Little Leo & Jason: Sick Day

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Prompt: ok, I was wondering if you could do one with little leo being looked after Percy or Jason while he's sick but he wants to be big and look after himself

Requested by @Dr_Pretty_Boi

Leo sniffed as Jason sighed. He refused to let Jason take care of him. He wanted to get changed himself, he wouldn't eat his food, and he wanted to take his medicine by himself. He kept on protesting that he was big enough but he obviously wasn't. And, he was sick. How fun for Jason.

"Leo, let me give you the medicine," Jason grumbled, trying to get Leo to open his mouth. Leo shook his head and tried to grab the medicine. He could take it himself! "Leo, no Buddy. Let me do it."

"Nuuuuuuuuuuuu," Leo whined, sneezing again. He had a fever of 101, so he felt terrible.

"Leo, let me help you. You won't get better if you don't let me help you," Jason said in a soft voice, earning a huff from the boy.

"'M big enouf," he insisted but let Jason pour the icky medicine into his mouth.

"Swallow it," Jason said. Leo did so with a 'bleh' and Jason gave him a sippy of water. "Good job, Baby. Was it icky?" Leo nodded. "Well I'm sorry."

Leo gave him a pout and tried to sit up. Jason gently pushed him back down and handed him his kitty stuffie. It was a ginger cat but it had some light burns on it.

"You need to rest-"

"'M big for myself!" Leo exclaimed, turning over to his side, back away from Jason. Some of his cabin mates laughed at how fussy Leo was towards Jason and Jason just glared at them. Jason turned his attention back onto Leo and gently rubbing his shoulder.

"I don't think so, Sweetheart-"

"Big," Leo grumbled.

"Let's not talk about that. But, you're sick and I have to have care of you," Jason said, putting Leo back onto his back. Leo continued his pouting as Jason tried to put a wet washcloth on his forehead.

"I do!" Leo insisted, trying to grab the cloth before going into a coughing fit.

"Oh buddy," Jason said sadly as Leo's eyes started to form tears. He wasn't feeling well, he didn't like it one bit. "I'm sorry, Hun. Let me just put this on," Jason said. Leo still tried to grab the cloth but Jason placed it on his forehead.

"Bu I do," Leo frowned.

"I know, Sweetheart. But right now I need to take care of you-"

"Bu big!"

"Well you may be big, but you're also sick. So I need to take care of you," Jason said, earning a glare from the young boy. Jason could already tell that today was going to be a hassle.

Oh boy was Jason right. Leo kept on trying to take his own medicine, wouldn't let Jason give it to him, tried to hit Jason once, made the bucket of water fall over, and threw his stuffie at Jason. The last one caused a melt down because he thought he hurt his stuffie, not caring at all about Jason. He also tried to get up a ton. Which was the worst because when Jason went to go refill the water bucket, Leo had run away. And since his cabin mates were finding joy in this, they didn't stop it. So he had to carry a fussy baby back.

"Last medicine! Last medicine of the day. I promise," Jason said as Leo squirmed away from him.

"Nu! Icky!"

Jason sighed and stared at the small cup of medicine. He obviously wasn't going to get far. And there was no way to force him to drink it. Leo knew by heart by now that it tasted terrible and water didn't wash it away.

"Honey Boo, please just take the medicine," Jason basically begged. Leo tried to grab the medicine again. This time Jason let him, but still held onto the cup. Maybe if he lets Leo take it himself and helps him, he won't fight him on being big.

Surprisingly this worked. It didn't come across Leo's mind that Jason was the only reason it made it into his mouth. All he knew was that he was holding onto the cup and it made it in his mouth. So he must of done it himself! Just like a big kid!

"Good job, Leo. You got it all into your mouth without spilling," Jason praised, making Leo smile. "Do you think we can try to take a nap now? We've had a pretty big day."

"Hmm, by myself?" Leo asked him. Big kids sleep by themselves, right?

"Sure. I'm going to tuck you in though, alright?" Jason asked. Leo nodded and cuddled up against his stuffie. Jason tucked him in and kissed his forehead, laying a cloth on it. He heard some snickers behind him and he glared at his cabin mates. Oh how lucky he was that Leo didn't have a tantrum and didn't set on fire again.

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