Little Leo & Jason and Piper: Lost

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Prompt: can you do a little leo and cg jason and piper where they're shopping and leo gets lost?

Requested by  @HeScrem  

Kinda like a part two to Little Leo & Piper: Energetic.

"I can't believe he got you into buying him stuff," Jason smirked as he added a box of cereal to the shopping cart. A regressed Leo walked ahead of them, pointing out random things he thought were cool.

"Yeah yeah, keep your mouth shut," Piper elbowed him in the ribs. Jason grabbed his side, Piper had a hard hit sometimes.

"Ow," he mumbled. Piper smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you that hard."

"Ew! Affection!" Leo squeaked as he walked backwards. Piper rolled her eyes and Jason chuckled.

"Alright, we have to get a plushy-"

"Stuffie-" Leo cut Jason off. Smiling innocently afterwards.

"A stuffie, and a loaf of bread. Shouldn't be to hard to find. It is Walmart."

"Says the guy who got lost on a six minute drive," Piper coughed. Jason glared at her but continued to walk.

After a couple of minutes they found themselves in the toys area. Leo ran over to the stuffies, looking excitedly through them. Piper and Jason stood a few feet away.

"Only one, Monkey," Piper joked.

"Shark," Leo reminded her as he grabbed a small doggie plush. He squeezed it and giggled happily. He looked over at them, "Can I gets it pease!"

"Sure," Piper nodded. Leo ran over to her and squeezed her.

They continued to walk, this time Leo was behind them. He stopped and looked at something. When he got a little bit distracted, playing with the object. But when he looked up to tell the others about it, they were gone.

Leo didn't know where to go. Piper and Jason weren't there anymore. He looked down the isle but he couldn't see them. He didn't remember where the bread was either. He whimpered and hugged his stuffie, looking around.

Jason and Piper didn't notice Leo was gone. They chatted slightly while still making their way towards the bread section. When they got there, they started arguing about what kind to get.

"White bread, it's the best toast come on," Jason scoffed as Piper held up Whole Wheat.

"Hell no! Best sandwiches right here! Leo, what do you think?" Piper asked, turning around to nothing. She put the bread back and walked down the isle. Looking around to see if he walked away from them to look at something nearby. Oh crap.

"Don't tell me-"

"Jason we lost the child!" Piper exclaimed, running back over to her. "I promised Chiron I wouldn't loose anymore!"

"Calm down, I'm sure he's nearby looking at something. Maybe he's playing a game with us? Like hide and seek," Jason assumed. He didn't quiet believe it himself but that wasn't the issue right now.

"Can the friends on Leo Valdez please come to the lost and found? I'll repeat, can the friends of Leo Valdez come to the lost and found please?" A person asked over the coms.

Jason and Piper stared at each other before basically running over to the lost in found.

Leo was there, sitting on the ground. He was pouting and teary eyed. Piper ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug.

"You left me," he said sadly, giving her a strong hug back.

"I know, I'm sorry. We thought you were right behind us," Piper apologized, kissing his forehead.

"You alright, Little Man?" Jason asked as he helped Leo get up. He stayed right between the two, clutching onto his new friend, or stuffie, tightly.

"Mmh," Leo grunted, looking at the ground.

"How about as a sorry, we get you some candy?" Piper offered.  Leo looked at her and nodded happily.

"Bribing children doesn't always work, you know," Jason sighed as Leo grabbed onto Piper's sleeve. Making sure not to stray away from the group this time.

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