew one look at her sad face would cave him in.

"Do we have bread at home?" Percy asked Annabeth, who shrugged in response. "I swore we had some this morning. Why else would it be on the list? . . . This does say bread right?"

Annabeth wasn't paying attention to what Percy was saying. There was a random dolphin on a shelf. Probably put there by some kid. But it was so soft! Annabeth picked it up and giggled. She checked the price tag on it. It wasn't that much. Barely five bucks at that. She skipped over to Percy and tugged on his shirt.

"Hmm?" Percy hummed, trying to read the list.

"Can we get her?" Annabeth asked. "Pretty please?"

"No!" Percy sighed as he rubbed his temple. "All right? You can't get anything else we're here. We came for groceries, you were so admitted about only getting groceries, then you slipped, now you want a stuffie, and I don't want big Annabeth lecturing me for getting you one like usual so can you please stop asking?!"

Annabeth didn't know how to reply.

Percy rarely ever raised his voice at her. Or speak angrily. And if he did it was because he was irritated about something else. She saw some people staring at them, looking away when they noticed. She had caused a scene.

"Let's just continue shopping, all right? We're almost done anyways," Percy grumbled as he began to walk away.

Annabeth didn't move. She stayed frozen in place. She was being a brat, wasn't she? She shouldn't have asked for anything. Does that mean he didn't love her anymore? No one wants a brat. And he seemed so angry. When her stepmother was angry she- No, Percy wasn't like that. Right?

Annabeth decided for herself. She shouldn't have to bother Percy anymore. She was a bad kid, right? She turned around and began to walk the other way.

Percy on the other hand was starting to feel guilty. He hadn't meant to yell at her. He shouldn't have done that. Normally he was gentle with Annabeth. Even when she was throwing a hissy fit he still spoke gently to her and most times that was what calmed her down.

He needed to apologize.

"Annabeth listen I-" Percy turned around, expecting her to be behind him. But she wasn't.

Percy looked around the isle. Where was she? Did she walk off? Of course, she walked off you yelled at her! Or was she taken? Was it by a monster? Oh, why did he cause this?!

Okay, think, where would a child walk to when their parents are mad at them? The toy aisle? Yeah maybe! She was asking for a new toy earlier so maybe she's over there!

He ran over to the aisle, almost knocking into some people with his kart. But when he got there, she wasn't there.

Okay, no panicking. Maybe by the candy aisle? No, not there. There wasn't a book area in this store, was there?

Suddenly someone caught his eye. Annabeth was walking towards the exit. Wait . . . Annabeth was walking towards the exist!

"Annabeth!" Percy shouted as he ran towards her. Before Annabeth could fully turn he gave her a rib-breaking hug. "Oh, my Gods are you okay? I'm so glad you're safe! I thought maybe a monster took you or- or you got hurt! Why did you walk away?"

It was a silly question, he knew the answer. But he needed Annabeth to tell him at the same time. Though Annabeth continued to blubber as Percy hugged her. She shushed her and started to rub her back. Not minding some glances they were getting from strangers.

"It's okay, your safe now. I'm not mad, I'm not upset, you've done nothing wrong. Let's go home now, okay?" Percy asked as he whipped Annabeth's face. "We still need to check out real quickly. But we can get some stuffies and candy if you'd like."

"But, I wasn't being good," Annabeth frowned. "Thought you didn't want my anymore."

Percy didn't know whether to start crying as well or hug Annabeth tighter. He went with the second choice, he wanted to be strong for his baby right now. Even if it was a little hard. He promised himself when Annabeth asked him to be her caregiver that he wouldn't be like Gabe. That he'd try to be more like his mom while watching her. What would she do in this situation? He didn't do this as a kid. Annabeth hadn't done anything wrong and he needed to tell her that. But how exactly?

"Hey! How about we go home and watch a movie?" Percy suggested. "Any kind you want! I love your movie choices anyways."

"Why?" Annabeth asked.

"Cause I love you, Wise Girl. Your my adorable baby and I wouldn't trade that for the world!" Percy exclaimed, picking her up and spinning her around. Annabeth squealed at the action. "Come on, let's go choose some candy before walking out. Oh, and a stuffie, or three. Snuggle buddies are the best!"

Annabeth hesitated. Percy wasn't lying to her, she knew that. She could trust him. She nodded and took his hand.

"My sweet little girl," Percy smiled, kissing her forehead.


Hey y'all, small note down here, I'm tired of finishing a lot of request and publishing them all at once. I have some other request done, I swear, I'm just going to publish them slowly. Plus publishing like, 10 things at once hurts my brain.
More are coming on the way though!!! Promise! :D


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