Brat Bedtime

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~Hewwo my Little Beans!~

Today's Oneshot was requested by the amazing,


Little: Annabeth
Caregiver: Percy
Request: Can i request little! Annabeth gets a little bratty and caregiver! Percy deals with it?

I most certainly can! Let's get rolling!

Percy smiled as Annabeth played with some blocks on the floor. It was very entertaining to watch. Annabeth was always strategizing where to put what or what building would be what. He looked at his watch to check the time. 10:15! It was only a little past her bedtime. But if she didn't sleep, she was sure to be cranky in the morning!

"Alright Princess, it's beddy bye time now!" Percy exclaimed as he clapped his hands.

Annabeth continued to play with her blocks. Percy looked at her confused. Was she ignoring her? Or was her mind too focused on something for her to hear him? He assumed it was the second one and walked over.

"Heeeeey," he whispered, kneeling to her level and poking her cheek. "It's time for bed."

Annabeth continued to ignore him and played with her blocks. She was building a city, she didn't wanna go to bed! Percy frowned and poked her cheek again.

"Princess, it's time for bed."

"Why?" Annabeth asked, looking up at him innocently.

". . . . We're not playing this tonight," Percy stated. Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, Annabeth would play the why game. It was irritating and annoying. But, she got to stay up later because of it. Although it didn't happen often. Usually Annabeth was very well behaved and would always listen to what Percy said!


"Because it's not fun."


"Because it's irritating."


"Because- Hey, you can't get me to answer anymore questions!" Percy pouted as he crossed his arms. "You're gotta head to bed! Well, you have to brush your teeth first."

". . . Why?"

So she's really gonna push, huh?

"Because if you don't, you won't wake up energetic for the next day!" Percy exclaimed. Annabeth took a moment to think of a response. Percy thought he had her until she spoke again.

"What if I don't wanna get up early?"

"Well you've got me there," Percy said, scratching his head.

"So I can stay up!" Annabeth said excitedly.

"Wait, no. If you don't go to bed, you'll be cranky!" Percy said. Annabeth gasped and puffed out her cheeks.

"I am not cranky!"

"Oh yes you are! Look at how cranky you are!" Percy gasped, sitting down fully. Annabeth pouted and crossed her arms. "Oh look at my cranky little baby! She's so cranky!"

"Nu-uh!" Annabeth shook her head.

"Hmm, you wanna know what will make you not cranky? Going to bed," Percy smirked. He got up and picked her up. Annabeth tried to wiggle out but Percy had a strong grip. "Nope! No way you're getting out of this one!"

"I don't wanna to sleepy! Cause I'm not sleepy!" Annabeth whined as Percy set her on the bed.

"But if you don't go to bed, Mr. Rabbit will stay up with you! And if he stays up all night, then he'll be exhausted!" Percy said. Annabeth frowned. She had a soft spot for Mr. Rabbit, her bunny stuffie. She looked up at Percy sadly.

"Can't Mr. Wabbit go to bed without me?" she asked. Percy shook his head and handed her Mr. Rabbit.

"Mr. Rabbit only goes to bed when you go to bed, Sweetheart," Percy chuckled, ruffling herhair. "I'll even let you skip brushing your teeth. But only this once! Brushing your teeth is very, very important, or somethinglikethat. Anyways-!"

Percy flopped onto the bed, patting his chest. Annabeth looked at her blocks still on the floor before looking at Percy. She crawled over and cuddled over up to him. She wasn't going to pick that up, that's for sure. But Percy was okay with that fate. He put the blanket over them and kissed her head. As well as his little princess was safe, he wouldn't care what happened.

Hope you all enjoyed this oneshot. Any grammar mistakes or request you can always inform me of!

~Bye bye for now my Little Beans! Make sure to get a yummy healthy snack!~

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