Big Brother . . .

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Request: Can you do something with Little!Connor? Connor being like 4 or 5 and getting (minor spoilers for ToA) really upset because he misses Travis his usual CG who is off at college? Maybe Annabeth, Percy, or Katie as the CG?
Request by @stollmyheart  

Little: Connor
Caregiver(s): Percy, Katie and Travis(Mentioned)
Relationship Status: Friends, Brothers for the Stolls

Connor huffed as he hugged his stuffie. It was a normal teddy bear that Travis had gotten him. But, Travis wasn't here. He was off at college. He basically left him here! He left him alone . .

Percy watched from the bed. He was watching Connor until Travis could again. Both were hanging out in his cabin. He was trying to read some book his mom had gotten him. But he couldn't help but see how upset Connor looked. He looked as if he was going to cry. He got up and walked over, kneeling beside him.

"Hey my Little Troublemaker," he smirked, putting his hand on Connor's shoulder. "You okay? You seem a little down."

"Hph," Connor pouted, turning away from him. Percy blinked and layed on the floor, looking at him. Connor looked down at him before looking away.

"You seem upset. Wanna talk about it?" Percy asked, pushing himself up with his elbows.

"No!" Connor exclaimed, slamming his hands onto the ground. Percy blinked before sitting up fully.


"No no no no!" Connor yelled as he viciously shook his head. He shoved his face into his stuffie. "No no no! Wan Trav! Wan Trav!"

Percy sat there, waiting for Connor to calm down. He was crying loudly, as well as screaming. He wasn't thrashing around, luckily, more of trying to make himself into a ball. He kept on shouting for Travis. If they were in the Hermes cabin Percy might of tried to calm him down. But he understood that once in a while you just need a good scream.

He waited patiently for Connor to stop. And it did, after a while. Like five minutes. Connor sniffed and slowly peaked at him. Percy smiled and reached over to him. He patted his head before pulling him onto his lap.

"I get you miss him. You've just gotta wait two more weeks and he can come see you. Until then, do you want Katie to watch you?" Percy asked as he rubbed Connor's back.

Katie sometimes watched Connor when Travis couldn't. If Travis couldn't watch Connor, Katie would fill in. Percy only started babysitting when Travis left. If Connor felt more comfortable having Katie watch him then he would be more than willing to drop him off.

"No!" Connor shook his head fearfully. "Wan you to watch me Perc! Peas! I be good!"

"Alright, alright!" Percy laughed as Connor death clung to him. "I'll watch you until Travis comes back. Hey, how about we head over to the Pegasus and hang out with Blackjack?"

"Can we feed him donuts!" Connor asked in an excited tone. Connor liked feeding Blackjack both in and out of his headspace. Usually to try and get him hyper and fly around causing chaos again.

Having a hyper Pegasus is something you didn't want in a camp of training teenagers.

"Why not?" Percy shrugged. Connor gasped and snuggled up to him. His earlier mood gone.

Travis might of not of been here, but he still had others that loved him.

- Guys I'm so sorry for not updating as much! I've been trying to get back into the PJO fandom and writing this I've gotta admit I kinda missed writing it. But I do apologize deeply for not updating in so long! Also, don't know if I write him correctly, but writing Connor was super fun!! -

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