Little Leo & Piper: Energetic

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Prompt: Awesome sorry if all my request are Leo I just really love him but could you do one where Little Leo is too energetic to go to bed and causes mischief

Requested by Dr_Pretty_Boi

"Piper! Leo's trying to get my perfume again!" some guy complained as Piper made her bed for Leo. It was time for bed and Leo had been refusing to do so.

"Well then bring him over here," she said, looking at the two wrestle. Leo was giggling a lot and the guy was grumbling, trying to get the bottle out of his hands.

Piper watched in amused and annoyance. Amused because it was hella funny. Annoyed because he was suppose be in bed. The guy stuck his tongue at him and Leo did the same thing back, then giggling and slipping off his bed. He walked over to Piper and looked up at her innocently.

"You know not to mess with people's stuff," she said, making Leo cross his arms and pout.

"Not tired!" he exclaimed, going to run away again but Piper grabbed his wrist.

"Yes tired. It's time for bed," she said, picking him up and sitting him on her bed. Leo tried to get off but Piper wouldn't let him. He groaned and flopped onto his back.

"Not tired."

"Yes tired."

"Bu . . . not tired," he said, sitting back up. He slid off the bed and made a sprint towards the bathroom. Piper let him as he slammed the door.

"He's going to kill me," she laughed, staring at the door. She heard faint giggling behind it. He didn't need to go potty, but he was hiding from Piper.

"Maybe," Lacy said. "How are you going to put him down? He's hyper, the harpies should be outside by now. So you can't go running around."

". . . I don't know," Piper said with confidence. Everyone laughed and her shoulders dropped. "Like, I could let him run around but I don't think you guys would like that! You guys got any ideas?"

"Not let him break our stuff?" someone recommend. Piper glared in their direction before looking at the door.

"I'll go get him," she sighed, walking over and trying to open it. It was locked. She knocked on the door, earning a giggle from behind it. "Leo, open the door."

"Hmmm, nu."

"Why not?"

"Not tired!" he cheered, walking over to the mirror and opening it. He saw some skin care things and medicine, nothing too special in his option.

"Leo I will open this door if you don't unlock it," Piper threatened. Leo didn't pay much attention, walking around the bathroom and touching everything. "I'm gonna count to three!"

Again, Leo blocked her out. He didn't hear her. It was like when you zone out and you hear muffling, but can't form the words. It's not like he didn't want to hear her, he would never purposely block out a friend. But he got distracted with his own thoughts. He began to put random things on the floor. Perfume, bathroom products, a ton of stuff. It wasn't until he felt a tap on the shoulder that he saw Piper standing over him. He showered her the soap bottle and squeezed it, making bubbles appear. He giggled at the action and Piper just sighed.

"What am I going to do with you, Monkey?" she asked, picking him up and placing the body wash back.

"'M not a monkey! Chur a monkey!" he protested, earning a raised eye brow from Piper.

"Your sure?"

"I'm a shark, RAWR!" he exclaimed, tickling her sides. Piper squealed and dropped Leo to hold her sides. Leo landed on his feet and ran out of the room.

Leo ran back over to Piper's bed and crawled over it. Lacy knelled beside it and looked at him. He put his finger over his mouth and Lacy nodded, sitting on her bed. He heard feet walking over towards the bed and held back a giggle.

"Alright, where'd he go?" he heard Piper ask her siblings. He didn't head a response back. "No one? Really?"

He heard Piper grumble as she began to look around the cabin. No one wanted to respond, since they didn't want to have Leo destroy their stuff if they outed him. Piper frowned before her eyes widened.

"He didn't go outside right?!" she asked, everyone shook their head and said no. She calmed down a little bit and saw feet. Well, before they quickly scurried back under her bed. Her let out a sigh of relief before slowly walking over. "Hmmm, I don't think I ordered a monster under my bed," she said playfully before grabbing Leo's ankle and pulling him out.

"Nuuuuu," he pouted, trying to escape.

"Haha! I win," she smirk as she sat on him.

"Pipes get chur fat butt off me!" Leo complained, trying to get out from under her. "Chu're crushing me!"

"Only if you go to bed!"

"Not tired!"

"Yes tired!"





"Hmp," Leo huffed, resting his cheek on his palm. "Nu bedtime."

"Leo it's now 11:23. You need sleep."

"No sleep."

"Yes sleep."





Leo huffed again and looked at her nightstand. Piper groaned and looked at the ground. How was she going to get him to bed? An idea popped into her head and she smirked.

"Alright, if you go to bed right now, we can go shopping for a new stuffie," she offered. Was she bargaining? Maybe. Should she have used charmspeak a while ago so that he would go to bed? Eh, this way gets a smile on his face.

"Listening," he said, trying to look at her.

"If you go to bed, I promise that in two days we can go get you a stuffie from a store. I know you've been looking at that tiger plush," she teased, pinching his cheeks.

Leo whined and swatted them away, but did nod. Piper clapped her hands together and smiled.

"Great! It's all set! I'll talk to Chiron and get you tucked into bed," she said happily, standing and picked her baby up. She layed him on the bed and moved the covers so that they would cover him.

Well, she can't wait for this shopping trip.

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