Little Leo w/ CG Piper

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~This is what I originally wrote for the other my last request. So I thought I'd still publish it since the other one took so long because of it! Originally I wrote it about a first trip to the Grand Cayon, making the book a second trip. But I've never been to the Grand Canyon. . . :p

"Pipes, can we stop for a second?" Leo asked, grabbing Piper's shirt.

"What, are we too fast for you, shorty?" Gerald, one of the guys in their group, asked. This got some laughs.

"Dude, aren't you only two inches taller?" Piper asked. This received even more laughs. "Anyways, you guys walk ahead. What's up, Leo?"

Their group walked ahead. Coach Hedge had split them into groups of 5. Jason was in another group. Unfortunately, they got Gerald. The one person who hated all three of their guts for no reason whatsoever. They were supposed to meet back at the bus in another hour or so. Leo waited until they were somewhat out of hearing reach.

Today, they were on a field trip to the museum. It was supposed to teach them about old artifacts and stuff but Coach Hedge didn't want to deal with that. Something about how he was a coach, not a history teacher. Not that anyone minded, field trips were so rare at the school! Especially somewhere fun like a museum.

Leo was so excited to be here. The one exhibit he wanted to check out was the dinosaurs. Unfortunally, dinosaurs and excitedness usually ended in some sort of regression. He was never able to keep his headspace away for long.

"I uh, I guess I feeling kinda small?" Leo guessed.

"Oh, my baby's feeling tiny?" Piper asked, playfully pinching his cheeks.

"Don't say it out loud!" Leo pulled away from her. "They might hear you!"

"If they say anything, I'll deal with it," Piper promised. "Now we're going to follow our group. We're going to be stealthy! Alright?"

"Super stealthy!" Leo agreed.

Piper grabbed his hand and lead him over to the group. No one looked at them weirdly. Piper, Leo, and Jason usually all walked holding hands.

"Yo come here!" one of their group mates shouted. Leo and Piper ran over.

"Woah, it's so far down!" Leo gasped as he looked over.

"Dude why is your voice so high pitch?" Gerald asked. "Finally hit puberty?"

"Leave him alone," Percy crossed her arms.

"What? You're going to protect him, girly?" Gerald teased. He then flicked Leo's forehead. Leo whined and blocked him slightly too late. "Whining like a little baby, just from getting your forehead flick. Man, how sad."

"Seriously, stop that," Piper got in between them.

"What? You're going to save him?" Gerald got in her face. "Does he need Mama running to his side?"

Piper punched him.

Gerald crumbled to the ground, clenching his nose. They got some looks from nearby people, Gerald's nose was already bleeding. Their other group mates ran to his side. Piper could see Coach Hedge already running over. So she took Leo's hand and ran.

The two ran to the restrooms nearby, hiding behind the building. Leo was crying, Piper was crying to comfort him.

"Don't listen to him, he's just a jerk. He's always trying to get to us," Piper whipped his eyes.

"But you're going to get in trouble!" Leo cried. "And it's because of me!"

"I could easily say he started it. I am very good at convincing people," Piper booped his nose. "And it's not because of you, baby. I've been meaning to punch him for a while.

"They're going to kick you out!" Leo exclaimed.

"Leo, I've already decided that I'm never going to leave you or Jason. I'll think of a way out of this. I always do," Piper grabbed his hand. "You're too small to be worrying about this. Let's just have a good time, alright? We don't have to go back to those losers. Let's spend some time together."

"Are you sure? Coach Hedge-"

"Won't care unless he catches us. Let's just stay near here, there's still a pretty view," Piper slowly lead him out behind the building. She leads him towards the rails. "See? Pretty."

"Yeah, it's really pretty," Leo giggled. "There's water down there!"

"Oh my gosh, there is! You're so smart for pointing that out!" Piper ruffled his hair. "My smart cookie."

"I'm not a cookie," Leo huffed, playfully moving her hand.

"Riiight, just my really smart baby," Piper agreed. "Wanna play tag?"

"Yeah!" Leo agreed. He tapped Piper's arm and took off. "You're it!"

"What?! Hold on a second!" Piper ran after him. Today was going to be a good day.

~A few things: I know I'm VERY behind on requests, school's just hard and I haven't been doing well. I don't mean to make excuses, and I'm always taking requests so you can still send them! I just wanted to say sorry for the late posting. And I'm still working on the one-shots so don't worry, but I have a Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy one I've been working on for fun that I might post! But I still hope you all enjoyed, my Little Bees!~


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