Little Percy

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Little: Percy

CG: Everyone!


Percy hummed to himself quietly as he drew. He was coloring in a ocean animal coloring book! He might of stolen the crayons from Chiron. . . But he was drawing a really pretty sea shell! It was purple and red!

He had his panda stuffie under his arm and a paci in his mouth. He was dressed in a pair of overalls and a tea-shirt. A pretty good job at dressing himself if he'd say so himself. He was alone in his cabin, having fun, being a baby.

In other words, a little day by himself!

Or so he thought.

"Percy!" Leo exclaimed as he slammed open the door. "We've got news! You'll never bet what the Stolls did this time!"

"While I didn't agree to it, I will admit it was hilarious," Jason said as he walked in.

Soon everyone was packing in. And Percy was freaking out inside. Everyone stared at Percy weridly. Meanwhile Percy was freaking out. He dropped his paci and squeezed one of his Panda's paws.

Everyone just kinda stared at each other. Not saying anything, not knowing what to do. It's times like these that both Percy and Leo wished Leo knocked.

Frank was the one to break the silence.

"Uh, hi?" he waved awkwardly, a bit of a too big smile on his face.

"Seaweed Brain what in Hades is this?" Annabeth asked, hands on her hips.

"Holy Hera what's going on?" Piper asked after.

"You wanna explain?" Frank asked.

Percy began to be bombarded with questions. Tears filled his eyes as his head began to hurt. He just grabbed it and shut his mouth. He didn't want to talk. He wanted to disappear. He didn't want to be here right now.

Hazel eyed Percy suspicious. He was clearly embarrassed, not starting to cry, and the others being loud wasn't helping. So, she locked the front door and walked over to the the crying boy.

Hesitantly, she petted his hair gently. Honestly she thought this situation was super weird. But Percy seemed to not be in the best condition to explain anything so she couldn't get an actual answer.

"Percy? You okay?" she asked quietly. Percy froze as she touched his head. He sat up and nodded, wiping his eyes. "Do you wanna tell us what your. . . why you're wearing this?"

Hazel didn't know how to approach this. She didn't even know what this was. No one did. Percy shook his head and hugged his panda stuffie. Hazel looked at the others. Motioning for them to try and help instead of standing and gawking.

Leo put on a big smile and ran over. He sat in front of Percy, who refused to look at him.

"Nice bear!" he said. "What his name?"

"Sparkles," Percy said, eyeing Leo some. There was no disgust or hatred in his eyes. In fact he seemed more intrigued.

"Cool! That's a nice name!" Leo said, looking at Hazel. She rolled her eyes jokenly, a smile on her face. At least he was trying.

Frank and Jason looked at the coloring book. They looked at each other and shrugged. Both walked over to the book, Frank picking it up, and examining the picture. It definitely looked like a child had drawn it.

Percy looked at them for a few seconds before reaching up for it. Frank handed it to him and Percy closed it.

"Did you color that?" Jason asked. A stupid question, he knew. But it was all he could think to ask.

Percy nodded and Jason patted his head. Frank then spoke up, "It's nice."

"Why is there a pacifier on the ground?" Piper whispered.

"I don't know," Annabeth mumbled back.

"Is it his?"

"It seems like it."

"Should we do something??" Piper questioned. Annabeth pondered their options for a second.

Instead of answering Piper, she walked over to Percy. Percy took one look a her and hide his face in the back of his book. Full honesty, he was scared of her saying something the most.

She didn't say anything. Instead just petting his head. Piper sighed and gave him a thumbs up. Not really knowing what else to do.

Percy let out a small whiny sound. He felt somewhat drained. He really just needed a nap right now. Everyone else looked at each other confused as Percy snuggled his panda plush and coloring book.

"I think he's tired," Leo whispered.

"Well what do we do?" Piper asked.

"Tuck him in?" Jason asked.

"Maybe," Hazel replied.

"I'll do it," Annabeth said.

"You sure?" Frank asked. "I could easily lift him into bed."

"Doubting my skills?" Annabeth teased. Frank gave a quiet laugh before nodding. It was set, Annabeth would tuck Percy in. Why he needed to be tucked in? That reason still wasn't so clear.

"Let's go try and find out what this is," Jason muttered to the others and they all left. Leaving Annabeth and a tired Percy alone.

"Alright, let's get you into bed," she said, lending out her hand.

Percy didn't take it. Or not straight away. First he put his coloring book and crayons under his bed. He took his pacifier and held in in one hand. Putting Sparkles under his arm, he took Annabeth's hand. He put himself to bed pretty fast. Annabeth didn't really do anything than stand awkwardly to the side. But she did decide one thing, putting his pacifier in his mouth. He seemed calmer with it, which was a good thing.

"You've got some explaining to do later, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth sighed, moving his hair slightly. Percy huffed and hide in his blanket. Annabeth took this as a sign and began to leave. But she stayed at the door for a second to say, "Nice dreams, okay? Let's try not to have some other prophecy or quest alright?"

Percy nodded as Annabeth left. He could explain later. He didn't want to. But he did own them an explanation. Right now he just needed sweet dreams, or the sweetest dreams he could have, and a nice, long nap.

Yay another chapter updated!

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