Little Nico & Jason: Secrets

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Prompt: can you do one where Will is a little and he's with Lee??

Requested by @KatieTamaki    

This is more of a college AU than the actual story so some things might be changed. Example: The huntress of Artemis is a girl gang now, only saying this cause it's mentioned. No take backs.

Jason could tell that something was up.

It was easy. With Nico's words slipping, his words slurring, him being wobbly and using the rails in order to walk. The most thing had to been when he fell and scrapped his knee, when water works almost came. Whatever was happening to Nico, he wasn't too good at keeping it secret. But he also seemed scared, you could see it in his eyes. So Jason might of not know what was up, but he knew something was up. He also knew not to push until Nico decided to tell him what's up. Otherwise he'll probably go back to his dorm and denie everything. Plus ignore Jason for a little while.

The two were hanging around the city, going from different place to different place. Both the two were in college with their friends. They were suppose to have the others with them. But Percy and Annabeth went to Mrs. Sally's house. Leo and Piper went to some assessment park. Frank and Hazel went on some date. And Reyna wanted to go to the gym. Nico and Jason didn't have any other plans for today so they decided to continue their original plans. 

So far they went to the skate rank first early in the morning, skipping breakfast. Jason's skateboard kept on going in random directions when he crashed so it did hit a lot of people in the ankles. They were chill with it though, some people even offered to help him out. Nico kept on falling on his butt a lot but nothing too bad. But that didn't mean he didn't tear up every time. Next they roller skate area. They had a better time there. Jason participated with all of the little games there and Nico kept near the wall for support. They went to McDonalds for lunch before walking downtown to see if there was anything cool to do.

Nico was terrified. He didn't want to cancel the rest of the day because he couldn't push back his young headspace! That would unfair for Jason. But he felt little. Little little that was. And although he didn't want to tell Jason what he was, he needed to if he was going to if he was going to keep this up. That and he wanted to tell Jason. He was a close friend, and it might be nice to tell someone else. That didn't make him not scared to tell him though. The only other person who knew was Hazel, who happen to also be his roommate and caretaker. He knew Jason was accepting but this? It terrified him.

"J?" Nico asked him in a quiet voice. Oh gods, was he really about to do this?

"What's up?" Jason replied with a smile. It was comforting, to say the least.

"Talk?" Nico asked, pointing at an empty ally way.

"Uh, sure," Jason nodded, following Nico into the ally way. A bit sketchy but he brushed it off. He saw Nico fiddling with his pant pocket. Whatever he was going to tell him it was important. "What's up?"

"I'm gonna tell you somethin' important, kay?" Nico said seriously. Jason nodded and squatted down so that Nico didn't have to look up to him. "Do you know what a little is? Or Age Regression by chance?"

Jason took a second to think, which only made Nico's nerves heighten. Age Regression? Little? He's heard the terms somewhere. But he didn't know anything about it. From what he can guess by the name it's something about regressing back to a different age, right?

"Age Regression," he repeated. "Sort of. When you regress to a younger age?" Nico nodded. "Yeah. Little regress, caretakers watch over them, and I believe you can be a little and a caretaker at the same time? Maybe?"

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