Little Leo w/ CG Piper

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Requester: @SimpingCurrently

Little: Leo

CG: Piper

Leo watched the time tick on. Class was so long, even if it was usually easy. But that was the problem, the work was usually easy. Right now, it felt so difficult. They were learning logarithms. Some were simple, some were difficult, but right now all of them felt extremely difficult! He felt small, he had felt small since lunch. And the more he stared at the words, the more his head felt fuzzy. But he couldn't show it! He'd get made fun of. Even if he was decent with a majority of the kids, some didn't like him. He was known as the jokester, but sometimes they tried pushing him around.

"Mr. Valdez," the teacher sighed. "I can guarantee you that the clock is working."

Piper frowned as Leo looked sheepish. She knew how this go through. Whenever the teacher caught a student slacking, he'd make them do a problem. But she wasn't worried, she knew Leo knew his stuff!

"Now, what is 2log 4?" the teacher asked.

Leo stared at the problem. He probably could have solved this in a heartbeat if he didn't feel all fuzzy. 2log 4? He couldn't remember the formula.

But if he stayed silent, his teacher would make him come up and do it in front of the class! He'd have to take a guess.

"Um, dis many?" Leo raised two fingers.

". . . Valdez I know you know words. How many is that?" the teacher asked. There were some snickers at that.


"Wrong, the answer is log(16)," the teacher said as he wrote it on the whiteboard. "Pay attention next time instead of looking at the clock. And stop using that voice, I know you know how to speak properly. So childish."

The entire class started laughing. Leo tried to put on a joking front, nudging others and acting as if he meant it on purpose. And most students believed him. Once it all settled down, everything went back on track. 

Though Piper could tell Leo was trying not to cry. For the rest of the class, he stared at his desk, tears falling from his eyes. It felt like forever for the bell to ring. Piper ran over to Leo, kneeling beside him.

"Dude, you okay?" Piper asked.

"Dey all laughed," Leo frowned. "All of them."

"I didn't laugh," Leo nodded. 

"Leo . . . Let's head back to your dorm. We can hang out or something," Piper offered. Jason had something to do after school, and Piper didn't want her roommate to see him when he seemed out of it.

"Kay," Leo mumbled.

Leo got up from his seat. Piper helped him back all his stuff. She couldn't fully tell what was wrong, but she knew Leo didn't seem good. Maybe he was sick? Or stressed? Piper leads him out of the classroom.

"Do you wanna do homework together? Or watch something?" Piper asked.

"I dunno," Leo shrugged.

"Awh, is wittle Leo still spweaking baby?" some kid said as they walked pasted.

"Just keep your head up high," Piper whispered.

"What? Are you ignoring me?" the kid asked. "Psh, geez it's just a joke, dude. I know you'd never actually speak like a baby . . . Unless you do."

"Leave him alone," Piper said.

"Oh my goodness, the Leo speaks baby talk!" the kid laughed. Some of the kids wearily watched them, preparing for a fight or not. The teacher was long gone, ready to get off work.

"Yeah, how else could he speak to you?" Piper nudged Leo.

"Yeah, you- you uptight base-court barnacle!" Leo exclaimed. The boy was . . . taken back by the childish insult. Some kids laughed at the insult, not expecting it either. Even Piper held back a laugh.

"Yeah!" Piper agreed. 

She quickly grabbed Leo's arm and ran towards the hall.

"What the hell, Valdez?!" the kid shouted at them, but they were long gone.

"Dude, what kind of insult was that?" Piper laughed as they got to Leo's dorm. She used his key and lead him inside. "That was hilarious! I've never heard an insult like that before."

"I'm sorry," Leo looked at the floor.

"For what?" Piper asked, locking the door behind her.

"For feeling small," Leo frowned.

"Oh, is that what was happening?" Piper asked. Leo nodded. "Hey, I could never get upset at you for slipping, even at school. But are you okay?"

"Everyone laughed Pipes!" Leo began to cry. "Twice!"

"Hey, shh, it's okay. Oh my baby, they weren't laughing at you. They thought you were funny, that's all!" Piper squashed his cheeks. "It was nothing about you, they thought you were purposely making the teacher upset. And your insult was so funny."

"But I should have known da problem!" Leo huffed.

"Hey, I know you're a math wize, but it's alright to mess up sometimes. I thought the answer was three," Piper said, making Leo smile.

"Really?" Leo looked awed.

"Really! You don't need to be perfect, and no one's going to care by next week," Piper kissed his forehead.

"But that kid sits in front of me," Leo said. Sometimes they had to partner together.

"And I sit beside you," Piper said. "If he says anything, I'll kick his butt!"

Piper punched the air, making Leo giggle. She lead him over to the bed, making him sit down. Then, she grabbed the pacifier she knew he kept in his drawer. She handed it to Leo and then sat beside him.

"Wanna read some spiderman comics?" Piper asked, pointing towards his 'secret stash under the floorboard. Couldn't have them found when the teachers came in for sweeps. Leo nodded and put his pacifier in his mouth, jumping toward the floor. Maybe not everyone was very nice to him today, but Piper was.

Hi :3
Hope you all enjoyed!! :D

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