Little Annabeth & Percy w/ CG Grover

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Requester: @Eve0713   

Percy hated quest. They were silly! Quest was just a vague term at Camp. A dangerous quest could be 'Go save the world!', and a slightly less dangerous quest could be 'Go get milk from the store, watch out for monsters!'. Annabeth liked quest since she could prove herself but the 'about to die at any moment' part was a buzzkill. And Grover? Grover was just along for the ride.

"This is stupid," Percy grumbled, kicking a nearby can.

"Hey don't do that! The earth Percy, the earth!" Grover exclaimed as he picked up the can, biting into it. "Always recycle."

"Someone seems grumpy," Annabeth teased.

"Am not!" Percy huffed. He crossed his arms and looked at the ground. "I just don't see why we have to do this. Why couldn't Clarisse do it instead?"

"Because Clarisse is busy with setting up the next camp activity," Grover reminded him.

"Oh yes, 'Camp Activity of Death'! Sounds so much fun to do when we get back," Percy grumbled.

Grover sighed at Percy's attitude. It was clear that he was grumpy about the whole situation. Grover and Annabeth knew why. Percy and she came over to him earlier to have some little time. Before Grover could say yes Chiron walked over and explained that he needed them to do something for him. And now they're here.

He wanted to give the two some little time. It was just an amount of time before Percy broke down crying because he felt small. And while Annabeth was better at hiding her headspace she would slip too.

But it was also difficult. Quest meant monsters, and monsters meant fighting. And he didn't want to have to protect them both if there was an attack. If only there was- Aha!

A park! There weren't many kids there since it was cold outside. And they'd just be seen like weird kids hanging out. Plus there didn't seem to be any monsters nearby.

"Hey, you two want to go have some fun?" Grover asked as he started walking towards the park.

"What about the quest?" Annabeth asked as Percy's eyes lit up.

"Park!" Percy shouted, running towards it. Grover caught him and Percy tried struggling. "Park! Park! Wanna go to the park!"

"Woah! Hold on Perc, can you tell me the rules about being outside while feeling tiny?" Grover asked. Percy stopped struggling and huffed.

"Tell you, don't run off, tell you when I'm hungry or need to go potty," Percy began to struggle again. "Let's go!"

"Alright! Alright! We'll meet you there in a few seconds," Grover said. Percy nodded and ran off towards something much more fun than a quest. Grover turned back to Annabeth. "I see that frown."

"We're supposed to be doing the quest," Annabeth said, shifting uncomfortably. Truthfully she wanted to go play as well. But the quest always came first. Right?

"Think of it as a side quest?" Grover joked. "Listen, right now you need to relax, take a deep breath, and go be a small little baby."


"No buts Missy! You're going to go have fun and be a tiny little one. Uh, if you want that is," Grover quickly said.

Annabeth laughed and nodded her head. Grover took her hand and they walked towards the park together. Percy was always having fun. He was dangling upside down, with no hands.

"Both hands on the monkey bars please!" Grover said. Percy quickly grabbed the monkey bars and looked sheepish. "Thought I wouldn't catch you?"

"Noooo," Percy mumbled as he jumped down.

"Let's go on the slide!" Annabeth recommended.

"Slide! Slide!" Percy repeated.

"Slide it is," Grover agreed, to which the other two cheered.

"Race you!" Annabeth said, taking off into a sprint.

"No fair!" Percy whined, running after her.

Grover jogged after the two. Annabeth won, which Percy complained about. Annabeth became super giggly as she went down the slide. Percy, not so much. He huffed and looked at Grover for help, hesitating to go down. To Grover at least, it was clear Percy was younger than Annabeth. So Grover decided to go with him. Percy giggled and clapped when they went down, jumping off Grover's lap and sitting on the rubber ground.

"Fun!" he shouted, kicking his feet.

"I wanna go down with Grover," Annabeth frowned. That wasn't fair. Why did Percy get to go down with Grover?

"Alright, let's go then," Grover said, making Annabeth smile and drag him back up the slide.

When the two went down Percy was already back on his street, bouncing in place.

"Again!" Percy said, making grabby hands.

"Yeah again!" Annabeth agreed as she jumped off Grover's lap. "Percy first!"

"Alright," Grover agreed. It wasn't like they'd be doing only this for the next hour right?

. . .



I don't know if y'all have noticed yet but I'm not good at assigning quests. Most 'quests' I write are Chiron's too lazy to go to the store and everyone's about ready to force him to. Although that certain request about Leo and Hazel going on a quest I have typed, thank you all so much for the suggestions for that one!! If you guys have any quest ideas I'll gladly accept them, my Small Bees!


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