Little Jason, Nico, & Percy w/ CG Annabeth

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Requester: @shadowball5064   

"Hey Bubba?" Percy poked Annabeth's leg. "Can we have cookies?"

"No, cookies are for after dinner," Annabeth said. Percy huffed and went back to playing with his block. Jason was building with him. Or, beside him. Jason was trying to build a house while Percy was making a tower and knocking it down. Nico was cuddled beside Annabeth, watching TV. Nico looked up at her.

"Pease?" Nico asked.

"Would Will allow it?"

Nico huffed and went back to watching TV. No, Will always watched how many sweets Nico had. Jason paused his building.

"But what about one cookie?" Jason said, pushing his glasses up.

"Jason, not you too. You think Piper and Leo would want you to have a cookie before dinner?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah," Jason nodded. They do, unless it was really close to mealtime.

"Well- No. We're going to wait until after dinner," Annabeth said. Jason huffed and went back to cabin building. "Don't worry, I'm getting pizza for dinner."

"Pizza!" Percy cheered. Jason clapped his hands.

"I'll go order it now so that it comes by dinner time," Annabeth said as she got up. Nico moved to lie on the couch. "You three be good."

"Kay!" Jason and Percy shouted in unison. Nico signed yes.

"I say we get cookies," Jason said as soon as Annabeth was out of earshot.

"But she'll find out," Percy frowned. "She always does."

"Nuh-uh, Nico you should distract her!" Jason said. Nico looked confused. "Well, maybe bother her with coloring? Like, make her help you!"

"But no wanna color," Nico said.

"We'll get you a cookie," Jason said. Nico thought about it before nodding.

"Kay," Nico sat up.

"I help you. Percy, you wanna steal?" Jason asked.

"Yeah! I steal!" Percy nodded.

"Nothing's broken right?" Annabeth asked as she entered the room.

"Anna! Wanna draw," Nico said, kicking his legs.

"You wanna draw? Okay, I'll go get you some coloring supplies," Annabeth said as she looked through the bag Nico brought.

"I'm gonna go potty," Percy said as her back was turned, running into the kitchen.

"Alright!" Annabeth said as she set the stuff on the dinning room table, away from the blocks. "So what do you wanna draw?"

"Uhh, I dunno," Nico admitted. "What I draw?"

"Maybe an elephant?" Annabeth said.

"Yeah, elepant. What color?" Nico asked.

"Your choice," Annabeth said as she stood up.

"No! Stay," Nico grabbed her shirt.

"Stay? Alright," Annabeth sat beside him. "You choose a color."

"Umm, yewwow," Nico picked the color yellow.

"Hey Auntie, what's the fourth planet?" Jason asked, sitting behind her on the couch.

"Um, Mercury. No, Mars. It's Mars, Mercury is the first planet," Annabeth said, Nico tugged on her sleeve. "Yes, Neeks?"

"How draw elepant?" Nico asked.

"You want help?" Annabeth asked, Nico nodded. "Okay, first let's make a circle for the head."

"Hey Auntie, what's the fourth letter of the ABCs?" Jason asked.

"D," Annabeth said. "Okay, now an oval for the body."

"Hey Auntie, what's the . . . fourth color of the rainbow?" Jason asked, he was running out of ideas.

". . .Green," Annabeth took a minute to think. "Now for the trunk-"

"Hey Auntie-"

"Okay! I need to go check on Percy, he should have been back by now," Annabeth got up. "I'm going to go check on him."

"Drawing!" Nico whined loudly.

"I know, and I'll be back in a second to help you," Annabeth patted his head. "And I'll be back to answer all your questions."

Once Annabeth left the room Percy scurried back into the room. He had a big grin on his face as he handed the other two their cookies.

"Do you really not know how to draw elephants?" Jason asked Nico.

Nico shrugged, "Don't draw animals. Draw blobs wif eyes!"

"Ooh, sounds scary," Percy said as he ate his cookie.

"And how did you teleport over here? And what are you three eating?" Annabeth asked as she walked back into the room.

"Umm, nuffing," Percy said.

"Mhm, was this all planned?" Annabeth asked as she sat on the couch. 

"It was Jason's idea!" Percy pointed at Jason.

Jason gasped, "Snitch!"

"Well you three are very deceiving, don't do this again," Annabeth glared at them.

"I would never," Percy tried to look innocent.

"Yeah, yeah," Annabeth waved him off, but she smiled at his attempt.

"Help?" Nico pointed to his picture.

"Are you still being sneaky?" Annabeth looked suspicious. Nico shook his head.

"I help!" Percy offered, looking at Nico's picture. "Elephants have big ears, you've gotta give it ears!"

"Tay," Nico went back to his drawing. Jason returned back to his block building, sometimes making comments about the scenery for the photo, a cloud here, a sun there.

Annabeth smiled as they all bonded. Sure they were a handful at times, and sometimes it was stressful, but it was all worth it.

I hope you all enjoyed!! :D

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