Big Brother . . . pt2!

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~Hellow my Little Beans!~

Today's Oneshot was requested by the darling,


Little: Annabeth
Caregiver: Percy
Request: Can I request a sorta part 2 for this? For when Travis visits camp? Connor a little bit younger, 3 maybe 4 and Travis as the CG?

I most certainly can! Let's get rolling!

"Connor! You've gotta wake up, Baby!" Percy said excitedly as he gently shook the boy awake. Connor groaned and tried to smack him away. "So you're telling me you don't wanna see Travis today?"

Connor let out a hum before shoving his face into his pillow. A few seconds went by before he sprung up. Percy laughed at his excitement.

"Trav coming today!" he exclaimed, bouncing up and down. "Wez gotta go met him!"

"You have to eat first, kid," Percy chuckled. Connor pouted and jumped out of bed. He grabbed his teddy and put his thumb in his mouth. Percy noticed and frowned. "You can't do that, Bub. It's dirty. Here ya go!"

Percy handed Connor a paci and booped his nose. But Connor seemed very impatient. Percy sighed and grabbed his hand. Although Connor immanently began to drag him to the cafeteria. They were lucky everyone knew of his headspace, which was how they feed Blackjack when he was small.

Everyone could tell that Connor was happy. The boy was basically beaming with joy. His brother was coming to visit for a few days! Sure he was small right now, but tomorrow they could do so many pranks! Connor gasped when he saw Travis already sitting at the Hermes's table.

"Trav!" he shouted, running over. Luckily Travis was quick to stand and catch his younger brother, or else he would of fallen on someone.

"Connor! Dude I've missed you!" Travis laughed, ruffling his brother's hair.

"Gods damn it I can't tell them apart again," Percy quietly said as he took a seat on his table. It was Connor's hurt to watch him.

"I didn't know you were gonna be small, how about we get some food?" Travis asked. Connor nodded and skipped over to the food area, dragging Travis with him.

They got a few smiles and awes as some campers while Travis helped Connor pick some food. Connor told him about a few stories of some incidents that happened. Travis listened and made some commentary here and there. When they sat down Travis even help feed his brother. But Travis felt a bit bad . . . He had been gone for months, and hadn't even had a chance to talk to his brother! But it felt nice to be back home.

"Hey Travis!" Katie shouted as she stood behind her. Travis looked back and smirked.

"Ay, tis' the fair Katie Gardner! What do I own such a fair lady?" Travis asked. Connor stared at him, he didn't understand a word he said! Katie just scoffed.

"I was going to say that it's nice to have you back. But I guess that that complements too soon," she huffed, reaching out and ruffling Connor's hair.

"Hey how was the little dude while I was gone?"

Connor looked at Katie with big eyes. She could tell him about all the times he acted out or caused mayhem. Sure Travis would let the mayhem part go but he would get a big lecture it he found out about him screaming and kicking!

"Well, he wasn't the best-"

Right as Katie said that Connor let out a huge whine. Travis looked at him from the corner of his eye and waited for Katie to continue. Katie chuckled and patted his head.

"But he was better than you'll ever be."

"You're saying I act worse than a child?" Travis gasped before smiling. "Thanks! I'll keep that in mind."

Katie sighed and walked away. She didn't know why she even tried to talk to them. Travis laughed and turned back to their food.

"Well look at that, you're gaining favorites," Travis joked.

"Trav, can we plays after?" Connor asked as he played with his stuffie's arms.

"Sure little bro!"


"How about Buttons?"

"Mmmmmm, no."

"Stuff? You know, like what he's filled of?"


Travis and Connor were trying to give his stuffie a name. Truthfully, Connor had never gave his teddy a name. So Travis thought this would be a great activity!

"Alright, how about we do a fruit? There's Orange, Blueberry, Snickers-"

"Snickers isn't a fruit!" Connor giggled. Snickers was a candy! Travis was being silly.

"You're right! Guess college hasn't helped much, huh?" Travis chuckled, laying back in his sleeping bag. Since he was only staying for only two weeks, he had agreed to have one. But he'll get his bunk back by summer. "Gods it's been forever since I've slept in one of these."

"Then chu stay?" Connor asked, wiggling slightly. He wanted Travis to stay. He didn't want him to leave again!

"Hey how about Mr. Wigglesworth?" Travis asked, wanting to change the subject. Although it was stressful, it was still fun. And he wanted to graduate at least. It seemed to work cause Connor beamed.

"Mr. Wigglesworth!" Connor gasped, squeezing his teddy. "I luv it!"

"That's good to know," Travis mumbled, snapping his fingers. He began to hum some tone for it.

Connor decided this was a great time for cuddles. He crawled off his bunk and onto Travis's sleeping bag. He flopped onto Travis and rested his head on his chest. Travis held in a pain filled noise and began to scratch his head. A nap was what they both needed right now.

Yes, Mr. Wigglesworth is an old reference to the channel Minecraft Five Nights at Freddys.

Hope you all enjoyed this oneshot. Any grammar mistakes or request you can always inform me of! What do you guys think of me calling you guys amazing, dazzling, and awesome? I understand if it makes you guys feel uncomfy and I'll stop if you want!

~Bye bye for now my Little Beans! Make sure to give your stuffies a hug!~

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