Little Percy w/ CG Hazel

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TW: Gabe flashbacks, hiding in closets, broken glass

"Hey Percy, can I copy your math homework?" Hazel asked as she peaked her head into his dorm. "I forgot to do mine, and it's due tomorrow- Percy?"

Hazel scanned the room, she couldn't see Percy anywhere. Was he out with friends? Or a date with Annabeth? No, his door was unlocked. He only did that when he was inside. Everything seemed in place.

"Percy? Where are you?" Hazel called out as she walked inside.

She continued to call out his name as she walked about. He wasn't anywhere! She sighed and looked back towards the front door. Maybe he forgot to lock it when he left? She'd have to lecture him about it later. And try and cheat off Frank, though he'd probably lecture her about her homework. 

Deep in thought, she heard small sniffles from the closet. Intrigued, she walked towards it. Did Percy get locked in? Was it even him in there? If not him, then who? The door seem to be locked.

"Percy?" Hazel asked as she opened the closet door.

Percy looked at her in tears. He was shoved in the corner,  hands over his mouth. He looked up at her almost in fear.

"Perc? Is everything okay?" Hazel knelt down. Percy shook his head. "Let's get out of the closet. It's cramped in here."

It took some coaxing, but Percy slowly crept out of the closet. He seemed to frantically be looking around the room.

"Percy, what's wrong?"

"Broke it! I- I broke a cup!" Percy explained, trying to whip his tears as fast as he could.

"Hey, Percy," Hazel gently grabbed his face. She gently wiped away his tears, lightly blowing in his face. "It's alright, just tell me what happened."

"I was getting a cup, but it was really heavy and it dropped. An it broke, Hazel, it broke! An I thought about when I broke tings and Gabe was around. So I tried hiding it! But when Gabe saw I hide tings, he got really scary and so I hide! I didn't mean to break it, Haz! I really didnt'! I'm sorry!" Percy started crying again.

"Percy, hey, hey, Gabe's not here anymore. He can't hurt you, he can't yell at you. He's not around and he's never going to come back," Hazel said as she pulled Percy into a tight up.

"I know, but it was so scary Haz! I thought . . . I thought. . . I could see him, Haz. I could imagine him right here."

"I know, I know. It's okay to be scared. But he's long gone. And no one else would have yelled at you for breaking your cup, I promise you. But are you okay? No cuts? Are you hurt at all?" Hazel asked as she began to check his hands.

"I'm okay," Percy said.

"You sure?" Hazel asked. Percy nodded in response. "That's good, can we check the glass spot?" Percy seemed tense at the question. "I have to make sure it's all cleaned up, that way you don't get hurt. It wouldn't be nice if you got hurt, right?"

"Mhm," Percy nodded again. He slowly walked Hazel towards the kitchen. He had placed a small carpet over it. Hazel didn't think anything about it when she first saw it.

"Okay, I'm going to clean this up. How about you put on some cartoons or play with some toys? I'll join you soon," Hazel said as she got the dustpan.

"I help you," Percy offered.

"No, no, you go play. You're much too little to be touching glass. It was an accident, I don't mind cleaning it up," Hazel said. Percy seemed taken aback at the response. He hadn't realized how little he felt.

"Not little!" Percy shook his head. "No! No I'm big-"

"Percy, it's alright. You felt all these big and scary emotions, you're allowed to be small, alright? Be as tiny as you want, I'm here. Big scary, smelly Gabe isn't here anymore," Hazel ruffled his hair. Percy giggled at the name. "What drink were you trying to get? I'll get you some."

"Juice," Percy said as he walked to the fridge. He got out apple juice. "Can I please help? Don't want you do to everything by yourself, Haz."

"If it'll make you happy, you can help me a little bit," Hazel said. Percy smiled widely, he liked helping his Momma as a kid. "You have a sippy cup, right? Can you choose which one you want?"

Percy got a sippy cup from the bottom cabinet, and Hazel helped filled it up with juice. Then he kept the pan in place while Hazel scooped up all the glass. Hazel was very nice with him, cooeing that he did a good job and how brave he is. The two of them were now crashed on the couch, Percy hugging her tightly.

"Whatcha wanna watch?" Hazel asked. "A movie? A show?" Percy shrugged. "Awh come on, Perc, I need more than that! Do you want me to scroll and you'll point at what you want?"

Percy nodded. They ended up watching Bluey. Percy was really glad Hazel was there, she was a really good big sister when he need her.

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