Little Lester w/ CG Will

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Requester: @_rowanfae_ 

"Hey Will, are you free right now?" Lester asked. Will was reading on his bed.

"Uh, yeah? I should be free. What's up?" Will asked.

"I wanna try it," Lester mumbled as he sat on Will's bed.

"Huh? You're going to have to speak up," Will said as he put his book on his nightstand.

"The thing! I wanna try the thing," Lester said, Will stared at him blankly. "The regression?"

"Oh! You could have started with that," Will smiled. "Have you ever regressed before?"

"A few times," Lester shrugged. Back when he was a god he would regress. But it had been a long time since then. He use to always regress alone, and rarely was anyone with him when he was small. But now he was in his own cabin, and his kids were everywhere! But Will had offered a way to relax before he had to go help Meg save the world. And he didn't know when he'd get this chance again.

"Alright, do you have any boundaries I should know of?" Will asked. Lester shrugged. "That's okay, we'll learn as we go. Do you have any favorite activity to do while small?"

"Archery," Lester replied. "But I refuse to touch a bow until my godhood was back!"

"And I wouldn't let someone small use a weapon anyhow," Will mumbled to himself. "Well, archery aside, what else do you like?"

"Coloring?" Lester said.

"That sounds like an amazing idea! I have some blank paper, or you can use a coloring book," Will offered. "Which one would you like?"

"Oh, I dunno, whichever," Lester awkwardly laughed. "Besides, I'm not picky about drawing."

A lie, he totally wanted the coloring book.

"Whichever? That's not a very fun answer," Will pouted. Lester giggled at his behavior.

"Book?" Lester asked.

"Brilliant! I've got some crayons on hand unless you'd like something else?" Will asked.

"No! Want crayons," Lester said. Will nodded and got up. He dug under his bed, pulling out a box.

"I usually keep supplies under my bed for others," Will explained as he opened it. Lester was surprised by how much stuff was in it! Coloring books, markers, and crayons, it looked like a fun arts and crafts box! "Never know when someone needs them, right?"

"I guess," Lester shrugged.

"I've got a Zoo one! Do you like animals?" Will asked as he sat back on the bed. 

Lester nodded and Will handed him the book. The two moved so they could sit side by side. Lester choose a lion!

"Woah, you're so good at staying in the lines!" Will praised. "And the colors are so pretty! You're so good at this!"

Lester smiled widely and continued his coloring. Will asked what colors he was going to go to draw his lion, if his mane should be purple, maybe they should give the sun a smiley face. Eventually, Lester finished, looking proud of his picture.

"It looks gorgeous! Now, do you wanna keep it in here or should I hang it up?" Will asked. "There's a wall we can hang it on."

"I dunno," Lester shrugged.

"Alright . . . I say we keep it in here for when you use it next time," Will said.

"Next time?"

"Yep! I'll put your name on the book, that way we know it's yours," Will said. He grabbed a sharpie and wrote 'Apollo' on the front. "There we go! Now whenever you stop by, you can use it again! I'll make sure to keep both you and it safe."

Lester dug his face in Will's shirt. He was expecting him to come over again? He was accepted back? And not only that, Will was offering to take care of him again? It made him feel happy. Will smiled at Lester and ruffled his hair. Lester closed his eyes, he was feeling sleepy.

"Someone getting tired?" Will asked.

"Maybe," Lester mumbled, sucking his thumb, which made Will gasp dramatically.

"Les, you can't do that! That's not sanitary," Will pouted. Lester giggled again at his reaction. Was Will always this funny? Maybe his mind was too fuzzy to tell. "I have some extra pacifiers, one second."

"Don't need," Lester shook his head.

"Nooooo, I think you do. But that's alright, the cabin always makes sure we have some spares," Lester said as he looked back into the box.

"But everyone's around," Lester frowned.

"That's okay, no one's going to judge us. I know multiple people who sleep with a pacifier at night. And besides, it's way safer than a thumb," Will explained as he sat back on the bed. "Hey, it's you!"

The pacifier was decorated. Yellow with a sun in the middle, the word Sunshine on the hoop. Lester laughed at the sight of it. Will definitely choose this on purpose.

"Let's get your teeth brushed and put you into some jammies," Will got up, he put the pacifier on the pillow. "Come on, we've got some spare toothbrushes and pjs. And I can brush your hair after."

Lester gasped and followed Will. In the end, he was really happy to spend time with his son, even in a reverse way.

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